>And no LINK threads to be found anywhere
this is what happen on the 13-15, a lot of LINKIES will commit suicide, not whale tho. Screencap this.
LINKies are all asleep, comfy in their present and future gains. Lmao oh no it went down 10 pct after going up 400 pct the last two weeks.
Everything is going down you fucking retard
>someone sell 10k linkies for 5'000$
>marketcap of the coin goes down 5% which means 6 millions
>there are hundreds of whale that could crash it to 0 by removing a number on his sell order on binance
low volume was a mistake
lower highs and lower lows. what did it mean by this
Everything is going UP
people are actually selling now
how retarded do you have to be
>thinks buy walls are good
>buy walls are bad
linkies just turn their laptops upside down when they look @ the charts
>doesn't realise the buy wall keeps getting moved down when price moves
its just the weekend dip
watch it climb to 12k sats by next week
You're retarded. This isn't a single buy order, but multiple orders stacked at different prices.
These are less likely to be fake. How is having support a bad thing?
Glad i didn't listen to the shills.
median price moves down as buy walls are satisfied, dipshit. Sellers are fulfilling trades at lower prices. Enjoy your 3 cent dip off your buy wall call.
Bitcoin is pumping you dumbass
It's almost like btc is climbing and people are selling alts.
>being this dumb.
OmiseBro here.
Hodl, you weak-handed faggots. This BTC rampage will not last long and your dip isn't even a real dip.