Why do people have to resort to using BCE nowadays? I've noticed it in films, books, video games, and essays.
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I haven't. Had to look up what BCE even stands for.
Most people still use BC and AD.
There is a statistical connection between the usage of AD/BC and CE/BCE and high vs low testosterone.
Has to do with CE/BCE being less based around religion (as the AD/BC chart is centered around the death of jesus christ) while the CE/BCE scale is centered around the conquest of constantinople.
>CE/BCE scale is centered around the conquest of constantinople
What? But 2017 AD is still 2017 CE, what does the conquest of constantinope have to do with it?
I was taught to use BCE and CE in my archaeology classes. There isn't any difference in the dates. It just changes it into 'Common era' instead of it having any religious significance tied to it.
Spirit of antichrist.
What's supposed to be the difference between BCE and CE? What event happened that brought in the common era?
>The term "Common Era" can be found in English as early as 1708,[7] and became more widely used in the mid-19th century by Jewish academics.
You win
Dunno. Why not “BJC” (Before Julian Calendar) and JC instead?
The birth of Christ, you leading question poser you.
That would have a 46 year difference from the BC/AD scale, which would all sorts of confusing.
Because of political correctness. It's a solution to a non-existing problem.
But Jesus of Nazareth is believed to have been born 4 BCE.
UTC standard
I heard 7 BC. It doesn't really mater now, does it? Arbitrary as it is, it's the standard now.
Because of (((them))) see
>Jewish academics
this better not be true, is this true?
We should use a calendar in which the starting year would be the very first year of recorded history instead. The very first recorded event in history was probably the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by the first Egyptian pharaoh Narmer, recorded with the Narmer Palette. Radiocarbon dating suggests it happened around the year 3114 BCE. So if the first year of recorded history is to be 3114 BCE, then the current year would be 5131 RH (Recorded History).
It being based upon the death of Jesus still makes it a religious term.
It's just silly.
t. not even Christian
Always gets me thinking
>It's just silly.
Of course it is, it's nothing more than political correctness and it's only purpose is to further tear down Western civilization.
A truly neutral dating system would be based on something scientific that actually has something in common for all humanity, like "atomic era" (BAE/AE).
You could never build a calendar based on Egyptology. To think so belies a complete ignorance of Egyptian time keeping.
>So if the first year of recorded history is to be 3114 BCE, then the current year would be 5131 RH (Recorded History).
While I can kinda agree, historical dating is always vague and we're pushing history back all the time.
For example, why not base the date on Göbekli Tepe, which would make this year 11517 RH?
We should go with the founding of the roman republic (509bc).
As far as I know, it is yet to be confirmed whether or not there is any evidence of a sort of writing system that was used for record keeping in Göbekli Tepe. The earliest known writing systems appear to be Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform, and the earliest known record in Egyptian hieroglyphs appears to be the Narmer Palette.
>For example, why not base the date on Göbekli Tepe, which would make this year 11517 RH?
Because it's a place and not an event?
How did you even come up with that year?
>Egyptian time keeping.
What? From flood of the nile to flood of the nile, and counting years by the reign of the pharaoh?
Göbekli Tepe may not have had writing but it did have representative art that recorded events, which may have been religious and/or historical.
The point is; basing a universal dating system on RH (Recorded History) is vague and subject to change as future discoveries are made, as well as potential ethnic/cultural issues, the same complaint that BC/AD has.
AE (Atomic Era) works for everybody and is an unquestionably recorded event, that furthermore defines the most important date in human history (for now).
What pharaoh? What part of Egypt? How many overlapped? How many erased their rival's history? How many exaggerated their own? No, you know nothing about dating and Egyptian records. Nothing.
Huff and puff all you want, little wolf. Jesus changed the world, and the world knows it.
I say we either do abe urbe condita (So 753BC is "year zero"), the Fouding of the United States (So 1776 is "year zero") or the atomic era. All three work as far as religions are concerned because with the first two anyone who would have any reason to object has their own calendar anyways (Islam, China, Japan) and the third is based around a basic fact that changed the world.
yeah no
Jewish supremacy is the most important demon we will face in our lifetimes.
Have you ever stopped to consider that there is a natural hierarchy, and the reason this particular people are the top of it is because they're better than the rest? If you're a /pol/ack like I think you are, you'll believe in whites being better than blacks (but at the same time "WHY DO JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING IT'S NOT FAIR MOMMY"). Just shut the fuck up and accept the natural order.
inb4 't. schlomo'
I'm not Jewish.
>hello, i'm a retard
>I'm not a Jew, I'm just a shabbos goy who worships them
That's even worse.
Fedoralords got triggered.
Are you incapable of having an objective discussion?
Kek the christian era didn't start till Constantine.
I am, I just don't think superiority or inferiority is a meme. I don't think blacks are inferior for example - I think they're naturally criminal and hostile to whites and that's why I don't want them around. Not because they don't own enough Fortune 500 companies or whatever the fuck.
>Asks a question
Take you pills retard.
>For example, why not base the date on Göbekli Tepe, which would make this year 11517 RH?
Wouldn’t that just leave something like a 8,000-year-long gap between the time of Göbekli Tepe and the actual beginning of recorded events in the ancient Near East around 3000 BCE? That 8,000-year-long gap would basically just be educated guesswork by archaeologists.
Because post-christianity
>based areound the death of Jesus christ
>Born 4BC
>died 30/33AD
Know it's named after him but confused non the less
>All three work as far as religions are concerned
The point is to have a logical universal dating system that everybody agrees with and the founding of Rome or the U.S. is meaningless to the Chinese, Indians, Africans, Eskimos, etc.
Atomic Era is only logical base line date.
>Have you ever stopped to consider that there is a natural hierarchy, and the reason this particular people are the top of it is because they're better than the rest?
No, because being on control doesn’t mean a particular group is best suited for being in control and we’ve seen this over and over again throughout history.
Because BCE and CE isn't only because anti-religous sentiment.
It's also because getting americans fat asses to adapt to an objective date is impossible. You fags can't even into metric.
> Because BCE and CE isn't only because anti-religous sentiment.
Yes it is, the only reason BCE/CE is promoted is because of anti-Christian sentiment, as the dates are otherwise exactly the same as BC/AD so there is no logical reason to change _except_ because of the religious connotation.
> It's also because getting americans fat asses to adapt to an objective date is impossible. You fags can't even into metric.
Metrics is gay, it forces an arbitrary measuring system onto the users instead of basing the measuring system on the users.
No, it’s all slanderous goyim lies. I’ll call my lawyer to sue you Veeky Forums.
You fucking dumbass my point was that there was no date change because amerilards are retards who don't want to change.
The dates are exactly the same because it would be too annoying to change the dates everywhere.
> my point was that there was no date change because amerilards are retards who don't want to change.
There’s no reason to change the notation to “BCE/CE” if you’re not going to change dating system, which I and plenty of other Americans have called for, just as I did up-thread > The dates are exactly the same because it would be too annoying to change the dates everywhere.
Of course it would be annoying to the initial generation that has to adapt but afterward, everybody would grow up with the system in-place and be fine with it.
Yes there is dumbass the change is that it's more secular.
>Of course it would be annoying to the initial generation that has to adapt but afterward, everybody would grow up with the system in-place and be fine with it.
Shut the FUCK up. Only make this argument after americans adopt the metric system.
Didn’t historians finally come to agreement on a single chronology timeline for the Ancient Near East recently? They went with the middle chronology, right? It’s only a matter of time until they come to agreement on a single Ancient Egyptian chronology timeline.
> Yes there is dumbass the change is that it's more secular.
LOL! It’s still the exact same dating system that’s based on the life of Jesus Christ, there is nothing secular about it at all.
> Shut the FUCK up. Only make this argument after americans adopt the metric system.
As I said, metrics is gay. There’s a reason roughly 1 gallon jugs have been used since humans invented pottery; it’s a human orientated measurement not some arbitrary meaningless number.
The Egyptians changed calendars several times over the course of their history. Current prevailing Egyptological opinion is that they started out with a lunar calendar and later had a different civil calendar (or, as some Egyptologists claim, two different civil calendars...). Then later on they also had a second lunar calendar. Some of these calendars defined years in different ways. How exactly do all these fucking calendars line up? No one knows, really, but they try to align them by looking at astronomical events. Only then they get into debates over which astronomical events are being represented, whether calendars were reset between the events or not, etc.
The result is that for half the stuff before the New Kingdom Egyptologists have to work by dead reckoning of reign lengths, which are attested in several contradictory lists and confusing as fuck to put together. Not to mention the times when all reign length data is missing (like parts of the Intermediate Periods).
So good luck with that.
Fine! Let’s just use the Babylonian calendar instead, then. It’s based off of the Sumerian calendar, right?
Is this a surprise? I mean, who would you expect it to be started by? Not Christians.
And still people falling for this. Fuck me, are we overrun with /pol/tards or something?
Now if only we could find some hard physical evidence that Jesus of Nazareth actually existed... like his corpse in a tomb somewhere.
Literally Jewish propaganda to promote cultural diversity.
Personally waiting for UC to arrive. Those O'Neill cylinders will be a thing some day.
>Before Cosmic Era
>Cosmic Era
Purely chance goys, I mean guys.
>Le Jesus didn't exist maymay
Hello new friend, you might not have heard of the Roman historian, Tacitus.
Jews couldnt even conquer their home turf they are a complete joke of a race that can get ahead manipulating moralfags like Europeans but would get genocided by asians or sandniggers.
New Calendar guys
0-1000 6000 years ago
2000- 5000 years ago
3000- 4000 years ago
4000-3000 years ago
5000-2000 years ago
6000-1000 years ago
7000-our current millenium
So it would be 7000 years since the beginning of civilization.
And you picked a date that will probably change as we find out more about the past.
Where's the Finno-Korean Hyper War fit into this?
One day we won't have our souls weighed down by gravity
It's the war on Christmas for academics
Fuck this calendar bullshit, as an American, I need an American calendar.
Change the 4th of July to the 1st of Liberty, and change 1776 to year 1 of F(freedom). Anything before that counts back in years of NF(no freedom).
I will not be happy until this is implemented on a global scale.
You mean from that """historical""" document that turned out to be forgery?
Less of a problem with it being a potential forgery, more of a problem that he's describing angry Christians by their own claims, not claiming to have witnessed Christ.