If the KMT had won the Chinese civil war, would their US allies have forced them to decolonise Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Manchuria, and Taiwan just like they forced the British and French to decolonise their own empires?
If the KMT had won the Chinese civil war, would their US allies have forced them to decolonise Mongolia, Tibet...
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KMT government would ask the USA to look itself at the mirror
No, because saw himself as the savior of all of Asia fron Western Imperialism. Also they wers part of the state, not colonies. 5 races under one union.
Their logic is that Tibet, Xinjiang and Mongolia cannot be sovereign states because that would make them victim to Imperialism and they are part of Chinese family.
Also same reason USSR never abonden their "colonies" while at the same time be opposed to it.
I thought China had a presence in Xinjiang before Uyghurs moved in.
They were colonies conquered by the Qing and added to the territory previously claimed by the Ming. From the perspective of self-determination for all ethnic groups, Tibetans and Uighurs and Mongolians have no business being in the same state as the Han and the Manchus.
>Also they wers part of the state, not colonies. 5 races under one union.
Portugal had a similar view about their Empire en.wikipedia.org
Yet they were compelled to relinquish their colonies.
>decolonise Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Manchuria, and Taiwan
They're not "colonies" but former "Imperial Chinese territories" lawfully inherit by Chinese republic, there was no such term as "colony" in ancient Chinese political system nor such concept, you're just forcing your Western-made bullshits into their throat, so NO.
>They were colonies conquered by the Qing
There were "lands" conquered or controlled by Qing and many other different Chinese dynasties and ethnicities BEFORE Qing for thousands of years, not just Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians. You would know this if you really know Chinese and East Asia history. So there really are not some "new colonies" like Europeans did to America and Australia.
>From the perspective of self-determination
You should go ask American Natives first, I recall it's American invented such idea.
>Tibetans and Uighurs and Mongolians have no business being in the same state as the Han and the Manchus.
Yes, they do if they're Chinese citizens. Also they once made alliances and tributaries to Qing government, even married to their royalties, hence they rightfully became part of the empire, not just some "colonies", and this "relationship" is inherited by new Chinese republic after the last Qing emperor transited his power to them "lawfully".
This is abdicate rescript of the last emperor of Qing, Puyi, in Chinese.
If the KMT won the Chinese civil war, the Soviets would have maintained control of Mongolia and potentially Xinjiang and Manchuria as well
>My colonies are older than yours so they're not colonies
>There were "lands" conquered or controlled by Qing and many other different Chinese dynasties and ethnicities BEFORE Qing for thousands of years
So Iraq should be part of Greece?
So every "states" of America other than the original 13 colonies are still "colonies", right? GIVE THEM BACK TO NATIVES!
China had and has maintained continued control over these lands.
No, the US always went easy on contiguous land empires and didn't have the power to do anything about inland China (though I guess they could've detached Taiwan if they really wanted to, which they didn't - the US handed it over right away.)
They would've lost Manchuria and Xinjiang to the Soviets anyway. The part of Inner Mongolia the Soviets occupied fighting the Japanese would've been attached to the People's Republic of Mongolia, too.
Tibet they can probably retake, because Tibetan society wasn't actually all that anti-KMT and the leadership was incompetent as hell, India wanted good relations with China, and they weren't about to throw in with the Soviets to preserve their independence. But they might prefer to let it keep its suzerainty under nominal Chinese rule; the KMT always preferred co-opting warlords to conquering them.
>Had massive colonial wars and a revolution athome
Not continuously.
Sorry, Greece and Iraq were not countries but part of "Ottoman empire" before 19th century, by your logic it's Ottoman empire should claim them.
Also what Alexander, the Greek, conquered was not "Iraq" but "Persian Empire", there was no such country as "Iraq" back then, but Alexander's empire collapsed just right after he died, they're long gone thousands years ago.
Your bullshit quibbling only make things worst..
The few KMT Hardliners stills lay claim to the exact old borders of the Qing Empire to this very day.
>They were colonies conquered by the Qing and added to the territory previously claimed by the Ming.
They weren't colonies because Tibet, Mongolia, Manchuria, China Proper, and Xinjiang were directly administered by the Imperial Dynasty as parts - even provinces- of its empire, in addition to its subjects being as equal as anyone else in the Chinese realm.
Colonialism is marked by either settler colonialism, or the taking over of a periphery and indirectly ruling it, with an eye towards exploiting its resources. In all of Chinese history, the only thing that resembed this is the colonization of Xinjiang following the Dzungar Wars. But that case was largely due to the land itself being sparsely populated and the Qing Dynasty wanted to develop it.
That's like saying Hungary was a colony of Austria. Or Scotland being an English colony. Its stupid.
Anglo-Saxon Americans are the natives though. Unless you were implying that the current colonists in the US from the South and Asia should give it back to them?
Taiwanese nationalism only came about as a result of the civil war, it didn't exist before it.
The Taiwanese were already pissed off about being ruled by the KMT after the Japanese were evicted. It wouldn't take much for them to want a return to Japanese rule.
Probably not given their proximity to the USSR
>were directly administered by the Imperial Dynasty as parts - even provinces- of its empire, in addition to its subjects being as equal as anyone else in the Chinese realm.
Japan also administered Korea and Taiwan as being Japanese soil and their inhabitants being Imperial subjects like the Japanese people themselves, even if they were distinctly second class. Still colonies
The taiwanese administration was more hands off from what i understand
It was actually pretty involved, they took control of infrastructure construction, education, administration, etc. When the KMT took over it was a huge problem for those who had learned Japanese and Hokkien but not Mandarin
>even if they were distinctly second class.
Clincher really. It wasn't the case of Tibbs, Mongols, or other Non-Han/Non-Manchus.
In either way, Historians do not put Imperial China as part of the Colonial Powers.
No, we would have valued them too greatly as a regional strategic partner in the Cold War to try to police their internal affairs. We would have looked the other way, in other words.
The US did not force their allies to Decolonize. They deliberately turned a blind eye to independence movements in Vietnam, for example - Ho Chi Minh's appeals to the US for liberty and pressure on the French were largely ignored; and he idolized them and did indeed expect them to help liberate them from the French (to which they did not).
The two first lines of the Vietnamese proclamation of independence:
>All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
>This immortal statement was made in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776. In a broader sense, this means: All the peoples on the earth are equal from birth, all the peoples have a right to live, to be happy and free.
Likewise, the US did not force the British to quit India, nor did they force the British from their other colonial possessions in Africa. Their pressures for 'democracy' were merely towing the state line of Soviet containment; if the KMT had won, there would be no recall for potential splintering of states on the border with Russia.
But those aren’t colonies.
The Soviets would have intervened even more if the KMT got close to winning. That’s a rather unknown fact, but records show extensive Soviet military support for the CCP in the post-1945 Chinese civil war.
[Citation needed]
Taiwan is only 3% native Taiwanese just fyi
Yeah, the records show extensive military support after the CCP started raping the KMT, and support the KMT prior to 45
So I;m just gonna ask here instread of a new thread but how the FUCK did the KMT lose
Also lack of allies, first the Soviet Union then the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany were the only states that supported KMT in any meaningful way. USA did jack to help, mostly because of the divide between pro and anti Chiang and the cold war hadn't really kicked off. The situation was not made better that journalists and other politicians were communist sympathizers that sewed anti-kmt sentiment.
Agreeing to a cease fire from the US was a mistake on Chiangs part, which gave the communists time to organize.
>Chiang’s one major publication, a book entitled China’s Destiny, was so full of xenophobic vitriol that his advisors had to pull it from the presses for fear of offending their American and British allies. John Service, an American on Stilwell’s staff, referred to the book as China’s ”Mein Kampf.”
Because of japs
They hit KMT the hardest while commies had time to grow power and attack a weakened KMT
If there were two words that could be use to describe Chiang's leadership during the civil war they would be incompetent and corrupt. To cover their war debts the GMD simply printed more money, and that combined with shortages of consumer goods spiraled hyperinflation incredibly out of control. Prices in July 1948 were three million times higher than in July 1937, and in 1949 the situation deteriorated even further. By late 1947 the very fabric of rural society was unraveling. In 1948 48 million people, roughly 10% of the population were refugees.
Here's a quote from a state department report to president truman evaluating Chiang's position in the spring of 1947
>the basis of the present regime's support has been the urban population: government employees and teachers, intellectuals, and business and industrial circles. At present, no one among these people has any positive feelings toward the Nanjing regime. The [GMD's] tyrannical style is causing deep hatred among liberal elements...the government officials by indulging in corrupt practices and creating every kind of obstruction have caused extreme dissatisfaction in business and industrial circles. The violent rise in prices...and the continuation of civil war is causing sounds of resentment to be heard everywhere...
source: Kai Suzanne Pepper, "The GMD-CCP Conflict 1945-1949" p. 781