I've read the bible, not all of it, but I have read a good portion, and it just reads like fiction. It really has only convinced me that it's full of shit, although once in a while something poetic or reasonable pops up.
I've read Genesis, Revelation, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, some of Exodus and Psalms, Song of Solomon, and The Book of Daniel.
Are there any books in there that are interesting as well, or have I read the best parts? It's not a bad source of entertainment, but the shit in there is hysterically unbelievable.
Did you guys know that 666 = Nero Ceasar in Hebrew numerology? Some people think the author was writing Revelation to the 7 Asian churches about the 7 Roman Emperors of the time and used coded messages to go under the radar of the Romans.
Also, the story of a virgin giving birth to God is in ancient mythology, and the Adam and Eve thing was kind of in Greek mythology with the Golden Race of superior humans.
Can someone also explain the full context of Lucifer/Satan and his story, and the origin of hell, and when/where people reference it?
Why do you guys think humans lived to 930 and other really old ages in the bible?
Can somebody give me a summary of the entire bible, excluding the parts that are irrelevant to the main storyline?
When was the bible written? It seems sources say from roughly 3500 BC to 100 AD? And who is "John of Patmos", is he the same as John the Apostle?
Is Ham actually black, and is the story of Ham being cursed referring to black slavery and oppression of the past 400 years?
Was the Kingdom of Israel real? Was King David even real? Was Moses real? Did they actually write the bible? Was Jesus real? There is little evidence of historical records outside of the bible for any of these things.
What is the story of the first Church?