Whats with all the leftism on this board? I come here for discussion of history, and instead I find these children unironically defending Marxism. This isn't /leftypol/, faggots.
Whats with all the leftism on this board? I come here for discussion of history...
A thread died for this.
You need a safe space.
It's . Stay there.
If it triggers the marxists I'm all for it kek
Look at the little baby. Did the other opinions hurt your ego? Well, let's just put you right back in /pol/ and you and your little friends can just hug it all out.
Its not like the thread actually had any decent historical discussion. It was most likely just a commie circlejerk
Is anybody going to actually explain why Veeky Forums turned into /marx/ or are you all going to just scream and point "/POL/!!!"
I believe there is now a /meta/ board where you can complain about what bothers you user
The few pro-marxist posts over here get called out on their bullshit.
What is your definition of "leftist" or "marxist"?
History has a leftist bias.
praise kek bro!!
>the history of state-owned atrocities has a leftist bias
The fact that most actual intellectuals and educated people being leftists is baffling to you, I'm sure. I'm sure you'll say something about how they're indoctrinated or stupid.
Brainlets. Not even once.
your sentence has 0 academic weight to it you clueless soothsayer,
Anyone who doesn't say only nice things about capitalism, conservatism, regardless of the fact that what conservatism stands for changes over time, imperialism, or le ebin God Emperor, is a leftist and cultural Marxist.
From the constant /pol/ reports of "THE CULTURAL MARXISTS AND COMMUNISTS ARE TAKING OVER EDUCATION REEEEEEEEEE" you'd think even you brainlets would see.
Fuck off falseflagger
>/pol/ says it so it must be true
Ill give you a shot. Name your academics. I'll start
>The Egyptian Book of the Dead - elohim
worth more than the rest of humanity combined
Reality has a leftist bias.
Why is there no dildo, trannies or any reference to homosexuality? Seems like it's the main requirement for being (((alt-right))).
>implying only the alt right get to have dakimakuras
>lingustics is the seventeenth branch of philosophy
>Venezuela is a model the US should follow
i don't like pol but this isn't your hugbox either you disgusting faggot.
>read Kapital
>"dude im educated lmao!!"
Also, intellectuals like Zizek or Chomsky are typically Marxist because they never actually think about how Marxism works out in the real world, since they're not politicians. It just sounds good in their head.
>Reality has a leftist bias
Thats why every Communist country either failed or is in the process of failing
>inb4 "muh american intervention"
>inb4 "muh literacy rates"
>inb4 "not real communism"
The United States still stands though, proving your point wrong.
communism had a huge influence on the 20th century, even just as a meme, all those dictatorships chose it for a reason
also being poor as shit and mad about it is an important aspect of human nature
>why do people have different opinions to me?
>Constantly make up threads why does gommunism sucks
>Complain about commies coming and defending their shit
It's not like communism is relevant anymore or even ever was in burgerland.
It isn't fucking /pol/ at all you nigger, Veeky Forums doesn't have a set of forced opinions. You're no better than them if you try and apply modern politics to a history board you stupid fuck.