Why the FUCK do i always fall for the hodl meme

why the FUCK do i always fall for the hodl meme

shiiiiiiiet. i bought ico, i dont know why im so stupid. it went to 98 cents!!!

same fucking boat

>bought at 18k
>sold at 10k

at least it moved down since i sold so i can buy more bags hahaha

did they announce the big exchange yet?

18k by end of week.

Its not that you fell for the hodl meme, its that you fell for a blatant pnd

yeah right

Odn is dead
Literally no use case
A messenger that hasn't been made yet, dapps that havent been demo'd yet

Accept this is a scrypt ltc copy

relax guy, big exchange and other news coming next week, don't listen to the faggots that want your cheap coins

so whats the buy in price? for people that want in now

hold and stake. did you really think the ride to lamboland would be that smooth?

unironically right now.

I'd buy now

yep, this is as good as it gets. it might dip a bit lower, but it might not, and right now is a good entry point, so go for it

went for the 9005 price and got 428

40k ODN here, I think we'll be alright :)

when is the next dump you expect? how high can this go back up before falling again.

You don't know how to trade crypto. Either you trade short term and ride the excitement and get out asap for 10-20%. Or you find undervalued long term investments and hold for weeks leading up to good news. If your trading horizon is only like 1-2 weeks and you don't buy before any upcoming news then you will be disappointed.

tl;dr mid-term crypto traders usually get fucked

calling out the exact prices, that is something that no one can do, senpai. i personally don't have a crystal ball. still, i'm hoping for a new ATH, since there is ample room for its market cap to grow. depending on next week's news, this month might be very fun

pretty happy I didn't fomo buy when this was at 75 cents

My friend fomo bought odn at 79 cents and BAt at 27 cents.

Top kek.

dude if you make 100% SELL HALF IMMEDIATELY and then you're playing with new money

Good advice, until greed kicks in at "but what if it moons im only getting 50% of the gains.