ITT: WW2 pictures

post ww2 pics that you think are interesting
bonus points if they're high quality and colorized
bonus points also for context given

Pic related - Kharkov during German Occupation. It's estimated that of the population of 700,000 that Kharkov had before the start of World War II, 120,000 became Ost-Arbeiter (slave worker) in Germany, 30,000 were executed and 80,000 starved to death during the war.

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British tank crew chilling out, think it could be Normandy 44 nice view of comradeship



























I'm a closet Wehraboo

Marder III H outside Stalingrad

Famished German soldier returns from brutal street fighting in Ukraine. He has a entrenching tool in his left hand. In his right hand he has a pistol, but no holster on his belt. He might be an officer and lost the holster but the more likely scenario is that he picked it up. He's also missing his helmet.

Dead Germans pilled up outside Stalingrad

I'm not really sure about the context for this picture. I think these are rearguard troops who just executed a partisan. He's armed with an MP28. His buddy is walking up to comfort him while his officer looks on.

Germans turn a knocked out T-34 into a pillbox

Panzer IV H "Paula" (or Wilma)

Soviet tankers drive over their own trenches to "iron out" the infantry in preparation for the Battle of Kursk

Knocked out Panzer III

Man that couldnt have been fun.
this neither, poor sod.
great picture
All those beautiful middle european towns demolished by allies and axis. its so fucked up.

SS Infantry(?) They have grenades tucked into their boots, which is kind of cool

Frozen SS soldier

Tiger tanks and trucks struggling to get through the Russian mud

Just noticed that this is the same column just after they leave that village

Youngest member of the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism. It would later become SS Charlemagne, the last unit to surrender in Berlin.

Hitler declares war on the United States

Jagdpanzer 38 "Hetzer" drives over rubble. Vondruska seems Eastern European, might be a Czech or Polish town

Japanese girls train to defend the homeland

Panzer III crew gets rearmed. Does anyone know the unit marking on the far left side?

Germans inspect captured US tanks

>hans, ze suspension is fine

Vondruška is a czech surname

11. Panzerdivision

Sry, meant to post this.

It's Waffen SS Field Police





It's an Erma EMP, not an MP28



>SS Infantry(?)

Definitely SS infantry, oak leaf pattern camo was issued exclusively to Waffen-SS units.

Are they reservists or home guard? They look old enough to be grandfathers.

I dub thee, Banzai Goat



Must be nice to chill out in the meadow when you are contributing absolutely nothing to winning the war.

Home Guard


cringey post

>that guy on Hitler's right suddenly waking up

Pretty normie/common Battle of Britain picture, but I think it speaks volumes. Average life was disfigured so horrifically that soldiers stood on the top of urban housing looking for planes whose job it was to bomb civilians.

That's not a soldier, it's a civilian air raid warden.

Even crazier.

>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naïve theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind.
gets you right here
*chest thump*
doesn't it





>the famous anglo humor


>casually walking by a dead german officer with the iron cross still affixed to his jacket with a fucking FG-42 lying next to his corpse

What's to say he doesn't have his weight in iron crosses by that point?

Where does this meme come from









This dude never played HoI

>"iron out" the infantry




the picture that lit a fire of hatred towards wehraboos

>"her life, changes forever in a span of a few seconds"
>tfw did research on the photo, 2 Luftwaffe Ju-87's strafed her family, as they were farming potatoes in a field


>SS officer chases French rifleman with a knife, 1940


>>SS officer chases French rifleman with a knife, 1940

That's either a propaganda photo or a reenactment.

Those submachine guns cost a fortune and would never have been sent to the Home Guard.
