What is your opinion on the confederacy Veeky Forums?

what is your opinion on the confederacy Veeky Forums?

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Funny watching all their monuments get torn down.

traitors/ conquered people who got off lightly and need to quit their bitching


>the confederacy
you'll have to be more specific

Still sore, whiny losers 152 years later.

It was a real bad idea

General Sherman should have been given control of the southern states, love seeing fat red neck tears. Happy to know my bloodline comes from men who fought against these gray coated, shoeless, dirty, penniless traitors

I love all of sherman's retarded quotes where he desperately tried to justify ruining half of the country

t. butthurt northern mantlet

didn't even need to justify it, treason was punishable by death in those days. Jefferson Davis should have been hung in the unfinished Senate building

how is one butthurt when they win the war?

I'm sure that wouldn't have encouraged further acts of rebellion.


and we would have burned down the south all over again

In the end they were all Americans. I respect all soldiers that fought in the Civil War.

>putting local interests over foreign interests of heavily centralized government

>ruining half the country
>by winning a war the other side started over sensationalist autism in the most logical way possible

"wah wah wah muh honor 1v1 me at Bull Run again Unionist." Go home Cletus

>the South started the war
>this is what Northern brainlets believe

I wish I could stop seeing his battle flag all the time. I could understand if I was actually south of the Mason Dixon line, but I live in Upstate New York.

Agrees. The North should have just moved Fort Sumter when the South were doing their artillery drill.

i hope this is b8 and you don't actually believe the north started it

>Illegally Rebel
>Fire first shots
>talk mad shit
>get mad when the North claims what's theirs
Southerners love to talk about Abe bending the constitution but somehow completely forget the core of the Constitution is the Supremacy Clause

I hope you don't actually believe continuous occupation of the south after they had declared secession wasn't an act of agression

>Maryland and Delaware Barbarians
I've heard Delawareans are pompous cunts but never barbarians.

t.antifa fag

no just a real american

I hope you don't actually believe secession itself wasn't an act of aggression

you have to remember, the states that make up the CSA have the lowest IQ's in the entire country

>South secedes
>North doesn't bother to remove their troops
>gets attacked
>wtf why did the South attack our occupying troops

he was with the image

Best thing to happen to America is the Confederacy dying, and I say that as someone who can join the Sons of the Confederacy.

>illegal to secede from the union, doing so is considered an act of aggression
>union keeps soldiers stationed in the land that belongs to federal US gov
>Cletus and friends attack their own nation's soldiers, cry when the entire army and population is unleashed and wipes them out
>continue to complain 150 years later when it's entirely your fault
I'm sorry you and your family are literal losers, its okay we let you back in to help win the WWs

Was it illegal for the 13 colonies to secede from England?

Since this thread is already infected with Yankee cancer I'm just gonna improve it by dropping my drawfag request here.

Pregnant Anne Frank passionately making out with a Confederate color bearer as Abradolf Lincler fumes with rage in the background.

Unironically the best post of this thread

Of course it was. The American Revolution was entirely caused by pissed off colonists breaking the law and attacking English troops rightfully defending their colony, something I can admit. It's sad you can't admit you started a war because you lost it.

The colonies won. You didn't you fucking loset and should be thankful Sherman had some restraint. I would have killed all fighting age men in the South, let the niggers have their way with your women and come back 10 years later to actually build America not North Mejico in that shithole.

I'm from NY bub, I'm not a southerner. I just really don't like this talk of legality. Name one rebellion that was legal.

I've seen negros flying it in Alabama.

Do you live in AL?

>actually build America
>with a bunch of octoroon rape babies
The South would be WORSE if Sherman had no restraint. It'd be Continental Haiti instead of North Mexico.

Lets be real, it was never going to be viable for a country to be administered from across the Atlantic ocean during the age of sail. As soon as parliament gave up on "leave them alone" as a policy, revolution became inevitable.

TL;DR No taxation without representation


no rebellions are legal, which is why the union "occupied" their own land and apparently started the civil war, a very very incorrect statement. The union did not want war, why would they want to attack their own citizens?

the rebellion was the most retarded thing americans have ever done.

or would be very developed because the majority of the white racists that did everything in their power to destroy free blacks would all be dead, allowing blacks to take their economic place and the nation would keep going on

You can teach mullatos how to work and be respectful and a genuine human being. Shit, they can even become presidents and start bombing brown people under the guise of democracy and peace. I wouldn't trust an Alabama man with high school chemistry set because he'd likely start making meth. Also, at least niggers got good teeth

My point is that the legality of it is irrelevant. Even a just rebellion is illegal.

So why didn't this happen in Haiti or all of Africa?

The south lost the war, the statues should not have gone up in the first place

Have you ever asked them why they do?

I'm just curious to know if it's just because the rebel flag is so ubiquitous in the Deep South that they see it in the same way most people view the American flag (such a common sight in the United States that most just don't really see as offensive even if they are adamantly opposed to the American government), they see it as just a "country" thing and don't associate it with the political entity that it spawned from (the Confederate States of America), or if it's because they actively identify with their white neighbors.

I mean, Canada was a success, as was New Zealand. New England just hated England enough to tell them to fuck off already

So the south hates Hitler and love Jews?

No civilized educated industrious disciplined law abiding people to keep them in line. Also, Africa makes people lazy. I ain't even shitting, the weather is not industriousness-friendly.

yeah your totally right, because the US has been a superpower for nearly 100 years and England can barely hold onto their colonies in the isles

Irregardless secession is an act of aggression

>No civilized educated industrious disciplined law abiding people to keep them in line.
And what civilized, educated, industrious, disciplined law-abiding people would be in your post-Sherman-lead-genocide octoroon filled south?


>this coming from the country that erected a 400 foot wall listing every soldier who was killed by the Vietnamese Jungle Monkeys to line Bell Helicopters pockets

Americans you dumbfuck, anyone from the north would jump at a chance to build businesses in the South after they're destroyed

Do we really need to ask this question?

The ones from the North silly.

What about all the native american statues?

>anyone from the north would jump at a chance to build businesses in the South after they're destroyed
They're called carpetbaggers and that happened in real life and the South still sucks.

also, did you forget bringing slaves in was illegal and the majority of the slaves in the south were there for generations, by this point having US customs ingrained in there culture as well?

Business that sell to whom, scorched plantations hosting poor sharecroppers and newly freed slaves in the most advantageous, parasitic way possible?

because they got kicked out by the southerners who wanted their power back

Industry employing the mulattos. Businesses selling shit to said mulattos. Almost like real economies.

maybe build some industry in the south like the north had instead of just digging dirt like a dago

Asian here. It's strange that Northern whites were willing to kill their own race to help negro's. What's wrong with white's? Is it excessive compassion driven by Christianity?

Because they're nigger loving subhumans who belong in the gas chamber themselves

The alternative was ripping the country in half.

So blackd need people to keep them in line. What was the point of the civil war then?

No, slavery was.
The US is founded on its ideals of liberty and equality, which anyone can undermine by pointing to the three-fifths compromise. Never mind that we've progressed past that era and the culture responsible for it is largely dead; its existence in the Constitution provides cynical identitarians all the grievance ammunition they need.

At some point you'll realize race isn't really a big deal and slavery is all around immoral, but that time won't come for a while for you zipper head

Almost, save it benefits none of your potential workers and serves the industry tycoons and rich investors, who could give a good rat's ass about the ethicacy of it all. They're there to make money off of cheap labour.
Who's going to grow the cash crops?

If they'd just let the South go they'd still have both coasts and wouldn't have to deal with the apparent existential nightmare of a white male President. It probably would have been a better deal for both parties.

sorry you're poor and have no hope, I can help you but I won't because you won't help yourself and living in the north actually requires a good job and income

I disagree, at some point the slaves would rise up or the economy would go to shit without the industry in the north. The south needs the north more than the north needs the south, they were just too fucking stupid to realize that

It's kind of sad and funny that German immigrants were enthusiastic Union supporters. Then the US btfo their country some decades later and wiped out German American culture. Some gratitude!

Well sure, the Confederacy would have to either deport or genocide their slave population or suffer an Afro-Marxist revolution in the future, but at least they'd be solving these problems on their own, by the methods of their culture.

Also, optimistically they might have been able to gradually phase out slavery without devastating their financial industry the way the war did.

Yeah one of them lived in the same dorms as me in college. Black guy with a big truck and a rebel flag flying in the back. I asked him why, he basically said he just identified with the whole country/rebel culture.

>the Confederacy would have to either deport or genocide their slave population or suffer an Afro-Marxist revolution in the future

Turtledove plz go or at the very least include pregnant Anne Frank in your next novel.

An early member of Hitler's Inner Circle was a cousin of Union general John Sedgwick (the one who was decapitated by Confederate sharpshooters at Spotsylvania Court House after saying they couldn't hit an elephant at that distance).


That's right fuckers. The descendant of a Yankee general if part of the reason we can't have pregnant Anne Frank irl.

Grew up in nova now been in delaware for four years. They are boring. It's this odd slice of midwest America in between Joisey/new England/NYC/Philly northerners and the proper south. Nothing bad from delaware, it's just very boring and more southern than maryland or Northern Virginia for some reason.

Maryland is definitely barbarians though.

What even goes on in Delaware? That place confuses the fuck out of me why does it even exist

It's not like there was anything in the South worth ruining.

Tax evasion

It's one of the oldest states. But America is weird, on one hand you have these microscopic states like Delaware and Vermont and on the other hand you have monstrosities like California which should really be balkanized.

>Yankee bitching about Georgia railroads
I seriously doubt they were anywhere as bad as he claims, considering Atlanta was originally named Terminus due to its rail system. Atlanta has always been a major power in transportation even through today due to having the most populous airport in the world along with the crosspoints of I-20, I-75 and I-85; coincidentally making Atlanta a high density drug trafficking area.

This was an enourmously interesting read. Where is it from?

No, it's true. Freehling also mentions the catastrophic state of antebellum southern railroads in Road to Disunion.

I live the catastrophic state of Georgia interstate systems daily, so I suppose it's plausible. I guess I should be grateful that Sherman ripped 480km of railroad up and completely razed my state aside from the coast. Does he mention anything about Savannah?

jesus Christ, it's been 150 years, stop bitching.

great! lets burn down all native american shelters since they lost


if niggers can bitch about slavery, I can bitch about sherman you fag

I will never understand the southerner obsession with slavery, abolitionism was inevitable and had the South got their way the only thing they would've accomplished is import more sub-saharan blacks and turn the entire Southeast into a Brazil 2.0.

But hey if you wanna doom your own state go right ahead.

Don't listen to the other idiots. The American "Civil War" was a race war between the planter aristocracy of the south, which was mostly of Norman descent, versus the Anglo-Saxon Puritans in the north, who were slaves for centuries under Norman aristocratic rule in England. It was revenge for 1066.