>Colonialism is bad
Colonialism is bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>Colonialism is capitalism
>Monarchism is capitalism
>Capitalism depends on some countries being poor
Depends on what kind of colonialism.
t. Leopold II
Shit, i checked this board for the first time yesterday and it's so filled with bait like this, worst board I've been on outside of /pol/
It's bad when you're being colonized.
>It's bad when you're being colonized.
Hey man, I'm not arguing against what happened, but it would suck if an invading force that's technologically far more superior then you comes up and says this is my land; You fight, you die. They'll take your women, they'll take your land, they'll take your kid for slave labor, you may get put into a zoo and laugh at till the day you die, and you may actually get eaten by one of them since you're not considered a human in their eyes. It sucks using spears and war clubs when they've got guns and artillery.
>you may actually get eaten by one of them
>t. coward
Its better than letting them act like tribal savages
>genocide and subjugation is okay if you force "progress" on them
You're right, my mistake. No cannibalism, since the Chinese didn't colonize, but the Belguims did do a number on the Congolese.
You didn't read my post did you. I stated that if YOU were the inferior person being colonized, then it would fucking suck to be you. Instead, you projected that I was insinuating some form of white guilt and then call me a coward, because you can't read. How about brushing up on your English, or go shitpost elsewhere.
>Colonialism is good
I'll just leave this here.
>colonialism should of been permanent
t. leopold
>You're right, my mistake.
>history before the 18th century isn't completely made up
would you be ok with being colonized?
He probably thinks he'd be handpicked as one of the "chosen" who only get slightly less shit on.
Belgians actually decapitated people and stuck their heads on spikes.
What they like is irrelevant. Its a punishment.
dont forget seasoned with hickory and butter before serving them for weddings and birthdays
So if a country you had treaties and good relations with shat on you and forced you to become a colony against your will, is that punishment?
>if you were a country....
just shut up. And as an added bit, I built everything myself. If they did that they wouldn't need to be civilized. And my homelands, all of them, have been colonized in the past because they needed it to survive in this world.
>Belgians actually decapitated people and stuck their heads on spikes.
Weren't a bunch of these atrocities commited by the natives recruited by the belgians though? I mean Force Publique wasn't a majority white force by any means.
This is objectively true though.
>implying Congolese are humans
The DRC is one of the top five hellholes on this planet.
>t. Reddit
>Burger saying colonialism is good
>despite country being based on it being bad
>make thread only about cringe-worthy memes
>call other people reddit
>make thread only about cringe-worthy memes
>call other people reddit
Colonialism is directly responsible for the massive population growth in Africa. We should have left these god damn niggers to themselves.
>Colonialism is directly responsible for the massive population growth in Africa.
>colonialism was good
>me youse brainlet 2 luk smart!
No that's just western cucks that send them money in aid packages while stealan diamonds 'n shiieet
It's not. See: the fast development of poor countries, particularly post-Mao China
As a citizen from a colonized country, I disagree.
>"stealing" diamonds
lol. Who exactly owns those diamonds?
A majority of countries, particularly Asian countries, that were not colonized are better off than those around them that were.
Examples: China compared to India, Thailand compared to Vietnam, Japan compared to Malaysia, Iran compared to Iraq, Turkey compared to Egypt, etc.
The whole earth save china was colonized or exterminated. Because china was already a colonizer so God left them some honor.
India was colonized by the Muhguls before the British.
>A majority of countries, particularly Asian countries, that were not colonized are better off than those around them that were.
It doesn't surprise me that Turkey was better off compared to Egypt... seeing as the Turkey literally colonised Egypt.
How so?
It is quite clear if you compare their development indexes and economies with neighboring colonized countries.
I suppose one counter to my claim would be Singapore.
Which was then colonized by the English.
>How so?
Retard alert en.wikipedia.org
Mughals are turkicks from central asia.
>all these brainlet reaction images