I think I injured my rotator cuff while benching and doing dips. I have a slight pain in the front of my right shoulder and also in my right trap (weird). How much time approximately until it heals?
Tyler Foster
Depends how bad the pain is. could be weeks or months. Don't keep doing stuff you'll just make it worse. Ice it daily and do light stretches/rom exercises
Joseph Flores
I have diet related questions. Basically, I don't have time to eat breakfast or lunch, so I have a protein shake in the morning and the next meal I eat is dinner. I currently eat chicken, potatoes, sprinkle cheese on the potatoes for taste and extra protein and have 2 eggs on the side. After my workout I have another protein shake and snack on sunflower seeds and peanuts Altogether that adds up to about 1800-2000 calories @~170g protein, ~130g fat and ~80g carbs. My questions are: Is that way too much fat to be eating? Is it bad to basically get all my nutrients from 1 meal?
Currently cutting, down to 100kg from 108kg.
Ethan Roberts
I don't know too much about injuries but desu this doesn't sound like a rotator cuff injury. I don't know. When you injure your rotator cuff (been there, injured my supraspinatus, pic related), it hurts more like on the inside of the shoulder, not on the front and even less so on the trap.
I guess a good way to find out what you have would to perform different tests on your affected muscles (e.g. google "how to test supraspinatus").
Anyway, luckily for me it went away on its own after a few months. I could go on training but did not attempt any crazy feats during that time (e.g. 1 RMs) and stopped my exercises whenever it started hurting.
Jack Foster
Any recommended stretches?
Charles Howard
i'm doing scooby's intermediaite workout.
its PPLX
i feel like my legs are shit, and i'd like to improve them faster than the rest.
should i just do some squat on day one? wich would mean squat every two days.
would that be okay for the muscle recovering?
Nicholas Green
I have no idea what you're trying to ask. Just do the fuckin exercise
Jacob Bailey
>Is that way too much fat to be eating? Well currently over 50% of your calories come from fat... So it does sound like quite a lot. Personally, I'd up the carbs and aim for a 30% fat ratio.
>Is it bad to basically get all my nutrients from 1 meal? No. Look at muslims during Ramadan. Anyway, it does sound a bit weird, and it probably gonna be a massive pain in the ass if you wanna start bulking up sometime. What do you mean by "I don't have time to eat breakfast or lunch"? Making some oats in the morning is literally 10 minutes, and if you are cooking dinner anyway, it's not like you cannot make some more and just take it with you the day after wherever it is you go that keeps you so busy.
Jayden Robinson
>just do te fucking exercise with probably bad form
thanks. I'm saying that benching pressing with a barbell makes me feel my pecs being worked more than bench pressing with dumbbells, what am I doing wrong with the dumbbells?
Eli Williams
Why don't you do a more leg centric program like Texas Method then?
Anyway, yes. Other programs still have you squatting every sesh, so you should be able to handle it. It might be a good idea to differentiate between strength and volume days to not burn out tho
(so go for 3x5 on one day at however much weight you can handle and 5x5 on the other at 70% 1 RM)
Zachary Powell
Bulking won't be a problem, I used to be fat, I know how to gain weight. Diet wise, it seems that any food that's high in protein and calories also seems to be fairly high in fat. Hard to find any food that's higher in carbs and protein.
Joshua Martinez
HahahahahahahHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH Fuckin DYEL faggot
Nathaniel Powell
alright, i'll do that then, thank you user.
Julian Torres
>any food that's higher in carbs and protein dude wtf why does it have to be one food
just fucking split it (e.g. get your carbs from say, pasta, rice, bread, sweet potatoes, etc.)
and your protein from lean protein sources like tuna in brine, chicken, lean cuts of prok/beef, etc.
Anyway, to answer your question, some examples would be Low fat quark Skim milk Legumes
Asher Rivera
There's nutrigrain if you're in aus but it also has a decent amount of sugar
Brandon Cooper
op here still wanna know
Ethan Lopez
How can I into Meal Prep?
Carter Mitchell
Gavin Gonzalez
Why do I feel stiff legged deadlifts primarily in my lowerback and not at all in my hams? how do i fix this
Thomas Carter
Hey Veeky Forums I've reached a point where my lifts that I cant proceed any higher. Every time I go to the gym I cant squat more than 190 5x5, I cant OHP more than 85 5x5, I can't deadlift more than 245 1x5, I can't bench more than 120 5x5, and I can't row more than 140 5x5, what should I do to progress further? Also worth noting i'm trying to lower my bf% currently so i'm cutting. Is there something else I should be doing or something that I don't know about? Thanks. .
Thomas Nguyen
I think left image is definitely what I have, when you trained did you avoid exercises that use the shoulders ? Also do stretches help to recover ? what are some good stretches?
Grayson Rogers
youtube.com/watch?v=kL3cIDFUafU go to store, buy plastic containers, buy mixed veggies and pre-cut chicken/beef, add guac or hummus for fats, put in container, eat on a cut the goal is not to loose strength, your a beast if you make even tiny gains on a cut
Lucas Sanchez
Appreciate it. Should I just cut to a low bf% and then bulk during the fall / winter?
Nathaniel Baker
Switch to 3x5.
Jason Ward
Do you guys comb your hair to left from the right or to the right from the left?
Samuel King
I've heard when bench pressing the bar should travel is a straight path up and down but i've recently heard it should actually travel in a diagonal path from above your head to the middle of your chest, haven't tried the latter yet but is it true or should i stick to a vertical bar path
Bentley Murphy
It doesn't quite go that far back, but most people end up using a slightly angled bar path. The 'natural' lockout position for most people is above the shoulders (this isn't surprising, that's what puts everything in a straight line at lockout) and the desired touch position is usually around the middle or bottom part of the chest. You can't manage both of these things without a bit of angle to the movement.
Jack Bennett
best lats exercises???
Cooper Peterson
How important are rest days? isn't the time in between muscle groups enough for them to recover and grow before I hit them again or am I stymieing my gains?
Eli Moore
For how long can I fast before it begins to kill too much gainz?
Luis Anderson
I hurt my lower back during deadlifts, can I get some advice on healing and if I can keep going to the gym or if I will just end up hurting myself?
Liam Barnes
I got you famalam. I used to have the same problem. It's tendon pain. The tendon that connects your pec to your bicep is probably damaged from repeated stress. The only way to fix it is to properly stretch the area and decrease the load on it. I fully broke the tendon in my right shoulder and needed about 6 months of physical therapy before I could do a push-up. Just be easy on the area. It takes time to heal.
Levi Flores
really strange question regarding sardines and allergies
>lift for about a year >eat 2 tins of sardines almost daily >love them, great way to sneak in gains >suddenly start getting an allergic reaction in my mouth from eating them, completely out of the blue >cheeks and gums start to swell and sting >throat gets tight
I stopped eating them for a while, but i want to pick them back up because they're such a based source of broteins.
Could it be that I was storing them wrong, i read that fish (even if its tinned) can start producing histamine if it gets a bit too hot for too long.
Ayden Ross
Is Scooby's Intermediate workout enough to build muscle effectively? Basically the entire idea behind it is:
"... less is more! You are working out far less often but you are working out each muscle with much more intensity and for a longer duration. In the intermediate workout, you were only working out chest for about 5minutes but doing it 3 times a week (15min total/week)"
Is there any merit to this idea, like can it work?
Joshua Sullivan
Oh shit wrong quote. I'll paraphrase:
Basicall, you workout your one muscle group once a week but for a longer duration of time. For example, training your chest with A LOTof volume on one day, and then waiting until next week to train it again (while training other body parts as well like this).
Is this a good deal? It's the only listing with a squat rack, bench, and weights, but there is some rust on it.
Jace Watson
I can do 4-5 consecutive pull ups and chin ups with good form (all the way down - all the way up) should I do 10 assisted pull ups and decrease the assistweight or should I do regular pull ups and hope I can increase reps at some point. or do you recommend something entirely different?
How long until I should be at 10 regular pull ups if I do them twice a week? Am 197 lbs at 6'4
Ian Perez
So i've been gradually adding weight to squat and deadlift, I'm at 255 for squat, and 295 for deadlift doing 3 sets of 5, which I know isn't much. How much weight does one need to start doing/How long does one need to do squat and deadlift to notice any core gains? I'm trying to get that thicker strongman core minus some of the fat and I've heard that Squat and Deadlift do this.
Thomas Cooper
how do i count incomplete proteins
Julian Bailey
What exercises will help me stand still on my feet and maintain awkward positions for 6+ hours at a time in an operating room? My back, legs and feet hurt after only a few hours. I do floor back exercises, DL and lunges and squats, usually 3x10 twice a week. It helps, but there is still moderate pain.
Julian Gomez
Get better shoes and check your posture These both cause pain if they're terrible
William Ramirez
looks pretty good. does it include the rubber flooring
William Flores
Socially awkward autist here. Apologies if this is common.
I joined a gym yesterday, had the induction and everything looked nice. I am a notorious over-thinker, however. I don't like doing things without planning them to perfection. I even pre-planned what I would say to the people there. Despite all that, it's obviously something I want to work on. I want to "think less" and do more.
Is it really as simple as:
>Walk in. >Change. >Walk up to squat rack >Add weight. >Squat. Stand up. Repeat. >Approach bench. Add weight. Lift. >Shower/Change. >Leave.
I think the part that I'm worried about is the "What if somebody is using it and I have to stand around and what if they want to work in and what if I want to work in..." and so on. But I can't keep going on in life like this.
Daniel Robinson
Vitamins or supplements for better blood flow?
Matthew Perry
Im 3 weeks into sl. Im getting pain in my knees. Ive been riding my bike up big hills almost everyday. Should i just stop squatting? I feel like in overusing my knees.
I also get pain on top of one my shoulders during barbell row and ohp.
Adrian Sanders
Can i find mewtwo in the gym?
Lincoln Garcia
Yup. I feel like haggling for $325, but 300lbs of weights is already $300 on Amazon
Austin Johnson
Someone redpill me on creatine.
When should I use it. How. I don't feel like reading the sticky
Nolan Bell
Only use it on rest days, drinks less water than normal to absorb it faster
Anthony Hughes
It's easier to concentrate on activating your pecs when using a barbell because you aren't trying to balance dumbbells, just work onn keeping a steady straight movement with the dumbbells and over time balancing them will become easier an will move to the back of your mind because your stabilizers will get developed and accustomed to the balancing aspect. Then you can concentrate more on using your pecs for the movement.
Carter Baker
Thank you
Nolan Gray
5g every day until you stop. Drink more water because it causes retention. Your other reply is a troll.
Daniel Morales
If I go on HRT should I decrease volume and amount of weight used?
Owen Edwards
is the half lbs of muscle gain a week mostly going to be leg/thigh muscle?
Sebastian Nguyen
People rarely ask to work in when working with free weights because of the hassle of changing the weight, it will only happen when using cables or machines. And if you are waiting on something just make it clear you want to use it next then go do some accessory to kill time until it opens.
Matthew Collins
Knee pain in both legs from squats. Wasn't enough to stop me last workout, thought it was just bad form. But it has lingered. On SL, should I bother going to the gym today or RICE it and enjoy a day off?
Nicholas Cook
how strong does one need to be to do a tire flip?
Jeremiah Howard
Is chest+back/legs/arms+shoulders good split if done twice a week?
Dylan Sanders
Thanks. I suppose that makes sense. Is it rude to loiter next to the machine or is it cool to drop my bag next to whatever I want to use and just wander off for a drink or something?
Daniel Barnes
Does alcohol lower test levels if you get drunk everyday?
Been drinking everyday for the past 9 months
Leo Martin
no you fucktard. okay yes but still no. you might need 2 days of squats or might need 3. and those squats need to spaced away from deads. everything else can be done twice a week though. if youre just starting and dont know wtf youre doing just do ss
Brandon Walker
I have very poor shoulder external rotation. Is it just a flexibility issue or weak muscles as well? I mean, I'm doing the stretches, but I see bands are a popular recommended drill and those seem to work my posterior delt a bit
Asher Rivera
what shoulder exercises are you already doing
Chase Adams
I am trying to cut weight, but I still want to drink on the weekends, best booze to have so that I don't completely fuck up my diet?
Sebastian Powell
I do a loop around my back with a band, holding in the tightest spot, when I feel masochistic I hold the band on the tips of my fingers, palms facing outward, that destroys my forearms thou I tether the band to a spot and pull it with the opposite shoulder as far as stretching, I hold onto something behind me, palm down and lean forward and I sometimes do this youtu.be/J9yRiOeVvIM?t=4m39s wanted to try doing the ytwl, saw it in a alan thrall video, but my band is too tight
Lifting-wise, my pushing movements are bp and press, I'm doing a modified SS, no shoulder related assistance atm
Jonathan Brown
forgot, I also do this one, brutal as well
Jacob Sanchez
>When should I use it. daily >How. pour 5g into a bottle of water and chug
Gabriel Jackson
i have no fucking idea but if you have trouble rotation your arm backwards you probably have tight as fuck chest muscles. if youre already doing the OHP youre hitting the rear delt so you might want to add face pulls to hit it extra but its probably more an issue of tight chest muscles. but im mostly making this up.
Brayden Collins
can I still do cardio on my rest days?
Daniel Johnson
Henry Long
Yeah that would be fine
Tyler Foster
thank you
John Carter
Cheers mate. I am excited and nervous in equal measure.
Connor Lopez
Is whey or whatever protein powder absolutely necessary to gain mass? What if I just eat clean like 3000+ calories a day with good macros?
Easton Morales
whats a good substitute for banana's in a calorie shake?
Ryder Parker
no, protein powder is useful if you can't reach your necessary protein intake with normal food, but it's not even close to being necessary.
literally anything? hard to answer without knowing what is in your shake already... honey is a good direct replacement for the sweetness, otherwise oats, peanut butter, nuts for calories
Isaac Long
Not starting just looking for decent split. I would mix intensity and volume so eg. one leg day would be heavy squat light deadlift another day vice versa.
Hunter Adams
One muscle group a day routines doesn't really work if youre not on gear right?
Juan Powell
who is cheekie the asian?
Jacob Lee
I mean it works, but it is shit for progression in my experience. I did that brosplit in my teens for about 6 months before i quit, and now I'm back to the gym in my 20s and got the same results in 3 months on a lower/upper split.
On rest days, do I still need to eat at a surplus cause I'm bulking? Won't that only contribute to fat?
If it does, could I even eat at a deficit on rest days to minimize fat built on my bulk?
Michael Baker
Muscle grows during recovery. If you don't feed it while it's trying to heal, it won't grow. So yes you need to eat at a surplus even on rest days.
Thomas Jackson
quick, I'm leaving for gym. best dumbbell exercise for delts?
Henry Young
yes you do, rest day is the best period to ingest more calories, since you won't train and probably won't spend much all of them will go towards healing and improving your muscles
maybe you don't need to eat as much as you would on a regular day but you do need to eat more than you will spend
you should never eat deficit if you're trying to get bigger
Lucas Reed
what could i be fucking up in my form if my inner left hip flexor is in pain from squats?
Eli Ross
This is the business. Love me some Skyr. Excellent food for a cut as well
Kevin Campbell
Newb here. Currently on SL 5x5. Did GOMAD because I needed cheap calories/protein. However, I gained weight too fast (currently 190 lbs at 5'8" started at 164) so I decided to cut it down. Now I finish a gallon in 3 days. However, I failed miserably at my lifts today (5/5/4/0/0 on squats and 4/4/4/0/0 on OHP). Should I get back on GOMAD? Am I getting too fat? I never imagined I'd hit 190 but I got there so fast.
Jackson Thomas
>he fell for the GOMAD meme
Jonathan Fisher
Recently started lifting, and I was wondering if there's anyone else here that physically can't keep their heels on the ground when squatting. I've had people try to show me what they do, tried searching it up online but nothing helps. Once I get a ~30 degree bend in my legs my heels have to come up. Was anyone else like this and found a solution, or am I just fucked?
John James
le epic trold XD XD
Fuck you and your shitty genetics that don't let you digest milk. Jealous shitskin faggot.
Literally the only thread I ever post questions on and get consistent good responses back and this one faggot shows up. Go fucking kill yourself faggot.
Kayden Carter
do i take aspartic acid with food or not?
Aiden Howard
What's the best HIIT? I've been using a stationary bike; 30 second work 90 second rest.
Gavin Hernandez
How do I get rid of armpit fat?
Levi Flores
Buy bras that fit
Leo Hall
what body wash/soap does Veeky Forums use after a long day at the gym
Ian Butler
You think it's just the bra?
Jason Lee
Take it off and we might be able to tell.
Hunter Morgan
but in all seriousness there is no such thing as reducing fat in one spot