Pull-up/Pullup/Pull up thread

>62.5% of Veeky Forums is unable to perform a single pull-up
>75.7% cannot perform two consecutively
>86% cannot perform ten consecutively

Let's change that shitty statistic, Veeky Forums.

Second to last digit is sets and last digit is reps.

>6 sets of 0
Lol, Lets try again




I can't do a single one.

Doesn't matter what I roll because it won't help me do them.

I promise to do them tomorrow, I don't want to wake up my wife's son

I've been training pullups for 2 months. I went from 0 to 7 reps, and I don't even take protein.

Calisthenics is the toughest shit I've ever done, but man it pays off.


yeah wouldnt recommend taking protein i prefer those natty gains, fuck the cheaters

lol, that's what I actually did yesterday.


gon' be hard tomorrow.

Ill do the last 2

>single digit reps
Easy mode

I said "easy mode", not "power off"



Fuck this pussy shit. Rerolling


reroll, that's too few

I usually do 5 sets of 8, is that ok?

teach me your ways, senpai

Yeah, I'll roll. Will do tonight




One more time

3rd time's the charm

Almost as bad as those frauds that use preworkout

Can't even go to a gym these days without seeing shakers full of red anabolics.

ich rolle

makes me want to fucking kill myself

Rollin for 6 sets of gainz

Are those statistics real? I highly doubt that they are.

If they are i wonder how many of us here can do a muscle up. I did my first on on the rings today and feel pretty good.

I can do 5 consecutive pull-ups as a skelly DYEL... how is it possible 3/4 Veeky Forumsizens can't do 2? Would that be the amount of fatass DYELS?


tfw I can do 12 50lbs weighted pull ups