I'm afraid I've been doing OHP incorrectly since I started lifting a month ago

I'm afraid I've been doing OHP incorrectly since I started lifting a month ago.

My grip is similar to the example on the left. Is this incorrect? If so I'm probably gonna have to start over ;_;

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Not OP, but bumping because I've apparently been doing it wrong the whole time too...

You want your second knuckle pointing straight up to the ceiling

Lol what ? This is retarded


I hope it is. I find the left example easier, but for the one on the right I feel it more work done on my shoulders but I have to arch my back

This picture is false. You ideally want a less exaggerated form of left pic related. Your second knuckles to the sky

That is a relief. Just want to make sure, OHP also works out your core correct?

Lemme break it down for you OP.
First thing is, the right image is correct. Why? Simply because, though it may not matter as a beginner, when you get to 120+lbs you don't want that weight to rest on your wrists. The force holding your wrist from snapping backwards in the left picture position is solely bone and connective tissue, not muscle. At a certain point it will be too heavy.
Now the right picture is more difficult to maintain, because you have to stabilize the bar with your forearms, but it is undoubtedly correct. It doesn't change in any way the muscles used to lift the bar; any change you feel in shoulder activation is just an issue of balance.
For more info, watch this video.

How are people able to do heavy ass front squats then?

Also, the picture on the right looks like he's pushing his wrist too far forward. The bar should rest in the crevice between your thumb and palm and draw a straight line down the forearm. On most people this will mean the second knuckle pointed backwards at around a 20 degree angle.

Don't be so disheartened.

Your muscles are still as effective, your gains are still gains. Correct form is easy to correct. It requires weeks of work, not months.

The bar in the front squat rests on the front deltoids mate. The hands serve only to pin it down onto the shoulders so that it doesn't roll off.

The form on the right also looks pretty dangerous if the weight is too heavy. Shit could fall if your grip isn't tight

Hold your hands in front of your face, palms facing outwards
Touch your thumbs and pointer finger, making a diamond shape (or triangle if you have your thumbs flat)
Pull your hands apart horizontally, this angled approach is perfect for the OHP

>My grip is similar to the example on the left
how is it not common sense to not have heavy weight being supported by the forearms rather than resting on the wrists?
your wrists will get damaged if you go heavy on the left pic

No. The worst case scenario is that you just drop the bar forward which isn't going to do shit. Aside from that, your grip is MUCH stronger than what you can OHP even 6 inches. Any untrained man can grip onto 200 pounds for the .5 seconds it takes for you to realize you're losing your balance and bring the bar back down to the start position.
I've never dropped the bar on OHP in my life, the worst thing that happens is that you just lose tightness in the forearm and realize your wrists are like the left picture after a few reps.

What do I do about my back arching problem? I'll start at a lower weight obviously, but if my back keeps arching what do? Wear a belt?

Whats a belt used for btw? Is it a meme?

>ITT retards defend shitty form

don't use a belt

just work on your form

gee I guess I should bench with my wrists bent back too

Literally the only two people who get it

The left pic is an exageration. With the second knuckle up the excess weight on the wrist is eliminated

He does not have the right face for that haircut.


If your back is arching, you're not bracing your core properly and the weight is heavy. You need to straighten your legs, squeeze your ass checks and tighten your abs. Take a big breath before every rep and hold it until the bar is on your shoulders again.

I added core work to my routine as soon as I had trouble with stability on OHP, it may help you too.

Weighted Decline crunches 3x8

Cable Woodchoppers 3x8 both sides

Single-Arm Farmer's Carry, 2 minutes each side, but you probably only need to do 1 minute

Don't wear a belt. If you can't stop arching your back then reduce the weight. The back should be bent at the lumbar actually, see pic related

If this isn't sarcasm, no, you shouldn't bench with bent wrists either.


I used to do hyperextensions, but I stopped because deadlifts started to get difficult enough

>tfw have to change form
>tfw OHP is the one lift that is lagging behind

I hate having fucking shoulders. Good for nothing piece of shit body part

So is it knuckles up or right picture?

I fucking hope you break you clavicles and have to live without shoulders for some months, you stupid fuck.

Shoulders are literally the most useful bodypart you can have. Do not talk SHIT about shoulders, you fucking wuss

Yes quite so. If you can't feel it in your abs after a set then you probably aren't doing it right.

SIDF pls go

Dunno if it's just me thinking this, but on the right example, the bar could easily skip out of your grip if you put any real weight on it.

try masturbating without using your shoulders or are you a little baby dicked masturbator that can only masturbate using the wrist?

It looks like his second knuckle pointing up

It just gives you inferior force transferral and hurts your wrists. It's not the end of the world, but it's definitely ideal to do the knuckles up with pretty much every press.

Look on the bright side. Your shit form might be why it was lagging behind. And I don't know what your lifts are, but it is normal for ohp to progress slower than the others

So my problem isn't the grip, but I've been doing wide grip OHP. Is that shitty form or just not as intensive as narrow grip?

At the top position should your arms be perpendicular to the floor (straight up)? Or about shoulder width/slightly wider?

Keep it straight

Damn, guess I've been doing wide grip OHP as well. Will I be able to lift more or less keeping them straight?


>The back should be bent at the lumbar actually, see pic related

I don't think you can bend anywhere but there actually.

It's more down to personal preference. The left is an exaggeration. The bar should rest more mid palm as opposed to back in the fingers like that but some bend on the wrist is fine.

Go look at some big lifters do the press on youtube and you will see a lot of them pressing with the bar back in the palm and not in a straight line like the right picture.

>all the retards ITT

Literally every weightlifter uses left since it allows both more balance and better leverages. It is safer to use straps with that grip, but if they can hold 200kg above their head without the wrists breaking, so can you with your 30 kg OHP.

>arms perpendicular to floor on the top

No, who the fuck thought it would be a good idea? Are your arms perpendicular to floor on bench press too? You are increasing your ROM tremendously, while having a terribly difficult bottom position for both your shoulders and tris.

Not a single person with good OHP goes by what Rippetoe says. His advice might be good if you are around nothing but a barbell weight, but if you want to get through 60kg and futher, fuck that. If you are stalling, listen to me.

If you arms aren't perpendicular then where are they? You doing some sort of standing bench press?

I do everything with bent wrists. Don't really give a fuck, especially on bench keeping knuckles facing the roof means the bar sits on your thumb

How is that even a question?

stupid ass picture

I can do 70kg for 2 reps over 5 sets and i do the form on the left but with wrist a little bit up

There's also a really fucking important difference you're ignoring: They're jerking, not pressing. Completely different optimal form.

Right grip hurts my wrist even when just doing the bar
Left grip allows me to comfortably do my reps at 55kg without any problem
>going for 57.5kg for reps next week
>nearing 1pl8 OHP for reps

Irrelevant. Since OHP was removed from the olympics, the best weightlifters are also the best at OHP at the moment. Pic related, 174 kg strict press.

Next one, 162 kg from Klokov. Look at both - arms wider than shoulders, bent wrists.

Healthiest for the wrist =! strongest positioning

The bent wrist allows for the bar to be closer to the bodies center of mass, allowing more leverage, and allowing the prime movers to better perform. Stretches your wrist a ton, so don't go hurting yourself. Maybe get some wrist wraps or something like klokov senpai