Post here fags:


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Nigga wat?

Being an atheist is just as religious as being an atheist m8. Zero proof for a diehard belief.

>Being an atheist is just as religious as being an atheist m8

What did he mean by this?

Whoops I meant being an atheist is just as religious being a THEIST. I've never seen proof that can be easily disproven elsewhere.


Absolutely disgusting.

Agnosticism isn't a religion though. IT means you won't say you know for sure or not. You can be an agnostic theist, as in you reckon there is a god, but you won't say it's 100% the truth.

no u dumb faggot, eat shit op

hello m y friendds

>tfw there's actually a new age spirituality fag lurking around here somewhere
Lel. I put that in for a laugh but wow.

Fair. I should have put an irreligious column. But being unsure about the 100% of god is kind of heretical so it's not like they're theists.

not an argument

>Agnosticism isn't a religion though

Yes it is. The definition of religion does not require you to believe in a god, its just a way to live your life in the broad sense.
>You can be an agnostic theist
No you cant, they are mutually exclusive

>tfw only meditation nerd here
anymore Buddhist bros?

>tfw my poll got removed

What the fuck did you guys do?

>making it
pick one, degenerates

I'm Buddhist. Not practicing meditation as much though but I observe the teachings still

im just trying to look into it because some of this stuff is so much like me. wouldn't say I believe in it yet though.

its taking your fate into your own hands by realizing it was never in your hands to begin with. disconnect my friend.

Here's a new one guys:


kys pajeet


Wtf am I really the only jew here?

Supermong was Jewish if I'm not mistaken so you got that going for ya

I have a lot going for me desu.

okay now we had the poll. now its time to discuss the most Veeky Forums religion:
>christianity because reps for jesus
>muslim because take care of yourself is in the koran
>not sure about jewish ppl
>occasional polytheist views because they always say be strong as fuark
and correct me if im wrong but buddhism is one of the less Veeky Forums ones.

>no aryan spirituality
sorry I meant *the blonde people called proto-indo-europeans that are a lie proven by genetics, language and customs who presented a very different view on life compared to semitic religious beliefs.

Most of OPs religions are semitic garbage or folk voodoo.

From a quick googling I got this
> Talmud (Shabbat 82a), Rav Huna urges his son Rabbah to study with Rav Hisda. Rabbah resists, saying that Rav Hisda focuses only on secular matters: anatomy and hygiene. Rav Huna admonishes his son, saying, “He speaks of health matters, and you call that secular!”
Pretty sick

All of the Abrahamic religions are pretty Veeky Forums in general compared to other religions when I think about it.

Hitler would have spat in your face for that. He was a true christian that abused Christianity to unite 1930 Germany into hating Jews.

I meditate occasionally. It has scientifically proven benefits. But why be budist?

Do you have a sister? I want to breed with a Jewish for the literary IQ boost.


Lack of belief requires no proof. It's up to people who claim X exists to show proof. Atheism is just recognizing a lack of evidence. And I'm not talking about raging 12 year olds on Reddit. Let's stick to academic perspectives.

this t b h, knowing or saying there are none are both beliefs, while agnosticism is just uncertainty


Just a brother. Sorry buddy. My gf has a sister however. She was literally top of her class in medical school past 2 years.

Please in the next poll separate Catholicism from the filthy Protestants pls. I don't like when people put my religion in the same category of those heretics because they are a bunch of sola scriptura heathen faggots that think they are smart because they believe in Jesus too.

>oh look at me I don't believe in the intervening powers of the virgin Mary and I laugh at the saints because I'm a herectic fag

Literally cancer.

God bless us brother.

Any other Satanists here?

There's a lot of arguments for why God exists but my favourite one is the Arabic one called 'Kalam'. The gist of it is

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause for its coming into being i.e an apple is made to be consumed

2. The universe begins to exist billions of years ago.

3. Therefore, the universe has a cause for its coming into being by somebody who wished for it.

Not to mention you have a number of things like pic related for one that just don't make any sense.

*an apple pie

>you have a number of things like pic related for one that just don't make any sense
>there absolutely is a sky wizard


Peace be with you brother.

who is /jihad/ here

Fuck this why I hate atheists.
>everything in this universe comes from somewhere
>rain comes from water evaporating and pouring when they get heavy not because of God
>earthquakes come from tectonic plates colliding because they rest on a liquid mantle and not because of God
>lightning strikes the Earth because of attracted photons and not because of God

>all this energy in the universe just randomly came out of nowhere dude, don't look too deep into it XD

I'm on mobile so summarise it for me m8

Wouldn't the existence of God imply that someone cares about the average Veeky Forumsizen? I'm not sure I can accept this.

Daz me btw friends

>1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause for its coming into being i.e an apple is made to be consumed

This is wrong, you're confusing "cause" for "purpose". the argument here is that anything that begins to exist has a cause, as in cause -> effect (i.e. god is the "cause" behind the "effect" of the universe beginning)

>I'm on mobile so summarise it for me m8

It said "eat a dick, godcuck".

Only if you're assuming an omnibenevolent God. Other than that, for all you know he could be the reason this place is what it is.

>This is wrong, you're confusing "cause" for "purpose".
No I'm not. We may or may not even have a purpose. I do believe there was a cause tho.

no u

>1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause for its coming into being i.e an apple is made to be consumed

Holy shit, this is most retarded thing i've seen this week.
This HAS to be bait

Not an argument m8. Go to /r/eddit if you're that outraged.

I'm not trying to argue here, and the previous guy indeed ridiculed your faith for no apparent reason but everything in this world comes from somewhere and we know where it comes from (or we have the possibility to know it).

The only thing that you do not have the possibility to know where it's coming from is, you guessed it, the world. You can talk about the big bang, or the opposite, that the big energy surge is God's power but it really is something you justdon't have an idea of.

I understand the Kalam as you called it but it is just the same kind of wishful thinking as: the universe just came into being on its own and nothing has a real meaning.

And before you call me a faggot, just think about this: the world and everything in it, including our thoughts and feelings, can be interpreted and reinterpreted by ourselves.

You can interpret things any way you want. Your will determines most of that stuff anyway. You can even justify murder (if you are good at it like religious leaders of all religion) and you can justify existence itself to have a purpose.

islam masterrace, inherent straight edge

>You can interpret things any way you want. Your will determines most of that stuff anyway. You can even justify murder (if you are good at it like religious leaders of all religion) and you can justify existence itself to have a purpose.

I heard about this before from friends. The generally speaking "we are gods" theory".

And I don't mean to be rude but it just sounds like it's coming from deep insecurity in an attempt to control things in a world that can't really be controlled.

Or maybe I'm just understanding it wrong. Have a link?


Oy vey here we go

Buddhism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy branched out from Hinduism, you fucking uneducated retards. It's not about believing.

Also i only worship the Sun.

nah i really just thought about this in my own way by reading some parts of the bible and other books. I didn't think I'm the only one but that's what I thought about.

it shouldn't jump to the conclusions that "we are gods" because that is just pants on head retarded and as you said, it would stem from insecurity.

Mentioning insecurities brings up a whole new topic, though.

What I meant to say is that, everyone has their own religion. It's supposed to be the 'everything is subjective' argument. Scientific experiments are a very good example. Every other guy I meet takes them as canon whereas there are so many contradictions in them. Religion is no exception from this.

Take christianity. Even if Jesus was the Son of God and even if he spread his teachings everywhere, the human mind interprets it in different ways. Even if it is written. Written text has so many interpretations I can't even begin.

I'm not trying to diss religion or atheism for that matter, I'm just trying to figure things out.

yeah? and you pray to Joe Pesci too?

Why don't you believe in fairies user?

sandniggers out please.

Why would it be your god by that logic? It could very well be poo in loo gods if your argument was true. There's zero evidence that your god is real.

it is about believing.

you have to believe all kinds of bullshit about reincarnation.

>Absence of evidence is evidence of absence
Not this again

>yeah? and you pray to Joe Pesci too?
Had badass roles, retired intelligently when he was at his height and not before his image and career started going down.
I'd say he's worthy.

>it's coming from deep insecurity in an attempt to control things in a world that can't really be controlled.
Drop a nuke into the San Andreas vault and you'll see what control looks like.
Or alternatively build an engine, or an array of nuclear devices on the other side of the moon, and see how control looks like when you flung it into the Earth.
Doesn't take creation to control nature, you can also control it with destruction, permanently.


You forgot the hymn:

I feel you man. Tbh I've always been hesitant to say whether one religion is right over one another. I believe nearly all religions have the truth but it just gets tainted and influenced by human desire along the way.

Take Islam for example. One book by god so it's gotta be pretty straight forward right? Nope, ignoring the numerous sects there's also the 'tafseers' which is your everyday mans interpretation of it. And there's thousands of them.

Hinduism started off with one god that that was capable of materialising in some other forms, but over the centuries he's started to number in THe millions as more cultural progress was made.

But there's no removing human influence from anything as we're selfish fucks and do whatever we can to get ahead.


Tbf, if we're nitpicking it, Buddhism isn't a religion or a spirituality senpai.


No, it's putting your logic to the test. If you're required to believe every claim regardless of evidence for it then you MUST believe in faires.

You can't expect sane humans to believe in a magical being without presenting proof. Absence of evidence is proof in every practical sense.

>new age spirituality

Where the fuck is Sun worship you fucking faggot OP?
Look at it.
It's the source of life. It gives life to plants, it gives us Vitamin D, it gives us warmth, it guides us with lights and gives us color.
It has the power of trillions and trillions of nuclear bombs just like we want our bodies to be.
It can guide us in Space and it seeks nothing in return, but for us to spread to the beyond and conquer all the other stars in its name.

It's our mother and father before our mothers and fathers.
It teaches us to be explosive, to improve in all our aspects, both in mind and body, and to go out in a blaze when that moment comes.

You can hope as much as you want nigga, until you got some proof it's not worth shit.

That's a bad argument because the existence of fairies can be traced to early Celtic/Germanic cultures while the question of God has been a concept discussed in near every culture since the dawn of humanity. Bringing in shit analogies won't change that fact.

this desu senpai. it can also kill us

Where is the one true god in your poll fgt

The one and holy Aten!

Give me a fuckin break. Its just a sun.

That is also its lesson.
It is sustaining us till it blows up expending some of its last reserves of energy.
And we must learn to spread outside of the system before that moment it has exhausted itself.
Like a father and mother urging their child to improve as soon as possible and as best as possible towards independence, for one day the parent will be gone.

To improve our minds so science can push us beyond the system.
To improve our bodies so we can survive in the vast expanse.
And then to look back upon our Sun as it explodes, and learn from its dignified death of a warrior to also die in a grand way, FIGHTING

I voted truthfully

The origin of the idea was never a part of your argument. Stop moving the goalposts just because you realized how juvenile your argument was.

>58% of Veeky Forums is full of tiny penis edge-shitter atheists

lmao fuck off, children. Veeky Forums is 18+.

13% aspiring terrorists on this site.

Time to leave.

Are there really that many muslims on this site or is it just epik trolling 4 da win?

I believe in fucking little children, marrying them, and stoning them to death if they ever prove to be disloyal,
so of course i'm Muslim.

>Atheism/Agnostic the overwhelming majority

Why? Not sarcastically why literally why

>It's the only right choice

K but what brings that many people with that view point to fit? True Atheism/Agnosticism worldwide is objectively the minority. Is it the influence on the psyche from being fit? Is it a Veeky Forums thing? Is fit actually filled with 13 year old edgy dyels who choose atheism/agnosticism as some passive agressive jab against society and their parents?

The majority of the world don't have computers.
The majority of the world is poor.
The majority of the poor people lack good education and safe environments.
Lack of either of those leads to adaptation, and religion helps them adapt in different ways, from sense of belonging to feeling of unified strength.

The Internet happens to be mostly populated by people who never had to adapt and get reeled in by religion, due to not growing up in absolute poverty or constant danger.
They have other ways of compensation and adaptation, not necessarily limited to taking up religion.

That's about the gist of it.

>Claims any given form of Christianity
>Wording and attitude are inconsistent with the what it's suppose to reenforce.

Regardless of what you think about doctrine don't you still have to approach people, especially nonbelievers, with love and understanding regardless of percieved discrepancy in their belief system?

According to his religion, he is supposed to.
According to free will, not necessarily so.
Thankfully Christianity is currently among the least harmful religious out there currently, taking Spain and Cannabisland as examples.

I feel like if your answer is correct it's highly simplified. Everyone has belief and belief is a fairly resilient aspect of the human mind.

Regardless though, atheism/agnosticism is still a minority in America and I'm fairly certain to a lesser extent in Europe.

>Fattys need comfort and justification
>Make up god and afterlife to avoid thinking about the fact that they will one day die, and probably young due to their lifestyle
>Veeky Forums is realistic and not afraid of the hard truth, even if it's painful

Well first you have to realize that people aren't born with belief. They choose it or are chosen by it as they grow up.
Secondly you have to be aware that the majority of the Human species in a fucked up state.

It is simplified because the majority falls into those simple reasons:
1. Poverty which limits the amount of tools (tangible or intangible) people can choose to adapt and compensate for what they are lacking in their lives.
2. Danger levels, which make being part of a collective very important, and in poor and dangerous places the most easily accessible collective happens to be a religious organization.

If you want to have a complex answer, then we won't be discussing the majority anymore.
We will be discussing various minority percentages who don't fall into that grouping, the complex varying reasons to the adoption despite presence of other tools other than religion, psychological impact of the surroundings or personal experiences which affects a sudden spurt of belief into a specific diety and whatever,
and a myriad of other shit focusing on exemptions and deviations from the norm.

I'll admit to being Christian on a South African Stamp Collecting imageboard but I also realize that other people do not think the way I do and for good reason.

Everyone's experiences and own logic, regardless of how sound, are viable reasons people choose their belief system. No one wakes up and decides their going to worship chuthulu out of the blue without days and even months of heavy thought and consideration they might be wrong.

I don't laugh at even the most absurd beliefs because that person genuinely believes it for real reason, but I'm also not afraid to call it wrong.

>Still having an imaginary friend

user, please. Religion is the dirty curse of mankind.

Money is. Why do you think Religion still exists? Because it gives enough people money and therefore power. Sure, a fuckton believe in that bullshit but there wouldn't be any fags preaching it, if they wouldn't gain anything from it.

I appreciate the well worded and genuine response and thanks for treating my query seriously. I get what you're saying and being religious myself I've seen this in effect, (I.E. Irreligious middle class or poor people experiencing serious tragedy or financial drawback suddenly becoming religious and revenant to their hobby of beliefs)but there are also people very well off that adhere to a religious ideaology. This might be a part of the nuances that you noted but from what I can tell it seems a good bit too frequent to be mere nuance.

Either way discussing things on a case by case basis would be too impractical and exhausting for an imageboard.


K... You seem to underestimate just how many normies and athletes actually adhere to religious beliefs and how many fattys are left wing hipster atheist. Note I said hipster atheist, the two can be mutually exclusive

My conclusion of whats a "norm" comes from the simple observation of what common ground affects the different nations where atheist populations have risen, or are rising, in percentage; and comparing it to the places where religion thrives.
It's safety in the mental and physical sense, and safety in the material and financial sense, which are the biggest obvious differences.

It's a pretty easy conclusion based on the method of Sociology.
And to go into exemptions of an identified norm, we need to delve into Psychology.
Psychology is mainly a field that deals with the individual, or a very small group of people.
While Sociology is a field that mainly consolidates the findings of Psychology, or the findings of widespread research using its own methods, into a whole, a general mass of people.
So of course, every finding you get from Sociology feels like a simplistic answer, because people tend to be more simplistic as a mass, and much more complex when you start narrowing down numbers (kind of a weird paradox huh?), and we are talking about an established event. When it starts being about using Sociology or Psychology to predict shit, that's when you start going crazy from overclocking your brain.

Northern Irish detected
Its called Londonderry, not Derry