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What happened user? It's ok. You can tell us. We're your friends.

I feel pretty good. I was sad she had a better job than me and was better than me, but patience is the key.

>got a part time job
>getting fit

>ex is depressed and self harming
>she hates bernie for betraying her
>got shitfaced today

Just wait pal, success is the best revenge.

>gf goes on a vacation
>starts obsessing over some good looking Chad there
>hear about if from mutual friend
What should I do

ask yourself if youre gonna marry her

if not, its not worth the trouble of sorting out, end things

Yeah but why would I marry someone like that

Kill the Batman.

Did she do anything with him or did she just talk about wanting to and stuff?

I'd kinda think about all the good and bad. Is she worth it desu? She really might not be if she's doing stuff like that.. Once a cheater always a cheater

You would do the same thing

Just like "OMG he's so hot he's like 11/10 I'm going to have fun with this while I can " and that bullshit. All talk but still. Should I confront her

Answered your own question.
No fucking way you'd hitch it with someone who's already drooling over some no-strings chad, so why are you sticking with her?

That sounds more than regular girl bullshit just talking about hot guys. Id say its definitely a red flag but its up to you to confront her

Why don't you have a mistress or a booty call/ fwb?

>being faithful

>I'm going to have fun with this while I can

Yeahhhh dump this sorry bitch, that's at the very least being a thirsty cunt if not straight up cheating. How will you be able to trust her? She sounds like a glorified fughole anyways, don't get too emotional about it just move on quickly and decisively.

That's pretty cold my man. I don't know if I'd confront her because it might fuck over your mutual friend. She'll prob realize that's who told you what she was saying.

She might just have been drinking a little too much or something. Or she was just unusually horny and talking shit. I don't know what all the extenuating circumstances might or might not be. You should definitely get as much info as possible.

I've done and said things I regret out of jealousy over things just like this. Shit that didn't mean anything and wasn't worth ruining a relationship over, but I couldn't help myself. I really wish I could go back and do it over and not pin the best thing I ever had against a wall and scream in her face for not even cheating on me. So, try not to go anything rash.

Keep calm and collected if you can and try to make the right decision. Whatever it may be. Love you baby.

>gf was a model
>she loves/d me and would do anything for me
>goes on a model tour and detours to her family
>bitch end up staying out of state to try to finish college
>fuck sloots left and right and call her biweekly so I still have someone waiting on me
I want to fucking kill myself

It's probably just stupid girl talk but I personally wouldn't date anybody who does that. Even worse that she's saying that shit behind your back. I'd understand more if she sent pics to you showing him and you could both no homo over him together but this is too sneaky of her

It makes her look like a thirsty slut

Listen to this dude user. That is some good motherfucking advice right there

>iron never lies
>iron does not make excuses
>iron stays the weight it had when you met it
>iron never leaves you

Doesn't sound like the one, I'd end itm

>>iron stays the weight it had when you met it


>get Chad drunk
>dress like gf
>let Chad fuck you until he cums
>go back to gf
>Chad is too tired to fuck your gf
>fuck gf


Yeah. No.

This is coming from a grill.

Not only is that incredibly disrespectful, it's a huge red flag. I don't even hug other guys even if they're friends out of respect for my so.

Why the fuck would she tell you this?
It's rude and hurtful as fuck. Not to mention, she's fantasizing about him, she's most likely flirting with him and sooner or later fucking him.

You better believe she's not planning on keeping it on all talk especially with

>"have fun with this while I can"
She's gonna fuck him and there's ain't shit you can't do about it.

Don't be a cuck.

This is not regular girl bullshit talk senpai.

No, what the fuck. He should just leave her. Being drunk isn't a fucking excuse, all it did was just say shit she wouldn't say otherwise but sure as hell was thinking it.

>iron stays the weight it had when you met it

Then there is something terribly wrong with your programming, ya weeny.

You're an iron cunt. God Damn. This girl didn't cheat. Didn't even flirt with the guy. Just drooled over some rando chad beef. If everyone operated like you, couples would be falling apart constantly in my glorious wake.

Yeah, because saying

>"I'm going to have fun with this while I can"

Is totz normal attitude for someone to say in a monogamous relationship.

That's not drooling m8

>"Didn't even flirt with the guy. Just drooled over some rando chad beef."

You honestly think she didn't flirt especially after saying she was gonna have fun with it?

For fucks sakes user, don't be so dense.

I don't know what she did. I don't know if she had even a single conversation with the guy or if she just saw him from across a room. If she was flirting with this guy, and simultaneously openly talking about cheating to the mutual friend, then yeah that's pretty tough to excuse. That's why OP needs to get all the facts down and think long and hard about what did or did not happen before he decides how to proceed.

Mutual friends can be shit talking rumor spreading human garbage who want to stir up some drama for their own amusement. Human beings can get horny and say dumb shit without being capable of acting on those impulses in a million years. There's a lot we don't know here. But if it's as bad as it could be, what choice does OP have but to break it off? So let's hope it isn't that bad.

I mean the single plates. You got it wrong on purpose, don't you?

Just got back from the gym. I haven't read everything but the general consensus is to dump her. I'll do it.

Do it or perish like the dog you are.
Know your own worth you dense fuck, be the man you deserve to be.

2D never betrays you user.

Get a nice waifu instead.

She comes back home on Thursday. Chad doesn't even live in state. Is it even worth getting rid of her? Before this she was very level headed and smart and not slutty at all. My brain is telling me that this is a warning sign for problems down the road but muh dik wants to think it's just her looking at an attractive dude like I peep that ass somethimes


She did tell the mutual friend that she talked to him and made it her goal to talk to him. Chad is tied down to another bitch though. Tbh the more I analyze this situation I come out looking like a pathetic cuck. Gonna toss the bitch out.

At least get her side of the story

Who gives a fuck if she flirted with another guy? Flirting isn't cheating. Half the people here probably flirt with every goddamn food service employee they see to some extent. As long as she comes home and she's still fucking you and only you, what's the problem?

>oh god she flirted with some chad I have to break up with her

Don't be retarded

I don't want to do it now because I'll just let emotion take over and berate her

Wtf lol you obviously have some trust issues already existing if you dont even want to hear what she says

I want to hear it, but sometimes you have to cool off before you make important talks. Same concept as jacking off before you think of commuting an affair


Have to get married first famlanon...read the thread or back to your dunce corner...remember junior high?

Can anyone reccomend some good music for me to listen to after this?
Currently doing some post workout death grips

Dumped my ex because of a similar thing. To start it was a bit lonely, but now I'm happier than ever because Im achieving my goals instead of wasting my time watching shitty shows on netflix with her.
Felt so good to not have that horrible feeling in your stomach thinking about your gf actually being a cheating slut

Listen to some fucking bagpipe music my friend, shit always puts me in another time and place and I go berserk on my lifts, like I'm fucking William Wallace or some shit