I just had sex with a billion dollar pussy, We took some lsd and sniffed some coke was kissing and then we just had sex...

I just had sex with a billion dollar pussy, We took some lsd and sniffed some coke was kissing and then we just had sex. I cummed in her even tho she said no. Funny thing is she's a daughter of a x a list celb that's dead.

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Sex with someone I don't know and really like is so strange on lsd.

don't put the pussy on a pedestal

I just got home and I'm complete, no lie best night ever. We have mutual friends and I'm a crypto trader. Flosed on her even tho she richer than me. talked for a while got deep "freemasonry" took some L and coke had sex. Came in her hopefully she's pregnant

Bro, you just tripped on LSD like two days ago. Slow down. You'll go full blown Syd Barrett pretty soon

Could you imagine fuck this is perfect.

What is day after pill. Also how the fuck did you get erect especially after taking coke

wdym coke helps lsd is what made it hard I was thinking if I can get her pregnant I will be set.

You wana see paris naked 30 btc

I have never had a problem on coke, mdma/speed is 50/50 rock hard or limp dick.
Meth makes me diamonds for hours.

Every time I do another amphetamine I drop cialis, help with erections, lowers bp, costs like 10cents.

I'm glad i stopped my weekly harddrugs abuse to be honest

3-4 times per year masterrace.
Only acid normally, and mdma very, very rarely.

mdma is the only good one

I'll just download her movie

acid makes my cock shrink to 1 inch

lsd and coke combo is a good way to go schizo. careful now faggot


Lsd is unbelievable imo, way less stress on your body. Not toxic at all.
And it is just unbelievable what it can do to your senses, taste, feelings, sex, I can sometimes feel my emotions physically.
It taught me a few things, like I appreciate a lot of small things way more than before.
And sometimes it is just a lot of fun.

Mdma is still king for party/social settings.
But lsd for solo experiments, or something with a person you love.

I don't know which paris you're talking about

Hmm, i've never actually done LSD, only DMT, but i guess that doesn't come close. I've kept away from LSD for the fact that the effects last long.

Jackson pj lul

That's why I said 30 btc, shes posted pics naked but without showing anything online. I was saying I can get the real deal

DMT is LSDx100 what you on about
especially if you managed to "break through" with DMT

Too long if you ask me. You have to set a whole day aside for acid

Ideas you think are brilliant on LSD, are really just retarded when you sober up. I hope this isnt the case, Goodluck user.

true dmt blast off is crazy but lsd is more longer less intense

Never done DMT, it is on my list, but only once I think I am experienced enough.

Lsd is way, way less strong, in normal dosages anyways. Doesn't completely beam you away.
With normal dosages you can function pretty much normal, you just think different, maybe have a few optic effects.
The more the stronger it gets. And somewhere it just takes you for a ride and you are pretty much helpless.

Last time I Just listened to a bach violin concert with closed eyes and the music just let beatiful scenes appear in my head from nothingness. The sound became visual scenes, it was undescribable. I don't think I can ever appreciate music like that sober, as sad as that is.
I had to stop halfway through and was just speechless for a few minutes. sitting there like a retard while my gf asked me what was going on. lol

Sex is crazy too, It is like I and she kind of lost our borders, our physical borders, I was unable to tell where she started and where my body stopped, with lights off of course.
This probably sounds really strange to you, but it was an incredible experience.

> LSD not toxic in your body
> what is pancreatic cancer

DYOR boyo. That being said, it should be fine until you don't go overboard/don't abuse it very often.

> Sex is crazy too, It is like I and she kind of lost our borders, our physical borders, I was unable to tell where she started and where my body stopped, with lights off of course.

Tbh getting that close to someone and drifting apart soon after would probably break me for life.

Hmm, interesting. I wouldn't consider DMT 100x as strong though, maybe in dosage. But 15 minutes later, you're normal again. Still crazy experiences.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I read a book by hofmann himself where he states that, but that might be outdated. Maybe you are right.

that's why I said I can only do that with someone I really care about. Could never do that with some slut.
It can be a great bonding experience, or just fun, if you are that close anyways and don't need bonding.

I am really looking forward to my first experience, and hopefully breakthrough.