Is the Holy Spirit kind of like, The Force?
Is the Holy Spirit kind of like, The Force?
I don't know. Can you repeat the question?
>Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.
So no.
Midichlorians are literally Monads.
>not being penetrated by the Holy Spirit
I pity you.
Yes, the latter part of the definition could apply to the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is not "an energy field created by all living things."
Rey is a Mary Sue
I have no idea what The Holy Spirit, is, and I'm certain 99% of Christians don't. They never talk about it. It's always God-Jesus.
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question ?
Yeah it's mitochlorians
Well one is not real and based on superstition and magic, and the other is based on a fictional universe a long time ago in a galaxy far away.
You don't really believe in the "Holy Spirit" (LOL) do you?
Most Christians I've talked to think it's like a conscience or something. I don't understand why Christians believe the trinity is such a mindfuck.
Because most Christians nowadays have either a nuanced view or don't care enough to confront the cognitive dissonance inherent in the system and they over simplify the whole religion to "be a good person like Jesus", which works for society.
No because the Holy Spirit is a person whereas "the Force" is merely a force.
Holy Spirit Force = c^4 / G
Holy Ghost Power = c^5 / G
G = gravitational constant
c = speed of light constant
I mean basically any idea that makes the trinity make sense is a heresy.
No, it was Jesus's personal daemon.
You've clearly never been to a Catholic or mainline Protestant church (to say nothing of the Charismatics). Everything is "in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti," "in unitate Spiritus Sancti" etc. And even in the less liturgical churches, denial of the Trinity is a relatively fringe belief.
Lucifer, trinity's:
Father force = c^4 / G's us
Son G's us = c^4 / Father force
Son G's us = c^5 / Holy Ghost power
Holy Ghost power = c^5 / G's us
c = speed of light constant
f = gravitational force
G = gravitational constant
p = gravitational power
f = c^4 / G
G = c^4 / f
G = c^5 / p
p = c^5 / G
If you believe he or it impregnated Mary then, I guess he/it would be a ghostly rapist of sorts. I wouldn’t so Force, more like farce.
>Everything is "in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti," "in unitate Spiritus Sancti" etc.
Mentioning that a Spirit exists now and then is in no way comparable to the enormous amount of discussion going on about Jesus and God, and also doesn't tell anyone anything about what the Spirit is or how it works, just that there's something called a Holy Spirit, whatever that is.
Nice leddit meme you fucking faggots
Thats some high level autism and retardation right there.
These anons are playing with fire.
"I tell you all manner of sin shall be forgiven except Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. For he is guitly of an eternal sin and does not see forgiveness in this age or in the age to come."
Well they're both fiction so in a way yes
Seen that Fucking Spam Faggot
posting these everywhere. WTF?
Here is the Stonehenge cored Micaceous Stump (80/96) summary. The Altar Stone (80) was originally erect in Stonehole 96 and the Heel Stone (96) was originally erect in Stonehole 97. In 586 BC the erect Altar Stone (80) was moved to centre Stonehenge and reset recumbent. In AD 24 the erect Heel Stone (96) was moved from Stonehole 97 to Stonehole 96 and reset erect, after a 1/4 clockwise rotation. Great Trilithon Stone (55) was still erect in the 1st century AD and recumbent Altar Stone (80) was not broken, only its Micaceous Stump (80/96) under the Altar of Burnt Offering.
Recharge the Galaxies & Planets magnetic shields
Exhume, Universal magnetic reversal, Recharge
seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (666), ten horns (x10), ten crowns
(^-10), and Rev-13's beastly tail (space^3/mass-time^2) cm^3/g-s^2
Gravitation - G, the Letter of God, the mark
Gravitation - JESUS, the Word of God, the name
Gravitation - G'S US, the Sentence of God, the image
Gravitation - 666 x10^-13 m^3/kg-s^2, the Wisdom of God, the number
mason is G=c^5/power & mason is G=c^4/force
the mark, the name, the image, the number
GRAPES-3 indicates a crack in Earth's magnetic shield
Dig or Die, Lucifer
Mishkan 1.2m below Heel Stone
@ Stonehenge, United Kingdom
can someone tell me what the holy spirit is please?
Holy Ghost is God
Holy Spirit is Satan
7 Spirits of God
>using 'lol' un-ironically
Wew lad, you making it worse for your self.
No because something can not have the holy spirit and be alive. The force literally is required for life and having the force sucked out of your causes death.
You know that the only unforgivable Sin is making fun of the holy spirit? good luck in hell
I was thinking the same, I mean its the only thing you are told not to do, even insulting God can be forgiven but not this and you go and do it for fun in a malasyan paper-mache imageboard.
The seven Spirits of God are inside the
Brass Altar of Burnt Offering (4 horns)
1st Spirit - gold Mercy Seat
2nd Spirit - gold Ark of the Testimony;
3rd Spirit - gold Table for the Showbread (2 horns)
4th Spirit - gold Candlestick
5th Spirit - gold Ephod
6th Spirit - gold Breastplate
7th Spirit - gold Altar of Incense (4 horns)
Under Stonehenge being located
1.2m (4ft) below Heel Stone, UK
Ancient of Days
So why can is blasphemy against the other persons in the Trinity forgivable but not against the Holy Spirit? Can't it handle the bants?
No, it's kind of like the smell of a fart that permeates a room some time after the gas-passer has left.
Rev. 12:3
>And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
Rev. 13:1
>And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Rev. 17:3,7
>So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
>And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
Ah yes, that Ancient 7 headed 10 horned Monster.
Hey, is the Old Lady, Her Majesty, gonna dig it up?
I really think that's all just religious rhetoric to sound like some authoritarian to the feeble minded.
Basically, yeah. It's an attempt in Judeo-Christian mythology to incorporate animist-dynamist supernatural phenomena within their own version of monotheism.
holy ghost vs holy spirit, which is the right one?
God's breath.
i like the seven spirits, the ghost outnumbered.