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coping with kickflips
no skateboards, only pain
This is what hell looks like
thank bitcoin for hardforking again everyones going for free coins
You pussies. If you don't see the long game you are not made for crypto.Maybe you are some kind of teen with no perspective at all so i will explain it to you . Fudding this coin at this stage is like dumping btc at 9$ in 2012.You will regret being that short minded in 2018.
I wish he would post something to pump the price up a bit; he had no trouble hyping before. I believe in OMG longterm but wanted to sell to get in on other moon missions.
Any legit price predictions for june 2018?
this is a sweet band name
360 pop-shoveit nosegrind to my suicide familam.
but seriously great time to buy chaps
while this is true im starting to like this meme.
big if true
he just really likes apple products, because every wannabe-techie fag thinks apple is the most innovative.
also, omise has an app in the app store. so they are adopters of apple OS over other options like windows phone, android, etc.
if he were an android fan, with his company's app in android app store, then that sticker on the skateboard would've been that little green android icon.
fuckwits who thought the sticker meant apple partnership were subsequently proven wrong and anyone who bought high and held til now is getting btfo as they should.
>when is the conference guise?
>they will mention OMG right guise?
Oh, you missed the Google's partnership too.
n-nice, we're all gonna m-make it
i recommend everyone to read this
gave me another view on OMG
Bought in at $8 nearly 2 months ago, just pissed i didnt sell at $14 and buy back in now, the whales were playing nice, increasing steadly $2 every 1.5 weeks until BTC shit the bed over the china fud, ever since weve been fucked and i no longer know what to think.
except that blogpost is shit, full of misleading information and written by some absolute retard
confirmed that Jun is slightly autistic is all, didnt stop money skelly though.
where the fuck is the floor
weve been testing this too long wtf is gonna happen
if this shit dips below $7 im gonna be raging, i know it will shootup after the fork just salty ive got no more btc or fiat to jump in at.
what exactly is "shit" and "misleading"?
you fucking faggot
i thought the article was actually pretty well written and fair, Jun did shoot us all the foot though, if he had kept quite with all the news that came out this coin would have risen organically from it alone, him hyping it attracted short term investors looking to make a quick buck as soon as the news was confirmed.
Guys, this bloodbath is happening not only because of the fork, but also because of the ledger subject, which is the first time huge investors old money will enter bitcoin
We will see this red sea that now is already an ocean at least untill the 25.
I thought OMG would only go to 160k before rebounding. I realise now I was wrong, the floor is going to be much lower than that, specially because OMG money is smart big money, therefore it will migrate to BTC.
My guess now is 100k sats for OMG in case this rythm continues this week
Be happy it's going to be that, there are many altcoins that will not survive to september
I highly recommend you to drop every shitcoin you have now and stay on BTC, ripple and ethereum are the only ones allowed.
Yeah I'm not going to write a long and detailed explanation for an uninformed fag like you, but just a few examples
>McDonald’s deal controversy, does a deal actually exist?
there was no fucking controversy
>The OmiseGo Twitter account absolutely LOVES to tweet Vitalik’s face.
Vitalik is the one who has been wearing the OMG shirt and I don't really see how they have tweeted anything special about Vitalik
now fuck off with your shit article
I meant november
Pretty sure we've all been duped by this scamcoin
No buyers for $7. That says a lot considering it was double that
Wallet in q4 and paysbuy merger into omise, still there is hope this year
Ok, here we go
Why not buy the dip?
I think it hit resistance
you have 60k more sats to the dip
and it may be a crash to below 100k
be safe, only buy near the fork
This was the source of Apple partnership rumors?
Are you fucking kidding me? I expected better from you, Veeky Forums. Didn't buy this but I'm still hurting though.