Did Europeans know anything about Sub-Saharan Africa before the Portuguese explorations in the 15th century?
Did Europeans know anything about Sub-Saharan Africa before the Portuguese explorations in the 15th century?
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Moro Muza
Ethiopia, "Guinea" (subsaharian west Africa) and the Sahel was known. Everything below that latitude was as unknown as the existance of Australia.
They knew what the Romans knew. And they knew what Arabs told them.
They knew there were ebony kangz here and there but not much more
Why didn't they conquer it? Did they fear the Black warrior?
I'd like to make a portuguese exploration of her
What was their opinion about the inhabitants there?
Isn't there currents or trade winds or something that prevented anyone from sailing south down the African coast past a certain point that limited exploration until advanced sailing and rigging techniques were developed?
Also, any suggestions as to how I get my girlfriend to go for a 3way with a hot African chick?
Friendly reminder that the majority of Veeky Forums uses a page that uses maps like pic related wthout providing the source.
Less friendly reminder that ad hom is a fallacy for a reason, fucktarded subfaggot.
You still don´t know how Wikipedia works, don´t you?
They only discovered how to sail south along the coast shortly after discovering how to sail to Sardinia
That they were barbarians the same as everybody else that wasn't Roman.
Yes. As you approach the Gulf of Guinea from the north you have both winds and currents against you. In the northern hemisphere cyclons run clockwise but in the southern hemisphere they run counter- clockwise.
That's why it took the portuguese decades of painful navigation to get to and past the gulf of Guinea sailing along the coast, until they realize they could use the counter-clockwise cyclonic winds to get to southafrica much faster by sailing southwest, deep into the south atlantic ocean instead of a direct, littoral route.
Allegedly that's how they stumbled upon Brazil.
nothing worth to conquer
try marching a roman legion through the sahara and see what happens
Romans got malaria.
Yes, Ethiopia had been interacting with the Greeks and Romans for centuries. If you want to count Carthiginians as European then you also have Hanno the navigator who sailed all the way to Camaroon. Byzantine coins have also been found in Mali, Tanzania, and Kenya, which implies that traders reached those countries, although it could have also been through a third party.
They really liked the Aksumites.
The Romans opinion about the Ethiopians were that they gave them spices.
You can also bring up on how they were dependent on Axum for trade from the Far East but they didn't trade with the chinks a lot.
>Allegedly that's how they stumbled upon Brazil.
Post, even if you find new territories you don't really know their sizes, and Columbus never reached anything souther and eastern than Venezuela.