Why were the Weimar Republic's state borders virtually the same as the old Empire's? Seems weird to give Prussia all that power.
Why were the Weimar Republic's state borders virtually the same as the old Empire's...
Prussia united the Empire, can't completely destroy their state. Even if they did the new states would still be thoroughly Prussian in all aspects of sociopolitical context . Also the war was never fought on Prussian soil anyway, hard to break up something that wasn't damaged
because the weimar republic was just the same country and it was never actually called the weimar republic
Cause despite Stormfront larping, the Allies of WW1 were very easy on them. France wanted Germany permanently disassembled and annexed, but Britain and by extension the US, were interested in keeping Germany strong enough to have a good trading partner.
I thought it was because they wanted a considerable buffer between Britain and Bolshevik Revolutionary Russia, as well as a convenient ground zero that leaves it and France relatively untouched from socialist reformation speak.
they created poland as the buffer between the bolsheviks and the west, UK and US wanted Germany as a trading partner to deescalate future war, but the French were too butthurt and Hitler's dick was too tiny and insecure for a successful future
>UK and US wanted Germany as a trading partner
Why? If they wanted its resources, they could've just had Germania annexed by France, the Netherlands, and Britain under the banner of Empire.
Interesting contrast to the British attitude following WWII, where Britian was still against reuniting east and west Germany in 1990.
Doing that would have caused a war faster than it naturally occurring
I guess the Allies went too hard on these ungrateful scum. I think the Allies should have partition to Germany and exterminated all the Germans for waging a war of aggression against the Allies in World War 1. What a bunch of ungrateful little shits the Germans were after World War 1. We let them keep their territory and they still weren't grateful enough.
Different Circumstances. German exceptionalism is a real thing and a united Germany would be a very powerful nation with pretty much nothing holding them back unlike Versailles in 1919-1933
a strong german economy with trading ties to the west is one way of creating a buffer between western europe and bolshevism. as it happened weimar politicians and military establishment collaborated with the USSR in joint army exercises and other types of collaboration to skirt around the issue of versailles restrictions
>they could've just had Germania annexed by France, the Netherlands, and Britain under the banner of Empire.
because they believed in free trade and self determination (to the degree it didn't interfere with french and anglo interests in the saar and in africa, for example)
The state itself was still the same German Reich founded in 1871 but with a slightly modified legislative body, since Vers*illes didn't make any significant demands regarding the internal politics of the Reich there was no reason to change it up all that much
Weimar Republic is a pretty huge misnomer in that regard, Hitler for example governed mostly based on the 1919 Reich constitution drafted at Weimar yet on commiepedia they always conflate it into separate entities as if Weimar and natsoc Germany were two different states despite them being one and the same under international law
>France wanted Germany permanently disassembled and annexed
how would it look like?
They should have restored Saxon, Bavarian, Silesian etc. monarchies and make them independent after the WWII
And get rid of Germany all together
>They should have restored Saxon, Bavarian, Silesian etc. monarchies and make them independent
That's what Napoleon did after Austerlitz and Germany still unified anyway.
tfw we dont live in the timeline where the Roosevelt Plan actually happened
The difference is that Napoleon lost in the end.
Bad analogy.
>doesn't contain Prussia or even the West Prussia
>because I didn't kill you, you should be happy I cut off your leg
that's a wh*Teoid g*rmboo eduaction for you
>that giant prussia
Fucking disgusting
It would've just united later anyways
they would have re-united. you would have to garrison foreign armies in Germany permanently to stop nationalist uprisings. it wouldn't work.
france didn't want to break up germany though
So why did Austria not unify with Germany?
Only the two countries, each named Germany, did.
>German exceptionalism
That's not a thing. Exceptionalism is reserved to the US
It's not even the first...
French nationalists really knew how to make european borders much better.
[citation needed]
However, you probably meant that that wasn't the official name, as the constitution said "Das deutsche Reich ist eine Republik".
But it was already called Weimar Republic at the time of its existence, just like the "Bonner Republik" (BRD before the fall of the GDR)
Because Austrians are filthy degenerates even by German standards and no one wanted to associate with them
The opposite is the case
Austrians called themselves German for hundreds of years, until the end of WWII
They saw that Germans are the true subhumans who ruined Europe