Why were Italians so obsessed with Ethiopia?
Why were Italians so obsessed with Ethiopia?
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If you catch my drift.
It was basically the only part of Africa not already colonised by another country.
Because that's where their ancestors came from.
There was an old Legend of a palce called Abyssinia. Where christians fought alone against muslim invaders. They were winning to, but they needed help according to a man named saint paul. Whoever did this would be granted riches. The country turned out to be ethiopia. Italy figured they could coqnuer it to begin a roman restoration. They failed. Tried again, and the third time they took it.
It was the only place of Africa left, and also MUH PRESTER JOHN
It was a revange for cucking them in 1896
Niggers shouldn't govern themselves.
this. Despite the imbecile wording and spelling.
Oh, yes the famous third Ethiopian war! Is that the one where they used unicorn and Vittorio Emanuele III became god emperor of man kind
also best song
Because by the time we took a shot at being muh empire it was the only piece of land we could go for without having to start a fight with any other european power. The second war was a combination of that and being assblasted at how we got cucked
The Ark of the Covenant should be public property
That's where the ark of the covenant is, obviously.
Why did Italy wait so long to start colonizing? Is it because they were too deep in the Mediterranean for easy ship access? Or because they never fully unified until later?
I wonder if the other European powers avoided Ethiopia because it was one of the only already independent kingdoms on the continent, other than Egypt. I know nothing about it, just speculating.
because it was one of the last countries in europe to unfiy,and after the unification italy was still balkanized
Finally someone gets it.
why does an italian go to any location with women
To wet their pasta noodles?
get it al dente with plenty of seconds
Maybe because the French and British had already taken everything else well before.
The industrial revolution started in northwestern Europe, most of Italy was left out of it and it was incredibly backwards. They wanted some some victory so that they could act like they were one of the great powers.
what about paris?
Same user you replied to here
As far as I know Ethiopia somehow managed to survive the Ottos with some help by the Portobros after a war between the two halves of what would become the Empire later on and survived for a few centuries with conflicts between the prince and the other nobles and the local church v muslims. The anglos showed up at some point and invaded them after the "Emperor" kidnapped a bunch of diplomats but supported them later on together with other yuro powers that didn't want Italy to become a colonial competitor
We started to colonize that late because our unification ended in 1870 (1866 without Rome, 1861 without the sweet austrian clay we got from the Austro-Prussian war and Rome) and the first settlements in Erithrea were established in 1882
hope it helped
>My little black face
>My beautiful Abyssinia
>You'll be a roman soon
Jeez, Italians really wanted to bleach Ethiopia...
Is jungle fever common among Italians?
U tell me
Ethiopians are honorary whites, so it doesn't count.
that bitch doesn't even look black
would smash of course
>not conquered
>allready somehow civilized
>qt blackies
>not available in your country
Fucking youtube man.
Had it actually ever happend, to italian to bring black gf from ethiopia. (I know they weren't allowed to marry). And if they did, how popular was such behaviour? and how accepted it was back in europe.
>that bitch doesn't even look black
Then like who? Chink?
It was mainstream in the army at the time but faggot Mussolini over here banned it in 1938 and introduced racial laws. I think he was just jealous desu.
No, you mean she doesn't look Congoïd nor Capoïd, because she definitely is black. Black caucasoïd, but black nonetheless.
The bantu africans in the US have less in common with that girl than white europeans if you prefer.
This makes the third time that I have seen the honorary label given to another group of peeps.
*follow up
I don't know how common it was but there was so many depictions of Abyssinian women in Rome cafe's that Musso also had those taken down.
/ourguy/ my ass
It was because he wanted allience with Hitler right?
Something like that. All this fraternizung with blacks doesn't look good to the Hit master.
Hitler and nazi autism pretty much ruined everything great about Italian fascism
>in 1922 1/3 of Italy's Jews were members of the National Fascist Party
>ywn be an overly-excitable dago foot soldier make-a da fikki-fikki with a qt East African war bride, PASTAing her fir-fir (look it up its a kind of fried breakfast food) then doing the honorable thing when she becomes swollen with child so you have to bring her home to your little nowhere Tuscan countryside village and all the time you're sweating bullets about what your folks will think but your dear old mamma kisses her on the cheeks and calls her daughter and you unclench for the first time since you bought the train tickets and breathe a huge sigh of relief
The thing with strictly fascist groups is that they don't care about your skin color, they mostly just care about how you can be shaped to serve their goals. Practicality at its finest.
That's the thing that brainlet normies always get wrong about fascism, they interpret it with g*rmanic nazi autism.
Italian Fascist were more civic nationalists than any racialist autism Hitler believed in.
Daily reminder that a catholic mystic confirmed that Mussolini went to heaven. Kikes and commies BTFO
>Making me side with Mussolini on anything
I'm mad now. But yeah, Hitler ruined everything good about Italian fascism.
KEK. nice bro... why do you even shitpost on Veeky Forums. just leave.
Made for BBC
>Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Poor Germans.
The only sin of Mussolini is siding with Germany during the war
Hey you, on the front page... you wouldn't let this thread die would you?
The Wops were brutal, gassing the 'opians.
Rodolfo Graziani was a bastard for how he acted.
Main thing they got out of it was pussy
Most people dont know that Ethiopia owns everything to Portugal.
Portugal carryed theyre ass just because of religion.
because they counter-ironically got beat by Ethiopians in 1896
and the first try was because there were very few other places in Africa up for grabs
ironically florence sent a colonial expedition to Mississippi and planned to colonize it but the ruler at the time died and the plan was tossed
And he died of old age in his own bed.
>I wonder if the other European powers avoided Ethiopia because it was one of the only already independent kingdoms on the continent, other than Egypt. I know nothing about it, just speculating.
They didn't. Everyone was trying to get a piece of the Horn of Africa, but everyone was also trying to make sure the other guy didn't. So everyone was constantly undermining everyone else's efforts to keep them from gaining control of the inland regions (what became Ethiopia). Italy thought it "won" by getting the Ethiopians to sign a treaty that should have made them the same kind of colonial vassal that all of the African states the British subjugated were. But the Ethiopians didn't agree to that (the relevant section in the treaty said different things in Amharic and Italian), so they went to war.
>one of the only independent kingdoms
There were actually plenty of independent states around the time of the scramble for Africa. Buganda and the slaving kingdoms around the Great Lakes were prominent in Central Africa, there were the Zulus, Matabele, and several other prominent tribal states in the south, Egypt had interests spanning as far south as Ethiopia (at least until the Madhists came along and ruined everything), and there were a bunch of fairly larger polities in West Africa that were absorbed into the colonies of whoever ended up taking over the area.
First thing that came to mind.