
I drank the devil's poison and I feel like shit
Are my gains ruined?

You can't that's negative 10 months lifting

I don't know why people like Alcohol
Booze tastes like shit, I drink it to act social but I hate it

I rather drink chocolate milk

People don't like the taste of alcohol. They like the effects of it.

Well, that depends
Was it hard liquor, OP? You may need to deload and start your lifts from scratch.

>don't like the taste of alcohol
>stop being a pussy

Choose one

Are you kidding? I think a majority of people drink alcohol for the taste of it. Beer, wines and scotch are delicious.

This. It sucks but that's usually how it goes.
>drink a bunch of vodka
>nearly pass out
>next morning can't even lift half of what I could before for 1 rep
Alcohol is the ultimate gains killer.

Opposite for me, bro. I love my rum, beer and wine. Honestly wish it weren't alcoholic so I could just savor the taste without the drunk.

I drank some shots, vodka, tequila, scotch and rum
Then I drank captain with cola

I'm not even wasted but I feel like shit

Drank yesterday with friends, hit squat PR this afternoon.

Stop being a pussy

u fucked up major

This, so much. Scotch is delicious, but I hate being intoxicated.

Nigger, if Black Russian's weren't two shots of hard liquor I'd have that shit with every meal and then some

>drink some vodka
>go lower on squats

I wish I was just memeing.

Fanny's the lot of ye


Also, have any of you guys seen the emperor lately? How fantastic is his new outfit? He's definitely wearing the finest garments in the kingdom and not naked at all.

I love beer. We have some great breweries here in Austria. You're welcome to stop by, I'll help you get the taste of dick out of your mouth.

This definitely wins my most-autistic-post-of-the-month award for July so far



I'm an alcoholic and even I can confirm this, I drink at least 10 drinks everyday and have for the last 9 years

>tfw to the point that I do shots and chase it with Pepsi so I can get drunk really fast