It's midnight and I'm desperately shoving meats and cheese in my mouth to meet protein goals

>It's midnight and I'm desperately shoving meats and cheese in my mouth to meet protein goals

How do you guys do it Veeky Forums? How do you eat 1g/1lb of your proteins?

I dont. You obviously are new to lifting, cause you'll discover that that is totally unnecessary and a bit over kill. Oh sure, you'll make some sexy new gaims, feel like god, shit bricks or undigested beef and run your girlfriends family our of their living room with an accidental protein fart you let go from petting their dog, but in the end it's just too much protein. I don't have a bunch of sources to hand you backing my claim up, but you will find it to be true and I'm pretty sure a bunch of folks will agree with me. The only reason that amount of protein is suitable I suppose is if you are a literal skeleton, in which case calories and fats and carbs are in issue now too, but you didn't ask about those or else the protein wouldn't be a problem.. ok Yeah didn't expect to type all that out.. hope it helped. Keep lifting and enjoy the journey friend

0.5g per lb of lbm cause im not retarded

>How do you eat 1g/1lb of your proteins?

Step 1: don't fall for the 1g/lb meme. it's 1g per pound of LBM. if you have to do total weight, do .66g/lb

What's LBM?

But the sticky...

It's .5-1g per lb of lean body mass you tard.

Lean body mass. How much your body weighs excluding the fat. 160 at 15% bodyfat is 136

Sticky does say 1g/lb as a rule of thumb

Wait, so is it 1g per LMB or 0.5g??

That shit is outdated as fuck and I'm not sure why nobody has updated it.
I usually just try to get in 150g of protein no matter what i weigh, it's an easy number to meet and I don't really have to worry about it.


it rhymes with

>44gr protein
>22gr carbs
>~2gr fats

Why assume that the average person is at 34% bf?
Your two guidelines are so different they seem a bit nonsensical

easy protein?

cottage cheese/quark whatever
bim bam boom

havent read the sticky in a while. does it actually say that? holy fuck I wouldn't even know how to fit 170 grams of protein in a day into my diet short of INFINITESCOOPS.jpg


desu i've found i make gains all the same getting 1g/1kg of weight.

1g/1lb is just safe and ensures you don't miss any gains

I ate a kg of that for 2 years, every day, I needed a break

My quark was 350 cals at 87 grams of protein though

Boy, you guys sure are delicate. I felt gr8 eating ~250g of animal protein (i.e., excluding the protein in bread and such things) at a BW of 210.

>drink water
>eat vegetables
>work hard innagym--if you're eating way above maintenance, yeah, it'll be uncomfortable
>usually 2 shakes, 3 meals at 3-4 hour intervals
no problemo

ya know, not all your body is muscle and fat, there are things called B O N E S and O R G A N S and other shit

>still falling for the protein jew
Like 1.2g per kg on bodyweight is enough for athletes or weight lifters who want to build mass. That's about 0.5g per lb. Keep your carb intake above at or above 40% and fat intake at or above 25%. Eating too few carbs or fat WILL fuck with your hormones and increase cortisol while lowering testosterone.

I don't know if I'm eating enough Tbh, ate a tray of sushi and some teriyaki prawns after lifting, feels good men

100g of that protein would just expensive carbs. I guess you like gluconeogenesis
you're too scared to substitute carbs/fat for that protein but that's the truth

well as for breakfast i eat 4 eggs 50g oatmeals and 200g of decent quality ham mixed all together. And for dinner i eat one chiken breast and a pack of rice. it gives me a decent amount of protein. then i just fill up with minor meals

Right, but lean body mass takes that info account.

As far as I could tell, extra protein made a small difference that extra carbs/fat did not, but then again that might not have been all that far. I'm not gonna call bullshit on anyone who says "I tried it both ways and there's no difference." But I am certainly as hell gonna call bullshit on anyone who says "waaaah it's just soooooo hard".

That's 280kcals, not 250.

>not eating 2,5g/1lb
Its like you don't even want to make it.

It helps to be skinny. I'm 145lbs at ~9% body fat, so that's only 130-140 grams per day. I get my main protein from:

Breakfast: 4 eggs scrambled, half cup oats
Morning snack: quarter cup almonds
Lunch: some kind of sandwich with meat and high protein bread, or tuna and rice bowl
Post run snack: peanut butter sandwich with high protein bread
Dinner: large serving of meat with lots of veggies, small side of pasta or potatoes
Before bed: milk, peanut butter, protein powder shake