Are their any records of colonists and natives just having fun with each other? I imagine there would have been some fooling around and fun times between the two. Post happy moments during these events
Are their any records of colonists and natives just having fun with each other...
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How long did he have to sit there, hungrily eyeing that rice, before he could eat? Or was this taken after photos didn't take so long?
Portuguese loved having fun with the natives!
>How long did he have to sit there,
this is late 1800's if im not mistaken so about 10 seconds
10 to 30 seconds I guess.
the iberians had a lot of fun with the natives
i heard the French would participate in natives rituals, getting shirtless and all
Makes sense, Spanish and Portuguese are fellow Africans after all.
There are plenty of cases of whites and Indians drinking together, intermarrying, etc.
everyone had some fun
Read up on the concept of "going native", user. Colonial authorities were terrified of whites switching sides because native lifestyles were more fun, and a good chunk of them actually did so.
Start with "Captain Albert. . ." on page 68. The French were trying to make a serious colony in the New World, but only ended up drinking all their wine with the natives who came to visit the Europeans
Of which natives?
This was a huge problem in New France for both the French and the Natives. Male French colonists, who were slaves in all but name (voyageurs were the property of the king), would often run off to shack up with Indian women. The Frenchmen were happy to get away from taxes and the rigors of "civilized" life and the Indian women were happy to be with a guy who knew agriculture and metallurgy which all but ensured she'd never go hungry ever again.
The French king put an end to it by shipping literal boatloads of women to New France and marrying them to the male colonists (much against the men's wills). As it turns out, government sponsored gf programs do in fact cure beta uprisings and beta check-outs.
can confirm
t. half French Canadian
theres a whole 190minute movie right there
imagine how mny issues could get analised and processed in that one story
Not really colonialism, but in 17th-18th century west africa, europeans living in trading forts and africans were basically equals and regulary got drunk together, since there was nothing else to do around there, and europeans regulary found black wives there. I remember reading about some instance where european abassador from RAC went to court of some inland king, and they engaged in some polite drinking, and when he got back he had twice as much gifts than regular, since apparently he was a great drinking buddy.
My uncle is right next to the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. When I went up there for his wedding they were talking about how the French method of integrating with native communities by banging everyone was so much more ethical than the American method of shooting everyone. They were speaking English so I could understand. I have no idea how people live without some honhonhon in their life.
Well, America had to justify slavery. White supremacy was in full effect. Native Americans in he U.S. were mostly treated like inconvenient animal populations until the 50s. If you weren’t all white, you didn’t get all of your rights.
>Are their any records of colonists and natives just having fun with each other?
There are.
i remember reading about those once, weren't they called the king's daughters?
British in India often took Indian wives, and where civilization and society was few and far between house servants/slaves would have always been part of their master's daily companionship unless said master was a real shut in prick.
Yeah, the naked woman looks really happy standing besides a Safari-hatted man.
>When I went up there for his wedding they were talking about how the French method of integrating with native communities by banging everyone was so much more ethical than the American method of shooting everyone.
i dont get why americans didnt adopt a friendly policy of shooting loads into people instead of doing it the hard way by shooting loads of people.
take a look a the state of Spanish and French Colonies compared to English ones.
She's smiling, kind of. She's just shy.
And honestly since when did it matter?
>europeans regulary found black wives there.
They married the upper class daughters of determinant local rulers to form economic ties and relations. Their kids then worked with their fathers but had the language aptitude and local political resource and wealth of their mother.
that doesn't look like a shy smile. You know in many places they forced woman to so do photo shoots to show off the locals so I'm not surprised if sh's confused or irritated at him.
Got some pictures from Bamum in German Cameroon in the early 20th century. It wasn't really colonialism in the normal sense, since it was basically an independent kingdom under German protection with some resident foreign missionaries. They're some of the only colonial photos I've seen where people seem to be actually getting along and smiling rather than being displayed like objects. I'll post a couple.
I like this one.
Not sure if this one is from Bamum or somewhere else in Cameroon.
The 'chief' here is king Njoya. He voluntarily put his kingdom under a German protectorate, invented a script for the Bamum language and supposedly had 177 children.
Not modern colonialism, but I thought this was interesting. From ibn Shaddad's record of the Siege of Acre in 1189.
>Hostilities were kept up for a long time, and not a day passed but some were killed, wounded and made captive. The soldiers of both sides grew so accustomed to meeting that sometimes a Moslem and a Frank would leave off fighting in order to have a conversation; sometimes the two parties would mingle together, singing and dancing so intimate had they become, and afterwards they would begin fighting again. One day, wearying of this constant warfare, the soldiers of both sides said to one another: 'How long are the men to fight without allowing the boys their share in the pleasure? Let us arrange a fight between two parties of young fellows, the one from your side, the other from ours.' Boys were fetched from the city to contend with the Prankish youths. The two bands fought furiously, and one of the young Moslems seized a young infidel, raised him in the air, and threw him to the ground, making him prisoner. A Frank ransomed the prisoner for two gold pieces. 'He is your prisoner,' he said to the victor; therefore he took the two gold pieces as his ransom. This is a strange occurrence such as very seldom happens.
>She's just shy
Integration is always harder.
Is this propaganda taken seriously by historians?
God I wish that were me. That guy probably lived 10x the life I ever will.
Thanks for posting these. Very cool.
Their population are exploding beyond any expectations, they're doing pretty well.
Not compared to the English ones, they are vastly poorer, enjoy lower qualities of life and plagued with massive corruption and infighting. Having high birth rates is a rather poor measure of success.
Mexico alone has had more coups than the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia (a country of literal criminals )put together.
All this is worse when you consider the fantastic wealth these places had
atleast your conscience is clear, have you ever read Heart of Darkness?