Was he right?
Was he right?
on his observations, yes.
on his actions, no.
Do you mean to say you doubted him?
About what? Anarcho-primitavism? Yeah, no. Building bombs? well he was pretty good at it, not sure that counts as "being right" tho.
Could he get away with it nowadays?
enlighten yourself pleb
I've read his pitiful ramblings, all he persuaded me of was that he's a dope.
>all he persuaded me of was that he's dope.
>Was he right?
In terms of what is presently happening, yes. In terms of causal reasoning, no. Mass industrialization is merely the manifestation of some "issue" that's existed in mankind's psyche for a long time.
prove him wrong. Protip: you can t
He mocoked neocons too. Kaczynski.jpg is too blackpilled to pertain to the political spectrum
Kaczynski mocked modern conservatives for believing they can preserve traditional values and communal stability while promoting rapid industrialization.
Check points #50-53 for more information:
>bad things happen as a result of technology
ya its called side effects. technology is the solution to a problem and its reward is another problem.
this is literally the argument alt-right people make though, that capitalism and neo-liberal growth are the reason traditions and culture are dying out
Read his actual manifesto. His main argument is about how industrialization prevents the "power process" and autonomy. Read from point #33 here:
Since the power process is disrupted, people seek "surrogate activities" (point #38).
Understanding his views on the power process, autonomy, and surrogate activities means you get the main gist of his thesis.
Industrialization leads to the growth of leftists who are oversocialized & have inferiority complexes. It also jeopardizes traditional values and leads to hypocritical conservatives. So both are feeding into the system rather than constructively criticizing it.
Alt-right is not unified. I don't see most of the alt-right pointing at capitalism or neo-liberal growth. Most of them point at immigrants threatening to displace the culture of natives, which is merely a symptom of capitalism and neo-liberal growth.
t. over-socialized leftist
Kaczynski is just a schizo Linkola
>I don't see most of the alt-right pointing at capitalism or neo-liberal growth.
try looking into it at all
t. bugman
Some of the European New Right does do that, but the alt-right in the USA is very stupid and dominated by retards like Richard Spencer, Ben Shapiro, Ezra Levant, Lauren Southern, Austin Gillespie, Avialae Horton, and other complete imbeciles. They're all fucking idiots, and I never see them point the trouble at capitalism or neo-liberal growth; it's always about the influx of migrants, which is one symptom out of many. The vast majority of Americans are unbelievably stupid, materialist, and shallow people now.
Hell, they tend to worship figures like Bannon, who called himself an "economic nationalist" -- which definitely goes against Ted Kaczynski's views.
And of course, he isn't an American. His views actually seem interesting.
I honestly think for Ted Kacyznski's views to succeed, the USA needs to get its kicked shit in. The USA will not allow for anything to go against the modern global economic order, and it will constantly manipulate rhetoric to make it seem rapid industrialization is reflective of "higher civilization". American media is far worse than Wahhabism, and the people are even stupider than ISIS when you confront them about serious issues.
>kicked shit
shit kicked*
>Richard Spencer
has gone against neoliberalism/capitalism
>Ben Shapiro
Not alt-right
Ben Shapiro is very smart.
>has gone against neoliberalism/capitalism
Source? I don't believe you.
>Ben Shapiro is very smart.
He's just a subverting kike who puts Israeli's interests before anything else, and he never talks about anything deep or meaningful, such as the issues inherent in industrialization, neoliberal growth, or jeopardizing traditional cultures.
Why are you an anti-semite?
The USA is so fucking stupid that even the majority of its politicians have difficulty accepting basic facts such as environmental decline and ecological collapse. They are bought out by the interests of oil industries, lobbying kikes, and more. For positive radical change to happen in this country, the USA deserves to get its shit kicked in (i.e, nuked in some area of importance such as Wall Street).
>Why are you an anti-semite?
Jews make up roughly 2% of USA's population, yet the majority of policy makers, federal reserve chairmen & financiers, media pundits, filmmakers, pawnbrokers, and various political and ideological tastemakers are Jewish. They have such a HUGE presence in positions of power and are only 2% of US population. 48% of billionaires in the USA are Jewish too. They occupy positions of power & influence far out of proportion to their number. They literally infiltrate the system and maintain power via excessive ethnic nepotism.
While I do not agree with Kevin Macdonald's overall thesis, he made some valid points in Culture of Critique.
The Talmud says, "Do not save Goyim in danger of death. Show no mercy to the Goyim." Much of their literature is filled with hateful and vengeful shit. Many people criticize Islam, rightfully so, thus why do Jews get a free pass? It's not like all Jews are Simone Weils.
>and ecological collapse
and foreseeable ecological collapse*
He would have gotten away with it then if his brother didn't rat him out.
In many ways he was absolutely prescient. In bombing people, he became evil, and nobody cares what evil people think.
For such a smart lad I can't understand why he thought bombing people was a good idea.
Because it is the only way to make Americans read his works. The average Joe American ignore the opinions of intellectuals in the media, so the only way to make them listen is by doing something extreme. American media is also propagandist and spread philistine attitudes, and its media is spread to other countries to brainwash individuals.
>In bombing people, he became evil, and nobody cares what evil people think.
It was necessary. He bombed people who extolled the virtues of technological progress, which is what American media largely praises. If he didn't do this, his views would be largely ignored by mainstream media. I actually think his actions were necessary. The system will collapse soon, and more people will read his works and understand why industrial society was complete shit.
Would you levy similar criticisms towards whites, who hold power disproportionate to their population? If you judge all Jews by what the Talmud says, do you similarly judge all Christians on the Bible?
>the virtues of technological progress
the "virtues" of technological progress*
Have to put it in quotes because there are really none. Just look at the madness of the contemporary age and how American media focuses on the symptoms rather than encourage analyses of the complex causes.
Yeah but few people are going to take his shit seriously. Those who do seem like the kind of people that may have came across the work if it were published in a legal way. Surely it could have gotten around some if it had merit.
It is a question of basic principle. When you live in a country as a minority, it is unethical to infiltrate towards the upper echelons and leech off your host nation for interests of your own ethnic group. The upper echelon Jews treat non-Jews as expendable towards their goal. Something like this would be far more difficult to pull off pre-Industrialization and pre-Central Banks.
Whites hold unproportionate power in their populations. Whites should control 100% in White countries.
>Yeah but few people are going to take his shit seriously
They will once the system inevitably collapses and it will. I feel the real elites are gambling for a Transhumanist age, hoping they can reach it before ecological collapse.
>Surely it could have gotten around some if it had merit.
Americans listen to retarded public "intellectuals" like Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris before they do to actual real academics who value thoroughness and intellectual integrity. In order to make the average American listen, extreme actions may be necessary.
He was a man with nothing to loose, no moral qualms about taking lives and wanted to make a statement. For him, a better question is "why not?" Maybe not spending the rest of his life in prison. But then again, maybe he doesn't care about being in prison.
He went to Harvard and taught at Berkeley. Most people only dream of going to those schools. Why would he throw it all away?
Because he thought it along with the system was bullshit.
>Why would he throw it all away?
Because he had something extremely important and valuable to say, and I recommend you read it:
I doubt the general public will think about him if there is a system collapse; most have already forgot. What I'm talking about are those trying to be genuine intellectuals, some people like this exist in America. These people could have come across his work if they were interested in the area. If Kaczynski expected his work would ever be genuinely read beyond a fringe regardless then he's an idiot.
>better question is "why not?"
Because it's unnecessary to be read by actual intellectuals.
Harvard is one of the most prestigious schools in the world, with hundreds of years of history and many distinguished alumni. Who is he to dismiss that?
>Somebody has opinions outside of the mainstream
>"How can this be? This makes no sense!" "I cannot fathom this."
lol ok.
>I doubt the general public will think about him if there is a system collapse
His work is becoming more popular, and his actions made him popular.
>most have already forgot.
Probably less than would have if he didn't do what he had to.
>some people like this exist in America.
And they receive absolutely no media coverage by your Wahhabi-tier media. "Free press", my ass. Your media is one of the most insipid, backwards trash on this planet, and it reaches NK in terms of propaganda.
>These people could have come across his work if they were interested in the area.
The point is to increase the number of people who come across it. Even those who aren't interested probably read his views after his extreme, necessary actions.
>If Kaczynski expected his work would ever be genuinely read beyond a fringe
The goal was to do something extreme and increase the percentage of people beyond the fringe, and his actions succeeded in that regard, considering Washington Times is widely read.
It's not like he killed random innocent people. He targeted idiots who extolled the benefits of unrestrained technological progress.
>Yeah, no
Why? muh iphone?
It’s also the reasons the amish give
And they’re not wrong
>His work is becoming more popular
Can you prove this?
>And they receive absolutely no media coverage by your Wahhabi-tier media
What country today actually extols intellectuals to the general public?
He increased his coverage definitely, but I'm just not convinced it was necessary to have had him taken seriously by a real intellectual crowd. Like I said, if there were enough merit to it the right people would have found it.
Western Europeans can no longer even leave their house without fear of migrant attacks. These migrants breakdown their traditional values by pushing for their own shitty cultural values (Sharia). European leaders justify this influx of migrants by saying it will lead to "growth in industries" and more, but why should this matter to the average man who merely wants to help his community, help his environment, and prosper? Industrialization has brought nothing but pain, and even many of your "intellectuals" like Elon Musk advocate fusing with the machine to escape this pain. I hope people like Elon Musk get a bullet through their heads and the system breaks down soon. All I ever wanted from this fucking life was to live on beautiful arable land, surrounded by trees, a loving community, and focusing on farming -- I did a little bit when I went WWOOFing. Granted, the system is designed in a way to literally push people to do what the "job market demands". How can I fucking be free when I am constantly pushed by the what the job market demands? In the past, before kike-controlled Central Banks and industrialization, people did what their community wanted because they were inseparable from it. Swiss people, for example, had a strong community, lived in relative harmony with nature, and more, but now migrants threaten to jeopardize it.
I say we need more Ted Kaczysnkis and Holocausts. Burn mosques, burn synagogues, and destroy this technological order. It's not beneficial to anyone except the top 2% elites.
You can't even fathom how much more boring and inefficient your life would be without computers and the Internet
>Can you prove this?
I know I am going off anecdotal evidence, but I see his work widely cited on here. I don't see any other Luddite read. His actions did correlate with more exposure to audiences.
>What country today actually extols intellectuals to the general public?
I think Europeans were moving in the right direction until USA started spreading its media there more. The New European Right, like I mentioned, is actually far better than retarded American alt-right.
>He increased his coverage definitely
That was my point.
>I'm just not convinced it was necessary to have had him taken seriously by a real intellectual crowd
He was not aiming to just have wider exposure of his work to the "intellectual" crowd but to the entire* crowd.
>Like I said, if there were enough merit to it the right people would have found it.
There are many people who have similar views like Ted Kaczynski in academia. I rarely see their views receive any exposure or mention by mainstream media or the average person. The point is not to just make one's view widely known by intelligentsia, but to make the man who is fed up understand too. At the end of the day, it's not about being an intellectual, but it's about having a tightly-knit community that both gives to the Earth and received from it, rather than constantly having their community undermined and taking from the Earth to the point he has nothing left.
Yet Japan has technology but doesn't suffer from hoards of brownskins. It's not the technology but how these things are used.
And you cannot comprehend how much you people have lost with computers and the Internet.
Japan suffers from increasing alienation (very high suicide rates), an oppressive work environment, a feeling of being boxed up by the machines, and more. Also, the nuclear spill in the oceans, the radio-active contamination in their foods in some provinces, and more.
He defended Karl Marx in a tweet once.
Also, you people completely side-step how all technology requires petroleum during its process of manufacturing. You cannot truly be energy-independent, self-reliant, and sustainable with reliance on technology and Internet.
Doesn't mean shit. Also, Marxist systems of analysis can be very varied -- perhaps too varied. Granted, I find a lot of what David Harvey has to about compound interest and unsustainability of capitalist systems true, but he is not reflective of all Marxists, who are very divergent in many respects.
Project harder mate.
More than computers and internet you retard. No books, either. Oral communication over written schlock.
Shut your pussy ass up nigga
But from the sounds of it the American public could not care for the guy regardless. His violent actions seemed to be futile beyond reaching a tiny bit more general folk( I suppose maybe the edge factor is getting him more popularity than he would have too). I think he was smart enough to see this, and I think it's apparent the violence had more motives than what you're saying.
So long as modern economies rely on technological, automobile, electrical, and other industries, they will require petroleum during the process of manufacturing. You cannot truly be energy-independent, self-reliant, and sustainable with reliance on technology and Internet.
This is why the West constantly intervenes in OPEC nations because the way they price and transact oil gives the USD its value largely (petrodollar).
Brownskins would not be suffering to this level if it weren't for the demand for petroleum.
Many people grossly underestimate how critical the petrodollar is to the survival of America as we know it, and by extension much of the global economic system. Its entire economic structure; everything it does is now dependent on it. The main support for the value of the USD is the demand for it created by the petrodollar system, which allows money-printing and deficit-spending on an insane scale, without which the entire US empire would vaporise. The entire system is hopelessly dependent on debt and new debt can be created without acute effects on the value of the currency because most countries are spending huge amounts of it on oil and many other transactions. With that in mind, it's easier and cheaper to spend trillions on wars that flatten problematic strategically-important nations than abandon the system, which would also allow others to take over.
All BRICS nations, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, many in Latin America use petroloum. Yet they don't all have hoards of brownskins coming in. What you are talking about is a non-sequitur of the migrant crisis which is entirely artificially invoked and inorganic in regards to going to Europe.
Shit will just get worse if decentralized, pseudonymous cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, becomes the standard. Smart contract, centralized ETH-based coins are also somewhat similar, but the post-industrial world will remain relatively the same shit if it becomes standard.
But many people, people generally considered pretty smart, would disagree with him.
>All BRICS nations, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, many in Latin America use petroloum
They all do business with OPEC countries because they have a stake in it. Maybe break reliance on petroleum so that way you don't support extremists? Move beyond this shitty system? Because at this point there will be a new World War.
So stop postng and get off Veeky Forums. You're using a computer or a phone to post this, right?
I'm not having any kids. I am an antinatalist because I find post-industrial capitalism unsustainable and will inevitably breakdown. I just hope the global economic system does not collapse while I am alive because I am not prepared, and as self-reliant, for it the way Kaczysnki was. The most I can do is refrain from having children, that's it.
Le Devil's digits confirm
And how do people think of him now?
The Unabomber.
A bomber.
His ideas are nowhere to be found.
The global economic collapse WILL collapse, and the longer it remains, the more 666 painful it will be. Ted Kaczynski says it is better it collapse now than later, but call me a coward... I'd rather it collapse after I am dead.
>global economic collapse
global economic system*
Just curious, are you female? Not meant as an attack.
To people who want to push on though, here's my advice:
1) Learn permaculture techniques (Bill Mollison's books are good), survival techniques, and how to live purely off arable land. Self-reliance is the goal. You should work to the point you no longer need electricity or modern conveniences.
2) Try to form a community of like-minded individuals based around common ideals. Study why communes such as Kerista fail whereas those like the Amish succeed. I believe a commune should be based on a traditionalist framework and not promote carnal behavior.
3) Do not let people subvert your traditional values and emphasis on self-reliance, sustainability, and energy-independence.
t. pimple faced faggot born in the 90s unable to even comprehend a life without internet
You clearly have problems, son
Well I grew up without internet in the 90s and had no problem tbqhwy, kiddo
> Kaczynski mocked modern conservatives for believing they can preserve traditional values and communal stability while promoting rapid industrialization.
I came to the same conclusion long ago. I find funny how /pol/tards think that "traditional values" are in no way affected by capitalism and global industrialisation and it's all because le marxist jew teachers™ are subverting le west™
No. His mind was destroyed by LSD.
Because the Alt Right is a meme. All those people (Lauren Southern, Milo, etc) are just con artists/plants profiting from IRL clickbait given to them by the autists who fall for this. Like modern versions of David Duke.
>buy muh books/fap to my vids to protect le western civilization
Westerners have become by most a walking cadavre
>Richard Spencer
That's just American retardation. Kaczynski was one of the few Americans that weren't born retarded.
Lauren Southern isn't even a plant, she's just an opportunistic cunt.
>muh tits
>pls donate
That sums up 99% of female personalities in the (((alt right))). It's comical how each and every one of them turned out to be a Jewess, a whore, a coalburner, a crypto-feminist or just an attention whoring vapid retard.
Is this how Capitalists think lol?
Because not everything in life is prestige and material gain and he realised it very well
He says Marx was right about capitalism alienating the proletariat, that neoliberalism is economic terrorism, he's pro universal healthcare, he criticizes trickle down economics, libertarianism, Wall Street and free trade.
He's still a literal faggot and possibly even a Jew but he's definitely not in favor of capitalism.
Also billions would die and people would begin advance again two or three generation after. Primitivism or anti-natalism is craziness for schizos.
Go back to Krautchan you piece of shit
more cameras nowadays
>alt-right in the USA
>Ben Shapiro, Ezra Levant
> Granted, the system is designed in a way to literally push people to do what the "job market demands". How can I fucking be free when I am constantly pushed by the what the job market demands?
Fucking this, man.
>muh degree, muh money, u're an unproductive faggot, while I am a total genius of science and progress because I design porn websites in exchange for shekels that I will waste on more porn and trash food
I don't view technology as an evil per se but seriously fuck all this modern world, is pure garbage
t. Weeb who never visited Japan
Tokyo has neighbourhoods full of africans and the entire country is full of chinese and koreans everywhere.
They'll eventually end like Europe at this pace