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My great granddad died hanging on the barbed wire. Show some espect mate
"they have become our sons as well"
hmmm a bit much tbqh
>They have become our sons as well
Was Gallipoli on par with the [x] battle of Isonzo tier fuck up?
Ataturk is literally /our/ guy
>t. roach
Why does that speech sound familiar?
because youre 4% sub human roach monkey
Ataturk is the antithesis of the modern antisecular roach
No it's in a song
I guess Turks do have souls after all.
My great granddad disagrees with you ya fuckin cunt
>le aussie internet monkey
Fuck off.
That's why your gramps died on the barbed wire while based hapa Billy Singh murdered roaches by the dozens
Ataturk is one of the best leaders of the 20th century you faggot
gets me every time
We have soul food.
I otta fuckin step on you ya fuckin insect cunt
>a moment before charging an Ottoman trench
What a photo..
Why do crackers worship our leaders?
like rotting wood and flies?
Neither were you koala-fucker.
I just thought it was a decent memorial you /pol/tards
Cause theyre dim cunts whose great granddads didnt get their ribs blown to shit by british artillery
Fuckin wank your mum ya dim fetus cunt
anyone have the poem by the brit who was pro-war but died on this campaign? Was really good.
If any of you love ataTÜRK come to my thread
that's a nice gesture, Gallipoli was a fucked battle all the way around
delete this
t. Churchill
Wait until Erdogan tears it down and builds a mosque on the site - six minarets, of course.
Ataturk really was /ourguy/, and he should be shown more respect.
He genuinely tried to reform roach-y with a singular curriculum, nationalism, and centralized leadership with Western parliamentary roots.
Young Turks & Tanzimat BTFO
>Reading book about the demise and fall of the Ottoman Empire
>Bit during the Gallipoli campaign
>Some Aussie soldier gets stuck in trench with wounded Turk
>Give him a ciggy, patch him up and give him a drink
>Turk gets rescued and Aussie gets captured
>Other Turks start treating Aussie like shit, hitting him
>Turkbro he helped intercedes on his behalf, tells officer what Aussie did for him
>Officer pulls Aussie aside and thanks him for his treatment of Turk soldier
>Shakes his hand, says in broken English "you are good man English, you help him when he hurt"
>ANZAC goes to prison, men never see each other again
War sucks mane, this was the only time a book actually made me shed a tear, I'm conveying it fairly poorly but it was genuinely touching to me.
>Are you not Hellenes?
>No, we are Romans.
fuck off retard
This was a good thread
whites are absolutely retarded
Checked. All men truly are brothers.
he made it up
we would never help crackers
I was really wondering when I'd get a chance to post these voice clips I made. Now seems like the prime opportunity.
Whats with the tiny golden head
Holy shit, that second one there.. That is the exact story I was talking about!
your gramps died so you could scream like an abo to yanks over the internet
>Le epic
Why are the bottom corners missing? Did someone steal them or did the Turks run out of budget?
The what??? Whahappend
Is this some kind of SICK JOKE to you huh? Do you think it's some kind of ironic justice that he died during campaign but was pro-war? FUCK YOU, I bet you are self hating white liberal communist pinko college professor Jew arab transsexual trying to get us to hate our ANCESTORS
Something the Brits would never do. They built a Harris memorial in the fucking 90s
Sabaton used lines from Ataturks speech in their song about Gallipoli.
life really is a sick joke sometimes. probably doesn't mean anything
Me on the bottom, kneeling.
>sorry guys, I twisted my ankle, good luck to you!
I wonder why so few soldiers do that.
They should've stayed away from the turdlers, oh srry was it turklers? no, turks.
me on the bottom
>in an army renowned for their courage and mateship, why didn't more guys just sit out the fight?
Well gee, stumps me
>...entire group got mowed down like cattle
>t. brainlet