Do black nationalists really try stealing other peoples history?
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yeah, they are more retarded than stormfags
we wuz moors too
wuz Othello Venetian Generral nigga
There is nothing of note to steal.
Historical version.
They actually were moors.
>posting the censored version
All nationalists try stealing others history. When your whole ideoalogy revolves around "We da best ever". You seek to claim the awesome achievements of others.
Example: I see Nordic and Black supremacists both saying WE WUZ ROMANS N SHEIIT."
>berbers are black
These two are new to me.
I knew about Kangs but not these.
The difference is nordics are white and have ties to the roman empire.
>Example: I see Nordic supremacists saying WE WUZ ROMANS N SHEIIT."
This is a meme.
They're octaroons. Modern North Africans have up to 10-15% Sub-Saharan admixture in them. Although this could have been different during antiquity.
Nordics and Romans are at least both indo European and from the same continent
No, not at all. Some, most slaves or slave warriors.
Berbers arent black mate.
> I see Nordic and Black supremacists both saying WE WUZ ROMANS N SHEIIT."
Only seen blacks do this. And Nordics at least have ties with romans unlike africans.
You will one day wake up and realise how important nationalism is for the world.
No, white nationalists do
That's because between the late 15th-19th-early twenties century they had a shit load of black slaves. Earlier they had some (most notable the Almhoades) but during the 16th century it was nuts.
In a way they are, but it's like saying Jamaicans are anglo.
>Nordics at least have ties with Romans unlike africans.
Yeah they destroyed it.
Because the Moroccan kings invaded and conquered Songhai right.
why would black nationalist post somethign really really gay like this? Are they all gay or something?
you've never seen the black israelites?
It's probably gay porn
"we wuz mozart" is just a meme posted by some guy with mozart shooped to be black. i don't think that one is actually real.
beethoven is the one some actually try and argue was black or moorish or some shit.
>And Nordics at least have ties with romans unlike africans.
You say this like Tunis and the surrounding area didn't become Romanized after being ruled by Rome for so long. Also Egypt. Also this "tie" that you speak off with the Nordics is that the Nordics destroyed Western Rome and constantly made trouble for Byzantium afterwards.
>i don't think that one is actually real.
Jesus, Tom Jones, Mozart, Henry 8th, Shakespeare were all black. Abe Lincoln is still up for debate
Most nationalists do this, it is due to an eternal inferiority complex that pushes them to go to great lengths for attention. The type behaviour can be seen throughout history with G*rmans, pisslamists, Amerimutts...
>muh aryan heirs of elite civilizations
>muh yuropeen heritage, nigga
>aleleleleleyyy leyyy insallah
To be fair so do some white nationalists
say something about Central Asia again
But he never mentioned central asia you retarded mongol spawn
Berbers are only White or even olive skinned in the Northernmost coast of the Maghreb. Everywhere else they are Black or Brown.
He's denying that the Greeks, Persians, Aryans, and Tarim-Basin Nomads were Indo-Europeans, I'm surprised he has enough brain cells to say anything at all.
>Also this "tie" that you speak off with the Nordics is that the Nordics destroyed Western Rome and constantly made trouble for Byzantium afterwards.
Completely wrong you swarthy subhuman.
>central Asia irrelevant to Persian and Iranian history
>also completely irrelevant as regards India, sanskrit, and Vedic religion
muh silk road
>this amount of butthurt shitskins
Just acknowledge the Aryan supremacy, shitskin peasants.
But he didn't mention central asia
>inb4 wewuz everything
Ayo hol up wut you finna say
>ywn be a nomadic scythian, roaming central asia while raiding greeks and persians
why live?
>reading comprehension
If romans were medshits, they would have spoken some virgin etruscan-tier language insted of a glorious Nordid-made Indo-European Latin tongue.
But he didn't mention central asia, nigger. Now take your out of africa-tier autism back to /pol/.
>Sulla was red-blond,[35] blue-eyed, and had a dead-white face covered with red marks.[36] Plutarch, the ancient historian, notes that Sulla considered that "his golden head of hair gave him a singular appearance".[37]
So we wuz Romanz n shiet? Ayo wait til I tell muh niggah Hans bout dis
At least you reply to me in a broken English, because if you didn't I would have said you are cuck because you speak a language created by Nordics :)
>"a" broken english
>you are cuck
You just played your self, snownigger.
But you donĀ“t
there are multiple forms of broken English dumbass
Nice try
My native language derives from the Corded Ware Culture, which was Nordic as well :)
My native language is even more archaically Indo-European (Nordic) than English.
Egyptians were Black get over it retard
You keep failing.
They are on the same level as snowniggers, but they at least taking it with humour unlike snowniggers who are obsessed with nazi ubermech cuckoldry but instead of pan-germanism it's amerimutt huwite nationalism.
That's cool, my 3 childhood languages derive from the ancient Greeks, the Corded Ware and the Eternal anglo. I read and write them better than most natives with an indistinguishavle accent. I am kangz now, yes?
You keep speaking in a Nordid-made language.
Why won't you speak hebrew, or whatever virgin language your subhuman folk invented?
>I am kangz now, yes?
Depends on your race.
It really doesn't, everyone has ancestors. But not every scandicuck wewuzer was an elite kang, unfortunately for you.
It does. If you are a Nordic, this means you are made of the same blood as the original Aryans.
>Latin is nordic language
>English in a nordic/germanic language
It's time to take some pills, snownigger beyond the alps.
Roman Empire was created by the Indo-European speaking Nordic warriors. How can you really deny that?
There's a difference between Indo-European and Nordics, which are the preferred race of most white-nationalists
The point is that the original Indo-Europeans were of the Nordic race. There is a reason why the white nationalist tend to prefer the Nordics.
This is because the most noble people who created Europe as we know it - were of the Nordic phenotype.
>implying Aryans spawned from Nordics
Go home, Polish poster.
You have toilets to clean.
Why would I want to be an Aryan? Surely there were other successful Civilizations?
>implying Aryans spawned from Nordics
The Nordic race was developped by Aryans. This is why you can spot it in some proportion from Britain to Afghanistan. Also all the cranial studies and mthe most of genetic studies confirmed their light pigmentation.
>Why would I want to be an Aryan? Surely there were other successful Civilizations?
None of those was as succesful as the ones made by the Aryans.
> A fresco of a young man from the Villa di Arianna, Stabiae, 1st century AD.
Medshits btfo
Funny, because Greece was done almost nothing for 2,000 years. Kek.
Byzantine Empire?
I live in a fairly successful country now, more succesfull than most white countries. I'm sure my ancestors had their ups and downs, why would I care anyway? If you haven't achieved anything in your life other than sperging about muh heritage then do you really have valid claims to anything?
>Fresco at Villa Arianna in Stabiae. 89 BC - 79 AD
Medshits btfo
>The Nordic race was developped by Aryans
Why do you keep asserting that all Aryan cultures are Nordic then?
Are you retarded?
Ah wait, you're Polish, of course you are.
Just because all members of a subgroup are members of the whole does not mean that all members of the whole are members of the subgroup.
>I live in a fairly successful country now, more succesfull than most white countries.
Which one?
>If you haven't achieved anything in your life other than sperging about muh heritage then do you really have valid claims to anything?
Being proud of "own achievements" is called narcissism or egoism, you know, and it is undoubtely wrong. While being proud of your blood is called nationalism, and it is a power which helps your society to prosper.
Aaaand then get destroyed by other nations who follow the same ideals you do.
>Why do you keep asserting that all Aryan cultures are Nordic then?
Because the Nordid-made language didn't appear out of nowher. It was brought by the Aryans to various ethnic groups, and because the Nordic culture and language was superior, they adopted it.
I am from Cyprus
>being proud of own achievements is called narcissism
You don't know the meaning of the word.
>being proud of bloodline is nationalism
It is also useless when you are a burden to society
Nordics(Snowniggers) were always viewd as backward barbarians even worse then nubian niggers.
Mediterraneans were always darker because of climate and their art shows it. Workers who worked long at the fields under the sun usually become tanned and it was somewhat of a hard-working virtue, while some high-tier beutiful women were usually depicted as fair due to being able to stay at home without working like a rich patrician class.(This is not just european thing but also japanese, chinese and indian)
Golden hair(Flavus) was also big virtuous rare colour and was associated with Godhood, since Gods were depicted with Golder hair. That's why sometimes roman historians wanted to exaggerate their Emperors due to Imperial cult, making Augustus equal to rest of Gods.
Pic related is Greek Vases.
>because the Nordic culture and language was superior, they adopted it
it was brought with warfare and resettlement in most cases desu
I don't see Nordicucks using Runes anymore, or anyone else for that matter.
>"Nordic" countries
Wuz ancient greek Achilles actually BLACK?
>"Nordic" (North Germanic) languages
>Durring 4th century BC Celts invade Italy and sack Rome while rapping tons of roman women
>Why are some romans blonds n'shiet?
>I am from Cyprus
You were ruled by the Nordics then, and your culture and language (unless you are a Turk) is Nordid-made.
>You don't know the meaning of the word.
Egoism then. It is still damaging and dividing the nation.
>It is also useless when you are a burden to society
A nationalist can not be a "burden to society", because he is also a patriot, and patriot by definition cares about his society.
>>Indo-Europeans Yes Nordic No
No such magic. Indo-Europeans WERE Nordics. This means that the ones who came to greece were Nordics too. And many mythological Greek figures were described as Nordic, for an example Achilles.
>Golden hair(Flavus) was also big virtuous rare colour and was associated with Godhood, since Gods were depicted with Golder hair.
I wonder why were they depicted as such...
...maybe because these gods were the gods of the NORDIC INDO-EUROPEAN invaders??? Like Zeus aka Dzeus.
This is why it was superior.
Latin alphabet was created by Nordics :)
Google "Nordic race".
I'm sure the invaders outnumbered the civilian population.
You again fail to read what i said.(Very common among barbarians beyond the alps)
Golden hair was a rare feature in romans and it was considered a symbol Godlike virtue to be born with it.
Being fair(Huwhite by illiterate snownigger language) was also virtues symbol meaning your rich patrician who doesn't need to do hard work outside in the field like rest of plebs.
So do you agree that the Celts were Nordics?
I see, you are not only a liar, but an arrogant animal. You insult me by labelling my ancestors as blonde-blue eyed germans, when my Island was mostly governed by Pheonecians, Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, thus creating a very swarthy ethnicity of Cypriots. Your patriotism will not change the fact that you never physically contributed to the betterment of your community, instead, you chose to be vulgar to people of other races by stripping them of their national heritage. You won't receive any more (you)'s from me.
Gods were also depicted as dark skinned by greeks and romans...
Because being hard-working is a virtue in civilized society...
Celts are subhumans and deserved what medettiranians did to them.
Germanics and Nordics adopted the Latin script, which was based off of the Cumae Greek script, only during the Middle Ages and the spread of Christianity.
>Arguing with snowniggers.
It's a common knowledge that snownigger takes something great from the south, overexaggerates it and ruins it when he comes to north.
>You insult me by labelling my ancestors as blonde-blue eyed germans
No, I've just said that your language and culture, or at least the most of it is originally NORDIC. Unless you are Turkish.
>when my Island was mostly governed by Pheonecians, Persians, Egyptians and Greeks
Of these peoples only Phoenicians lacked any Nordic influence, as far as I know.
>Your patriotism will not change the fact that you never physically contributed to the betterment of your community
Who the fuck are you to tell me if I contribute to my folk or not? A swarthy medish cuck speaking a Nordid-made IE language? Fuck off.