Was the Spanish Empire based?
Was the Spanish Empire based?
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yeah based on theft and slavery
but it had many cool things
So like any other empire?
pretty much
as a spic I think the same as Putin said of the USSR: "whoever doesn´t miss has no heart, whoever wants it back has no brain"
>First global empire
>Human rights
>First school of economics
>Fathers of monetary theory and the subjective theory of value
>First global hegemon
>Went out of its way to aid all of christendom to defeat the ottomans
> First global currency
>Introduced potatoes,tomatoes or corn incremenditing calory consumption amongst all of Europe
>Evangelized 3/4 of the world's catholic population
>Built the most cities out of any empire in history
>25 universities in America which Humblot described as good as their European counter parts
>Revolutionize the use of gunpowder creating the archabus,the mosquet and the use of canons in ship warfare
Probably the most underrated empire in history
puto amo
I know u were a "muh devuelvame los horos"
Spanish empire was based and should had genocided the natives like the anglos did.
and who would have worked in the mines?
spaniards despised manual work and still do, fucking siesta moor rapebabbys
Spain as a country/empire, is not very impresive, but the spanish as a person, is the best soldier/friend you can have.
It was hilariously incompetent
I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country in the world, century after century of trying to destroy herself and still no success. - OvB
No it wasn't
Hell yeah
Spaniards are too lazy to work for their own resources.
>First global empire
Portugal beat them to that
Has hispanic american (or a spic like brainlets say) I love the Spanish Empire. I think that it was the best empire even with his flaws.
I really wish my country have remained like a province of Spain. Today my country is a thirdworld shithole and Spain is one of the best country to live.
Yes, it was based in Spain
Conquest was pretty based
Charles V was an aspie who failed in all regards
Went pretty well until charley came by and fucked everyone in the ass and ruined spain forever
Spain is poor nowadays and fracturing.
change theft for conquer.
change slavery for illegal slavery.
Burgundy flag is best flag.
I feel like the history of the Spanish empire is taught as if they went right from
Conquistadors to an irrelevant powerless pawn in the Napoleonic era, oh and a little bit about glorious English naval victories over them
>cool explorers
>england beat them
>mexico of europe
They were blood hungry savages who tortured people with their inquisition.
>first empire wide immunization campaign
The jew/anglo propaganda really caught on
You know it
the British didn't genocide the natives. there just weren't as many in the places the British colonized, as those natives were mostly semi-nomadic whereas the Mesoamericans had thriving agricultural civilizations.
You're right. Downside is that they talk like absolute retards.
>I feel like the history of the Spanish empire is taught as if they went right from
Just read about it. The guys from the school of Salamanca are really interesting for starters and all the explorers and missionaries have really fascinating lifes
Looks like they need another Franco.
What happened that America, the first major liberal democracy in the Western world has ended up being the most conservative in the modern day?
Why did Europe pussify itself so bad after WW2?
Only mistake was not wiping out enough of the natives, and becoming too weak and complacent to stop the biggest colonial rebellion in history that completely fucked Spain and made them an insignificant and irrelevant country.
The north and west are cuck faggots, but the east is still fine. Hungary and Poland are fighting the good fight in keeping out the rapefugees, and the Greeks hate the Turks as any civilized people should.