Why do people get so mad if you praise Japan on Veeky Forums...

Why do people get so mad if you praise Japan on Veeky Forums? It's a great country with a fascinating history and rich culture.

Before I used to think it was just chinks but now I'm suspecting it's other anons too...

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Fascinating =/= Good

Also they are unironically in their most fascinating and rich period right now.

Too racist.

I lived in Japan for 7 months total.
It has its good and bad.
Over all it's totally comfy, comfiest in the world, but also depressing and empty.

i think its probably because japan's relevance to the world is a phenomenon which began in the 19th century. Prior to that its a rather depressing tale of poverty, despotism, and violence stretching back a thousand years or so before that.

>Prior to that its a rather depressing tale of poverty, despotism, and violence stretching back a thousand years or so before that
Literally true for any age and country ,especially China.

What the fuck do you mean? Veeky Forums loves Samurai and hates chinks


Because most people who praise Japan on Veeky Forums are unabashed weeaboos engaging in Stormfront tier historical revisionism to make it seem like Japan was Perfect In All Things.

they were cool before they starting to emulate prussians/brits and larp as western imperialists while trying to conquer asia

comfy because everything is convenient, people are polite, every worker like people working in restaurants treat you like a king... as a customer the experience is unparalleled, you are always treated as a king

but it's depressing because most Japanese are materialistic and immersed in stupidity like following pop stars or manga etc.

I found that on average they have very shallow interests. if you are a shallow person yourself you won't be bothered by that

tfw to smart to enjoy pop culture

Following J-pop or K-pop stars is embarrassingly childish. You must be borderline retarded, especially as a man. Unbecoming of a man.

A little island that contributed little to the world until after they got nuked.

Backlash to overpraise in previous boards

kinda like with snowniggers


Sengoku Japan was overrated

but Meiji Japan is underrated

Really? Ive noticed more trolls, and people reacting against weeaboos than people who honestly believe Japan was perfect.

I see plenty of them on any atomic bombing thread. You always see at least one dumbass saying that Japan was utterly helpless and ready to surrender, and all those new divisions they were raising to hold off an attack don't count for some reason, or that the mass suicides in Saipan never happened, or whatever other retarded shit. They'll often acknowledge that there are historical sources contradicting them, but it's just dismissed as propaganda

Partly contrarianism because this was first and foremost created as a nip appreciation site, partly Chinese exchange students who can finally use the internet realizing that Nip culture is superior to theirs and getting butthurt.

Full of Chinese, Chiankaustrlians and Chinkanadians

I still see more butthurt antiweebs insisting that Japan was utterly unimportant/just a knockoff China/never made anything good.
Unironic weebs are so 2000's. Koreaboos and sinoboos have replaced them

It's because all of Veeky Forums is filled with philistine idiots who are too stupid to open a book. Consider the guys who said Japan and China were mostly violent in their history. This is bullshit since they had periods of stability and culture flourishing too. What is Tang & Song dynasties? What is Heian and Edo (for Japan)?

In fact, I'd argue Japan went to shit after modernization. Japan is fucking up the oceans with its nuclear spill and overworking + alienating its people.

There's a undercurrent of normals and edgelords who "hate" anime/japan. They got their "hate" from memes.

Because Japan is literally entry-level Asian history thanks to their kid-friendly media.

It's not like celebrity worship in the west is any better.

>their most fascinating and rich period right now
only if you're a weeb.

>edgelords who "hate" anime/japan
there is nothing edgy about hating japan, they deserve the hate.

>facisnating history
Only a irrelevant shithole. Vietnamese history is much more diverse and fascinating
>great culture
I see the eternal nip have gotten to you too

Because they are overrated. It gets especially stupid when people say Japan dindu nuffin and they have a more interesting history than all of SEA.

Kek, I have noticed that nip posters constantly bash on SEA which is funny because SEA is full of weeaboos.

Nothing wrong with praising Japan unless you start going into how Pearl Harbor was justified but nukes were a war crime and ‘LMOA NANKING NEVER HAPPENED’. Then you get some truly cancerous threads.

I wish I could talk about South Korea on /trv/ without weebs autistically screeching about how Japan is better on every damn thread.

Yeah, they’ll call Viets SEA monkeys but then spam about how they were the tragic victims of Korean rape on YouTube.

I see those Jap faggots on every comfort woman video. Actually, they’re on all historical videos but Korean related issues seem to be the most triggering thing to them.

Hi, Takashi.

It’s a deflection tactic. They don’t want to be blamed for war crimes by Koreans so they pull the >y-you too! defense.

I swear it’s always the same 5 fags making those posts.

Are you Korean? Does Japan see you as an economic and soft power rival or something?

People got tired with the JAPAN NUMBA 1 weebs that were everywhere on this site

I’m half-Korean. And yeah, probably, but they’ve never liked Koreans.

Rich culture lel? Its original culture is as shallow as one can gets.

I remember this “Top 5 Warriors of History” thread with Samurai as #1. That was sure something.

Veeky Forumstory channel

This board is not for historical discussion but /pol/ with dates.

No shit weeb culture permeates this site. Jap culture and vidya are the only two topics that have multiple boards in this site

Are you stupid enough not to revognise obvious b8? Actual weebs have a very critical view of Japs. See that thread on /a/ that turned to Jap bashing when some random Japs are moaning about piracy by gaijin weebs

>Actual weebs

That’s because piracy is highly important to these virgins, you retard.

To be fair, nukes were totally a war crime. It was just completely just because it caused both the US and Japan way less deaths, and Japan kind of deserved it after the fucked up shit they did.

Veeky Forums likes to virtue signal because Japan is racist

The bubble popped twenty years ago, user

Yeah and your point? No one worships japs not even weebs in this site

>No one worships japs not even weebs in this site

Nice maymays

gr8 b8 m8

>not even weebs
is this a weeb in denial?

Weeb meaning consumer of weebshit yes, weeb meaning I think Japan is the BESTEST country ever no.

Yeah so. I'm talking about those outcast losers that latched on to what they thought was Japanese culture and would spam pro japanese crap that would get annoying and screech at any criticism of Japan

When did you start browsing here because the JAPAN THE BESTEST people were highly prevalent here for a long time

You’re not an “actual weeb” then.

lol no

Because his is /int/pol/ with dates and FULL of falseflaggers pretending to be chink/jap/amerimutt/euragatan/KARABOGA etc

Yeah, it's an undisputed fact.

>it's openly disputed

I pretend to be Chinese or Turk on Veeky Forums all the time and people always fall for it.

>It's a great country with a fascinating history and rich culture.

>counting the opinion of a dumbass on Veeky Forums
I suppose you also count old crazy jane in the trailer park when discussing how we breath oxygen, while she will deny it no matter what, eh?


we are in the middle stage of japanese learning
1st is naive idolisation, 2nd is absolute revulsion, 3rd is acceptance of it as one country among others, unique but not special.

I pretended to be a kraut a couple of times and shit was hilarious

The problem is everyone is at different stages and some people never leave the first.

Pretty much. When people tell me they love Asian history or culture it's just obsessing over Japan rather than more historically important places like the Middle East.

It's the lionization of fools because people like to see the lowest of the low, so they can feel better about their own shitty impulses, user.

Japs literally worship their pop stars. No one actually worships the Kardashians.

it seems some people never leave the second stage either

I've always wondered why Japs worship cuteness and innocence so much. Is Japan really full of pedos?

I'm pretty sure most people are at stage 3.

Sort of. They glorify youth and this leads to them normalizing a lot of pedoshit.

More or less. Depends on your precise definition of pedo.

Because being an adult in Japan sucks so they all want to be little kids again. This makes them strangely obsessed with children and childish things.

What the fuck are you talking about? People idolize celebrities in the west just as much as the japs do. Do you really think that us westerners are just ironically enjoying pop culture?

In some lolican magazines they have special announcement pages telling people to seek help if they start having sexual thoughts about real children.

The fact that lolicon exists in the first place is troubling.

I know some Comic LO artist was told that they should draw 9 year olds because 8 was too young.

Psst... at least one group contributing to the genetics of the Japanese was from Malaysia, in ancient times. Who are they to knock against South East Asians for their origins?

Bring it up to them and they'll dispute it. Just like how if you try to bring up that Japanese are closely related to Koreans.

It's edgy contrarianism against weeaboos. There is also the factor of shitposters, like the chinktard who will literally not let a single Japan thread alone, and has to shitpost about Singapore and China. Weird since weebs are a dying race and korea/sinoboos are on the rise.

>weebs are a dying race and korea/sinoboos are on the rise.
Nice delusion. Japan is still the most popular and beloved Asian country by far.

What the fuck are Japanese genetic origins anyway?

>>counting the opinion of a dumbass on Veeky Forums
Why else do you think I'm not taking your opinion seriously?

They are descendants of the sun goddess.

>he thinks the existence of a bubble economy in late 80s early 90s japan is an opinion
holy hell, man

>mfw this happened to me

Well I stumbled upon a couple LO artists who were really good, and it's a shame that they'd put on themselves the stigma of lolicon artist. It's not helpful for transitioning out to a more market-friendly career.

>draw 9 year olds because 8 was too young


Not really, it gives people an outlet for their kinks which doesn't involve hurting anybody or normalizing sexual behavior against actual children.

Personally, I'd rather watch two obese black lesbian grandmas vomiting on each other than look at loli porn, but at least it keeps pedoshits sitting in their bedrooms instead of, say, sitting at a bench by a playground surreptitiously masturbating.

Well, could you therefore elaborate? Did the bubble exist, or not? Is the bubble ongoing, if so?

I honestly doubt it works like that. It's more likely that it makes more and more people interested in pedoshit and normalizes pedophilia.

>but at least it keeps pedoshits sitting in their bedrooms instead of, say, sitting at a bench by a playground surreptitiously masturbating.

Wrong it increases their lust for children.

Pedophiles should be killed the moment they are discovered.

I'd worry more about phone apps like periscope normalizing sexualised children and producing legitimate kiddy porn than some autistic Nip jerking off to chinese cartoons

Historiography neither praises nor condemns (Ranke).

Shit makes money user. Lolicon is one of the most popular fetishes in Japan, and most of the artists are lolicons themselves and don't want to draw anything else.