How much more does it look like I need to cut? I've been at a 1k calorie deficit for a month and I can see my abs slowly forming but my love handles are not wanting to leave.
How much more does it look like I need to cut...
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you should do more squats and cut back on the upper body work
Ahah you're a fucking horrible person.
Quite a bit, you're still fluffy. And for the love handles you'll have to keep going till they're going, spot reduction is a myth. Your fat genetics are pretty much like a woman, sexy tits and hips with soft limbs.
You're pretty fat and don't have any muscle. I'd guess 30lbs until you start looking normal without knowing your stats
How tall are you? If you're around 6' Id guess 20-30lbs.
if you got a boob job, you'd have an amazing hourglass figure.
klinefelter's syndrome
Don't use the word "cut". You don't have any muscle, so don't bother with "cutting".
Jus lose weight. That's all. You've got no muscles to lose to begin with, so your body will naturally just take from the fat. By using the word "Cut", you imply that you in any way, shape or form have lifted - which you have not.
Either start running or start lifting weights. Whatever you are doing is not working unless you are going to start HRT soon.
ma'am please cover up, this is a blue board
Go on keto
Start taking yohimbine
Lots and lots of cardio
Haha thanks for the awkward compliment, and yeah I kinda figured. I'm at about 175 lbs and 5'11. I used to be obese as fuck as a teenager and cut down to... This overall losing like 100 pounds but it wasn't enough senpai. I don't know if I have gyno or not but my man boobs have gotten smaller as I've been dropping weight the last month.
Right now I'm doing a 40/30/30 split of protein carbs and fats and doing a full body workout with emphasis on chest. Only problem is I can't go to the gym atm because it's quite big and I stole this roidfag's girl and he goes there.
You need to squat HEAVY. It actually can expand your rib cage if you start young enough, and you need it to expand to match those wide hips.
>What about between the ages of 15 to 20 years of age?
>"Teenagers," Dr. Medaera continued, "who perform breathing squats and pullovers progressively for many months can expect from one to two inches of ribcage growth – and even more on the surrounding muscles. Certain people, with unusual genetics – such as yourself – can exceed those expectations."
>I stole this roidfag's girl and he goes there.
what did you steal? her figure?
>I can see my abs slowly forming
Oh yeah look at those abs, ripped at fuarrk!
>hips that wide
There's literally no hope for you. Shave and transition into a twink femboy already you natural cumdump.
Underrated oh fuck
Hahaha that's funny but no I'm just fucking her.
In any case I've got some dnp coming in tomorrow so I'm gonna add that and see how shit pops off
how does any girl want to fuck you while you look like shit lol
Good personality good face but idk bro I slay tho
your pic shows bad jawline
you must be the funniest dude out there lol
Me thinks that he's making it up after being lambasted in his own thread.
How fucked am I?
I'm really not. My count is 15. I know I'm fat and unattractive but females dig me idk
Sure they do. They'll dig you more when you start transitioning.
Can't tell. Post boypussy.
Again,this fucking thread again.
FUck off fag.
Fa sho. I don't have to explain myself to you, I'm just looking for advice :)
By the if it helps, this is what it looked like when I got down to 165. I took a trip up to Colorado and gained ten pounds in 15 days from all the weed though and I put maybe 5-6 pounds on top of that.
What's a boypussy?
Your pink, shaven, puckered asshole.
you are the most disgusting thing i've ever seen topless. please don't post here again :/
Sorry about the wide hips bro
I don't wanna get banned
OP, what's it feel like to have two X chromosomes?
I'm 5'11 like op except but I weigh 170. Will cutting to 150 then lean bulking be the best route for me ?
>puffing up your chest for the picture
Eat at maintenance. Lift weights. Cutting/bulking is a meme.
What if I'm too poor to afford a gym membership? Could I do freeweight exercises until then?
Select grade bant
You're not cutting... you just skinnyfat. You need to start lifting weights and develop some musculature before you start using the buzzwords and being worried about this.
Lift m8, fuck... compounds will get you to where you wanna be as well as nutrition and rest. This formula never ever ever fuckin changes.
hahaha wtf every girl would be jealous of that hourglass figure
nice try, but hookers don't count
>wide as fuck hips
i am so sorry dude
please fucking lift weights
I've always heard it referred to as "cutting far" no matter if it was a hambeast or a sick cunt
Nig I have never paid for sex and I never plan on it. The 15 girls I've laid have all wanted the d for free booiiooooooo
Hit confirmed.
OP neutralized.
I love when femguys like OP step in the gym because my cock gets hard just thinking about grabbing em by their boy hips and fucking the shit out of them.
you look sad
Tell me more. What would you do specifically to OP?
this disease is not nearly as common as fit implies
>OP steps into gym just as I've just finished my 10th set of squats
>i immediately notice his hips in the mirror and gaze at them from across the room
>OP meets my gaze and I look him dead in the eye
>OP breaks eye contact and looks away
>think to myself "i've got you now."
>tfw i want OP to know that ass is mine
>head for the showers
>in comes OP to shower up
>OP heads for showers at opposite end of the room
>"where do you think you're going? get that ass over here"
>OP complies
>bend OP over and start fucking that sissy pussy, cum in it and toss him onto the floor when I'm done with him
>tell OP you better be here same time tomorrow or i'll come looking for you
How hard would you fuck and humiliate him? Will you force him to wear a chastity cage until the next time you meet?
nah, but i'd tell my mates and we'd all have a go and OP would be walking out of the gym in a way that made other people think it was his leg day
And what would you do after you've trained OP to such an extent that he won't be able to live without your cock?
Bring him home to live with me and have him find other femguys and sissies for me to fuck. Who knows, I might have to put him in chastity if the sissies got a bit catty and jealous, fighting over who is my current fav.
Very nice.
op, bad news, but it looks like gyno.
Look I'm not that user and I'm not gonna get lewd with you. That said if I was OP's personal trainer we'd make some changes STAT.
>Immediately supplement with testosterone inhibitors and estrogen pills
>Intense cardio regimen and cut for around 3 months
>3 months after OP's hormones have settled we can fatten her up with a solid bulk and expect even greater fat distribution
>During the bulk process weight lifting begins. Squats, sumo deadlifts and barbell glute bridges will be her staples
>Upper body will be lightly trained so she doesn't look too pear shaped
>OP's hair is dark enough for laser hair removal so that's a major plus
>Depending on face situation FFS may or may not be necessary. I like the weakness of that chin and big lips though
OP I strongly urge you to consider my fitness regimen, we could make you a really pretty girl.
Yo, GOAT taste in porn my friend. That artist does great work.
I'm a /pol/ack too if that's your thing, I know a few of you guys over in /cuteboys/ want a big strong polack daddy to fuck you :P
OP you might actually unmemeically have kline syndrome
>OP would be walking out of the gym in a way that made other people think it was his leg day
If you walk out of the gym after going hard on leg day any different than you do any other day, you have even less testosterone than OP.
That's pretty good. Combined with that other user's slut training I'm sure we can make OP into a complete bitch slut.
I'll go meet with the officials and get the funds for this project.
Nope. You /pol/tards are always the secretly masochistic and submissive ones, not to mention pasty and DYEL. But don't worry, I'll lovingly bring you out of my shell as my cute personal cumdump.
You have kline felt tips too
pal, I have 20" calfs, you better go clean that sissy pussy and get it ready for me.
Yes sir sorry sir i love you sir
>tfw OP has a better chest/waist/hips ratio than you do as a girl
I have 25'' calves my little tough guy. You'll have to do better than that to tame me.
Iktf female senpai. Girls have always had bigger arms than mine. At least now I lift
Currently 140 lbs, what should I do brahs? I want to bulk to get muscle (not even lmao 1 pl8) but I need to get rid of these bitch tits, help me fit pls.
I'm not expert but maybe try working out
.78 is probably a little girlish for a guy isn't it?
See You were right about one thing though..
>/pol/tards are always the secretly masochistic and submissive ones
I admit it, I'm a huge sissy faggot lol, but I can roleplay either.
Noice calves, did you raise them yourself?
You're pretty cute user. Don't hesitate to come over and fuck me if you ever see me at your gym.
Idk id say you become a woman. They kill for that kind of curve around chest-waist
I'm sorry OP but fucking hell you have one unfortunate body.
You have Klinefelter syndrome OP, sorry to break it to ya'
You wont ever look aesthetic.
Godamn I'm skinnyfat as fuck but at least I can sleep soundly at night knowing I won't ever look like op.
Man youre lean enough, you just Klinefelter syndrome and there is literally nothing you can do about it. You will always have a feminine physique
Fuck you guys youre just jealous thatr i look better than you. Post YOUR bbodies! faggots
I came here for a little help and everyone laughs at me.
Fuck you all.
Look fampai, sorry to discourage you but you probably won't see abs during this cut. Unless you cut to absolute skeleton-tier they wont really be super visible.
You don't have enough muscle on your frame (especially upper body) for abs to show at a decent weight.
You probably have 30 excess lbs of fat on you but the real reason you look so flabby at 5'11 175 is because you lack muscle mass.
It is IMPERATIVE that start and/or keep lifting right now. Stay in a decent deficit and reap the noob gains
Is buff Babyface the worst possible combination?
lol youre fucking joking right?
my face is fine retard