I've been looking at what the oldest civilizations to exist in any given region today.
While looking at that, I ended up on a Wikipedia page (I know, but other sources show similar things) about the oldest structures in the world.
The thing I noticed about them is that, just about all of them are in Europe. In fact, many of them are in NORTHERN Europe.
Having structures like these is a clear indicator of an up and coming civilization, and since Northern Europe had these before anyone else, one would think that Northern Europe would have developed into one of, if not the, earliest civilizations.
But that's not what happened, Northern Europe started developing before anyone else, then just stagnated for 5000 years.
What's up with that?
The Oldest Structures Are All European
Other urls found in this thread:
There were plenty of proto-civilizations in Northern Europe, although they did lack a written language.
I swear to god somebody better respond to this thread.
All of that was built by SARDINIANS. They are the only people who can we wuz the Neolithic farmers. Rest of Europe got raped by steppeniggers.
Yeah, I'm asking why their old as dirt proto civilizations never developed into actual civilizations, despite having millennia to do so.
Because they got raped by steppeniggers who destroyed their civilizations. Southern Europe was raped less in general, allowing actual civilizations like the Minoans, Nuragics and Etruscans to flourish.
Honestly they were pretty close to being a civilization. The only reason why scholars are hesitant to call these cultures civilizations is because they lack a written language.
I mean, writing is pretty important for civilization.
On the other hand, they're perfectly willing to call the Aztecs a civilization.
So you're saying that people from an island in the Mediterranean Sea, made megaliths in Scotland.
I find that rather hard to believe.
Are you that Polish loser?
I don't know who you're referring to, and no, I'm not Polish.
If you take a closer look at them, you'll notice that they're all burial cairns, not settlements or anything of actual/non-religious value.
What this suggests to me is that the ancient peoples of those areas valued worshipping and honoring the dead, much like cultures that later propped up in those places.
No, if he was the P*lish Poster, he would have asserted that they were all "Nordids" and that they clearly moved and made all of the other civilizations, which is why they couldn't develop their homeland for 5 millenia; they were too busy subjugating the swarthy races.
You got some sources for that? It sounds very interesting.
To be fair, the Aztecs did technically have a pictographic/glyphic script for Nahuatl.
Here you can start with this.
Proof that the original inhibitors of North West Europe were BLACK
They sound super comfy desu.
>Oppida continued in use until the Romans began conquering Iron Age Europe.
>Even in the lands north of the River Danube that remained unconquered by the Romans, oppida were abandoned by the late 1st century AD.
I have no knowledge of this period, can someone explain to me why this happened?
Okay, shifting gears here.
Do you guys think that Vinča culture should be considered a civilization?
It’s kind of a mystery. Although it could be possible that their economies started declining due to Roman conquest. Even the ones that weren’t conquered were still effected since their economies depended heavily on trading with other oppidas. Keep in mind, this is a hypothesis.
They were made by immigrants who came from Anatolia. Sardinians are the only modern people who still resemble them genetically.
Did they have a writing system?
As the article already states, these are simply structures which have survived long enough to be still called buildings. The majority of them look like what you would expect for that area, i.e cavemen tier shit. It does not mean they were the first buildings in the world, just the ones that were lucky enough to not get bulldozed. There's very little from the Middle East for example because of mudslimes blowing that shit up.
where is that and what date/era?
This was Heuneburg and was built in 600BC in Southern Germany.
What about the Celtic runes?
Yes but the structures that they built in Sardinia were more complex, they built this in 11000 bc
They could have the oldest alphabeth, higher ups are hesitant to admit it because there aren't solid enough proves to seal the deal.
I find that date incredibly hard to believe.
Source please.
Giovanni Lilliu "La civiltà dei Sardi dal Paleolitico all'età dei nuraghi", Eri 1988
Another source
There are other similar structures in Sardinia
250 AD.
11000 BC was before the Anatolian migration to Sardinia so even if the date was true(it's not though), you still couldn't wewuz about it.
Also got to imagine that romans used rives as borders so natives could not settle near or in river basins, vital to civilized societies. Then there is refugees from conquered lands and tribal leadership fractured, decrease in male population from war. The migration period might be fate/inevitable from the moment rome started conquest.
No written language makes it more difficult to pass down useful information. My guess anyway.
>Northern Europe
Fuck off, wh*te scum
French are Southern Europeans
>muh pile of stones
>muh mud hutts
>muh hobbit holes
GTFO wh*Te queer
Don't worry snownigger, you weren't thr only ones stacking rocks.
>pic related, Choirokoitia, Cyprus
>settled from 7000BC to 4000BC
I meant 1100 bc
>North West province of Brittany
>"Southern European"
Nice wewuzzin.
This is true, French on an ancestry test is just “southwestern European” same group as the spanish
> Did they have a writing system?
Apparently, they came pretty close, even before the Mesopotamians did;
Also, the Cucuteni–Trypillia had the largest cities on Earth for 1500 years until they got climate+nomad fucked in the fuck and wiped out;
If it wasn't for the climate fucking up, and the eastern European nomads fucking them up, it is likely that the first writing system would hail from modern day ukraine instead of the mesopotamia.
How can this be?
The legends are true
The oldest wheel also comes from the Neolithic Balkans, along with some of the earliest evidence for the smelting of copper
Based Balks.
Nah those were the original Europeans with Anatolian farmers admixture.
Still the modern euroshits, just slightly less pure.
I can only assume a typo for 1100BC, which is within the actual period of existence for Nuraghe culture.
Yes, I've already stated that
Ok that makes more sense
So, european supremacy?
Well, almost.
>Cucuteni–Trypillia had the largest cities on Earth for 1500 years
meanwhile these guys from 3100 BC who haven't discovered pottery yet get to be called a civilization.
>some of
no, the
There is older evidence for copper smelting in Catal Huyouk, Anatolia
>An archaeological site in Serbia contains the oldest securely dated evidence of coppermaking from 7,500 years ago.
How is that fair? They have God too, you can't compete with that.
check this out
>pre-ceramic civilization
>being a brainlet who doesn't know what "civilization" means
The reason why Cucuteni–Trypillia CULTURE is not considered a civilization is because their settlements were just large proto-cities like Jericho and Çatalhöyük, with no real complex social order or planning.
They were fucking killed to death by the modern EuroY1beans.
can you explain why Norte Chico culture is called a civilization given those parameters but Cucuteni–Trypillia is excluded?
>no real complex social order or planning
this seems false on it's face.
>Oldest building in Australia was made only a few hundred years ago by shipwrecked Europeans
I don't know. I haven't read about it. It should boil down to whether they had real cities or not, not just large towns or villages. The explanation for Cucuteni–Trypillia culture not being considered a civilization is right there in one of the articles this guy linked: >The reason that academicians have not designated the gigantic settlements of Cucuteni-Trypillia culture as "cities", is due to the lack of conclusive evidence for internal social differentiation or specialization.
All you can say about it is that they were the first settlements to house tens of thousands of inhabitants.
>lack of conclusive evidence for internal social differentiation or specialization
that's some bullshit imo
Well, at the moment you can say that there's no evidence that the settlements were different from other typical Neolithic ones such as Jericho or Çatalhöyük besides the population being larger: en.wikipedia.org
>A proto-city is a large village or town of the Neolithic such as Jericho and Çatalhöyük,[1] and also any prehistoric settlement which has both rural and urban features. A proto-city is distinguished from a true city in that it lacks planning and centralized rule. For example, Jericho evidently had a class system, but no roads, while Çatalhöyük apparently lacked social stratification. This is what distinguishes them from the first city-states of the early Mesopotamian cities in the 4th millennium B.C.
>Prehistoric Egypt and the Ubaid period of Sumer featured what some call proto-cities. The break from these later mentioned settlements and urban settlements is the emergence of Eridu, the first Sumerian city, in the Uruk period around 4000 BC. A European example of this would be the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, which dates back to the fourth millennium BC.
this doesn't get posted enough
>6500 BC - 2000 BC
>made up of ovular, concentric rows of interconnected buildings
idk dude this shit looks planned af to me
>settlements underwent periodical acts of destruction and re-creation, as they were burned and then rebuilt every 60–80 years
just accidentally ofc
I get this thread is a bunch of Nords we wuzzing.
But this image is a site from ~9000BC Turkey
It's not a building per-say but it would've taken at least as much intricate architecture as these early N.Euro ones would've
It's also widely agreed upon that Mesopatania left the Mesolithic period long before Europe did.
Thus the buildings would be much older since the human settlements don't really start appearing until the Neolithic era, at least proper ones.
There is a number of reasons on why these are not found though. But the most likely is the building materials. As dirt/clay is much less sturdy than rocks, and also sand is much more corrosive than say rain.
>The Oldest Structures Are All European
why you people do this?
you are so desesperate to have history
Hey, Ahmed, Europe has 10x more history than your shitstreet country will ever have.
>an entire continent has more history than a country
Gobekli Tepe is the largest known megalithic site on the planet. Somehow isn't evidence of civilization.
The inclement weather in 20-10,000 BC Europe wasn't exactly conducive to large scale building projects.
Sounds like a bunch of BS. People just don't gather like that without some kind of social order and planning especially if these places housed tens of thousands of people
not really related, but interesting
>carved around 11,000 years ago
>made from the phytoncidic larch, then 'canned' in turf which is an acid anaerobic environment that kills microorganisms and also has a tanning effect
>180 AD
>it's a Roman building
Are G*rman barbarians even trying, holy shit.
It's beautiful. I love ancient art like this.
>Nords we wuzzing
Stop posting such brainless drivel. Almost nothing being discussed here is Scandinavian.
Ancient gondola meme.
>sucking the Lord of Manor's cock is civilized!
That the Cucuteni–Trypillia had an egalitarian society doesn't make them any less of a civilization.
Neolithic artwork is fascinating, here are some figurines from Nevalı Çori which are roughly 10,200 years old.
and 9,000 year old statues from 'Ain Ghazal.
>bottom left
Prehistoric Wojack?
Just how old are these feels.
>All these triggered white-haters.
>white haters
Not the same. Most modern europeans have more hunter-gatherer admixture than anything.
are you being intentionally facetious?
Who is "white", Pablo?
Not him, but 'white', is native European.
This is pretty obvious.
If "white" exist and it means native european, then how are western asiatic hunter-gatherer/middle-easter farmer descendants european?
I need to know exactly who you're referring to.
Obviously to the history of migrations to europe when there were already Humans in europe.
>implying that's a significant amount
>hunters with bigger skulls get invaded and outbred by neolithic farmers, as they can support huge populations, from the middle-east, they get assimilated
>hunter-gatherers come from west-asia through Ukraine
>no significant ammount
Yes, it was an obvious significant ammount. Paleolithic tribes against numerous neolithic farmers.
well they did bring lighter skin pigmentation with them, so there's that
But that's not even remotely what happened.
>builds a wall
>lives inside it
The Aztecs had a written language.