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I notice you got rid of your trip after you got busted samefagging.
Op does look really good tho.
That wasn;'t even my trip code faggot. Are you gonna post current body pics, or are you again scared?
he got rid of his trip because he was banned
lurk more
Holy fuck op that is the beste physique i EVER seen in my life!1
Yo MasT, what do you do for delts? And how often? Do you ever find yourself horizontally oppressed by narrow doorways?
MasT is amazing. My goal body.
So strong and handsome.
Omg op I wanna suck ur benis
You guys wish you looked as goode as me; but your scared to do what it takes to look tihs good! Steroids arent cheap.
I suck dicks for mast and test like a real man. Fuck you faggotso.
M19 how I looking? Pretty bad from front desu backs a bit better.
how can i get goal body like OP
honestly you look good as fuck OP fuck all these haters
Really funny to use my name faggots. There can be only 1 god and that's me. MEEEEE, the real MAST
Routine doesn't matter. Genetics matter. After that there is diet and then you got gear.
Look in fraud, everyone is dyel.
>butt muhhh tren
When are you gonna lift?
Why even bother.
Your photography skills are shit but looks good, I request a double biceps flex (no homo).
I am mad that my nips are fucked otherwise I'm starting to look good?
I'm not good at posting with phone.
cool vains, but FIX THAT GYNO MAN
get on letro ASAP!!
You're obsessed with yourself.
How the fuck do people make gains like this as beginners? How long have you been lifting for and what do you do in the gym? Fuark
Trolls, trying to replica the real god. What is new?
letrozole. It nukes your estro, but will fix the gynol for sure.
Search and find the right protocol, it's really important to taper up and down etc, otherwise you will get e2 rebound
Currently 240lbs 6'2"
Maybe 10% bf
You know what is sad? My ass is more attractive to a man presented as female booty, than a fat man will ever be attractive to a woman.
Be jelly
2 years of serious lifting brosplit for 1 1/2 year then own PPL schedule, lifting 6-7 times a week
I'll look into it thanks!
nice gyno faggit
how to get hueg arms? ?
I'm not mad you're mad
lmao youre pathetic.
everyone ITT is now mad that they would lose in 100/100 fights with pic related, a 5'10" 145lb user, unless they are as skilled as him
So.. thats a man ass ? I was gonna say " ew what the fuck is with the hair ? " but ok it makes sense now
Keep posting dyels
Hahaha, you roided for this?! You two should start lifting soon.
All hail the king
Weight classes exist for a reason.
Ricky Hatton got knocked out in a bar fight by a bodybuilder, skill and technique can only take you so far bud when the other guy outweighs you by 100lbs
Why are you talking to yourself?
Roid/10 kill yourself faggot
Google bjj vs bodybuilder mr iowa or something
That dude was probably suckerpunched or very drunk
Roid more to get rid of your thin ass bitch face
Why do you look like a tomato?
Nice try but mast literally complimented this photo 6 hours ago
feel free to stay mad.
By the way, weight classes exist because you're fighting someone with the same skill level as you, and it is a competition that must be equal to see who is truly superior.
This is when someone has much, much more skill than you do. Size and strength makes no difference. As already said, stay mad.
Fight me
Shit like this is why I've stopped caring if traps are gay
Yeah im not him just used his name and didnt know it stayed. Now seriously, roid more to get rid of your pencil face.
Lmao it's low bf nerd
Not really mate, your jaw is just thin, and specially your chin
Hgh now
I fucking love that BJJ brown belt user. The fact that he exists and posts on Veeky Forums makes Veeky Forums so mad at the truth in any thread he's mentioned in yet he only posts in the martial arts threads kek
You see the gyno? Thats how
lol my wife of 10 years who I have three children with has a more masculine jaw than you. Maybe in another life, kid.
the steroids he uses as shown by the gyno. it's really not that hard to see user. don't be fooled by these pieces of shit.
Wow you married ugly duder
Still, low bf but thin, its ok thought no one is perfect
You're implying that you look like a male.
3 months out
the height make me a hardgainer, but i won't stop.
Just a heads up
Is 6 4". Height can play a huge part but you have to look at your routine and diet eventually
you look like someone carved a human out of sweaty cheese. stop posting.
also stop pushing down your lower ab fat, we can't see em anyways
Just a heads up
uses steroids. Steroids can play a huge part but you have to look at your routine and diet eventually
you look like a low bf grill, and that cute itty bitty mouth doesnt help
post your receding hairline pls
Mad potential with those shoulders.
Whack it a lot?
What? I train twice daily nerd
Fool he was complaining about being 6 7" and not being able to make gains. I was using you as an example of a tall person that has put on size.
I need an update, did Isley ever learn?
I put his bitch no aesthetic weak armed ass in his place
stop preteding to be the mong
wrong tripcode
CB, 4 years in, still not jumped on el gearo
cock and ball torture?
yeah, no kidding.
any of you boys lookin for a good time?
Seriously, stop taking my trip code you faggot
Been lifting a year, 5'8 160 lbs
Mirin the veinage desu my friend
>tfw I look better in this picture from 5 months ago than I do now
Dunno if it's lighting or what but fuck
Get outta here dad
the level of autism required to think this looks good
Hitting chest every 2nd day now to try and build it up since it's lacking so fucking much.
this was at 165, pre bulk.
6'2 217lbs
down from 235lbs
shooting for 200lbs
Going for Brad Pitt look
Fuck u
bench max? you look like you have the chest of an 11 year old girl
5'9 175
Holy shit! You're back! The Mong has returned!
>tit piercings
muh dick
shame about those tats
What routine were you doing that left your chest like that?
No kidding bro! 26kg db press, 65kg barbell bench srs. I've only just started being able to complete push movements without pain after years of being a lazy cunt.
was more so me being a sedentary piece of shit and not utilizing my chest at all, once I started lifting I started getting mad pain on push movements so I've been taking it slow and now it's at the point where it's strong enough to properly bare weight and progress.
haven't been here in a long time
6'2.5" 220lbs
you're a big guy
You look like a faggot who gets fucked in the ass regularly
Kill yourself degenerate
Looks like you've been spinning your wheels for 7 months. Did your lifts increase? How's your diet?