Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
All four of them were white back then.
iraqis have always been a garbage people. Why else would they be the site of pillaging for hudnreds of years to this day?
Yes. Rome was truly great and had the largest contribution to Western Civilisation.
Thats more like Veeky Forumss view of Rome. Romans respected the Greeks and the upper classes would speak and write in it.
You can't stay pale in that kind of climate, I know, I've seen you snowniggers in hospitals because of the sun.
Not at all, the Romans readily recognized the influence that Greece had on their culture and greatly admired the Egyptians. Don't know what they thought of Mesopotamia.
>Spoke Greek
>Respected the Greeks
>Admitted the Greeks were superior teachers of Rhetoric and Philosophy
>Sent their kids to study in Greece.
Yeah, no. They weren't wewuzing so that image is not accurate.
Romans were the original larpers who assimilated better cultures and took their tradition as their own.
Not really. The Greeks conquered the Egyptians, who had been weak since they were conquered by the Persians, who conquered the Babylonians, who conquered the Assyrians, who survived the Sea Peoples etc....
Also, the Romans never really held Mesopotamia except for a few years under Trajan, so I don't know what that image is going on about with them enslaving the Mesopotamians.
Fixed it for you white devil
The ice age, friend.
it's also why they didn't look pale, because nordics tan
*sips from glass of white tears*
The ice age ended 11700 years
>Nordics tan
yeah all the ice just dissapeared in one night
>nigger comprehension
Yes, it had completely vanished 11700 years ago after slowly declining before that, snownigger. Pull all the mental gymnastics you like, charts don't lie.
The glacial consequences mostly dissapeared in 8000 BC.
Why isn’t Rome black?
No? No one, Roman or otherwise, claimed that civilization started with the Romans. you might claim that Romans had SUPERIOR civilization, which is subjective. But i've never heard the former.
I live in Arizona (Greece and Egypt are babby tier in comparison) and I'm pale as fuck. You'll get skin cancer in this kind of climate if you're white but it won't magically turn you into a shitskin.
All Nordics tan well. I'm talking about actual Nordics (Scandinavians), not Anglos who are not and never will be Nordic desperately wanting to be. Those truly cannot tan.
>wewuz greekz n Egyptians n shieeet
>der wuz no sun
>but we tan great
>so Greekz n Egyptians wuz Scandinavian
I had a dreeeeaaam the other niiight, WEEEWUUUZ.
Never said Greeks were Scandinavians, brainlet.
>if you're white it won't magically turn you into a shitskin
But they weren't white.
That's cool if they weren't, but it's not the point I was trying to make.
Then don't refute mine. Hot, sunny climates are extremely hostile to pale people, there would be no reason for them to settle there. Today we have AC, sunscreen and extensive architecture.
My point was if you're white and live in a sunny clime it won't magically turn you into a nigger, much like blacks living in Michigan aren't slowly mutating into whites. Muh adaptation is quite the fucking meme.
You can never be certain what thousands of years of evolution will do to you. Melanin would be required. Then again, they weren't white.
Not really, you're making it sound like it's some kind of inevitable process. Light-to-olive skinned Polynesians have lived more or less next door to darker than shit Melanesians for thousands of years, they look nothing alike. Blonde hair and blue eyes are very unique mutations that have nothing to do with sunlight, and Eskimos living in the Arctic are far darker than Nordics.
>they weren't white
Never said they were.
I don't understand why would anyone want to claim Egypt. Place was a shithole.
>The ice age affects the sun's radiation
At least the Byzantine Empire had great respect for Persia.
it's true of literally everyone, at all periods of history,including today. NO-ONE acknowledges their debts to others, EVERYONE exaggerates their own impact and importance.
WRONG, you need to add another called Etruscan
>WRONG, you need to add another called Etruscan
And that's probably missing tons others, many of them not properly recorded. But the Etruscans are probably the biggest.
>american education
To be fair those civilizations became better after getting the ability to bounce off each other in the same space.
good ol Pax Romana
What the fuck? are you putting me on?
The slaves worked outdoors and were tanned, the masters lived in houses, sun doesn't shine through the roof.
>Is this accurate?
Pretty much.
"Damn the Romans!" Leto cried. He spoke it inwardly to his ancestors: "Damn the Romans!" Their laughter drove him from the inward arena. "I don't understand, Lord," Moneo ventured. "That's true. You don't understand. The Romans broadcast the pharaonic disease like grain farmers scattering the seeds of next season's harvest -Caesars, kaisers, tsars, imperators, caseris, palatos . . . damned pharaohs!"
-- Frank Herbert - "God Emperor of Dune" --
Clouds do.
>Egyptian has longest dick
There were multiple Ice age
Also ice age =/= lack of sun
>Medshit still this butthurt over facts
Reminder that Caesar, Augustus and Alexander were all blonde
>people who make you are not "white"
>ever using "white" word
All of them are mutts without identity.
There objectively is such a thing as a white race and you can actually observe it on FST clusters.
t. not American, so don't even try that mutt shit
Fucking brainlets. And what does this master do sitting inside all day? Nothing because 90% of human activity took place outdoors
>Anglo and Jew aren't the same person
Guess how I know you're not white
>there is a race
>there is white
Both wrong. And you can be the other type of mutt, a balkan rape baby. Or maybe a spic mutt. Who cares?
The thing is that most amerimogrels repeat the same bullshit and are obsessed with race, even though such statements are false.
Like clockwork. Time to get your kinder joy vaccines, mongrel.
>I disagree with the white race existing just because mongrels exist
Think of how stupid you are for a second.
>mongrel makes strawman
Try again, subhuman.
You're getting all kinds of touchy just because I said that white race provably exists. Why are you so assravaged over the prospect of whites existing as a group and feel such a need to invalidate the concept, do you also go to absurd lengths to invalidate the concept of black race?
>avoids point
Keep it on, goblin monkey.
You have no point, you're just shitposting because you don't actually have an argument.
You keep pushing for "white" and "race" though. No science demonstrates its existence. Try again, burg.
Not him but if he took a bunch of genes and said "if you have 95% of these you're white" he can do so, there is nothing illogical about that. You should be arguing that he is illogically assigning value to a set of genes that mostly affect superficial things like appearance.
One of the biggest embarrassments among the left is your willingness to bluntly deny facts, even though, as is often the case, if you dug a little deeper you'd find the facts back you up.
>keeps trying to push the "You're American" bullshit
I fully agree "white" and "race" indeed doesn't exist anywhere west of the Atlantic. Here in Europe it does, though.
>genetic clusters
Nothing to do with race.
Another made up non-scientific concept.
>you are x invented name
Not science consensus-based. So, it's bullshit.
>a genetic group of people closely clustering together
>just not call it a race, goy
Why are you so mad?
>just modify the meaning of race
Is this your goal?
Why do you want to invalidate the concept? Tell me where it hurt you.
>avoids the point
Race doesn't exist. Try again, mutt.
>race doesn't exist, but you're a mutt
>Star Trek isn't real, but you're a Klingon
>mutt gets mad for being called mongrel
Now I'm more convinced that most of you are dumb attention-whore teenagers. Bye, chimp.
What was this consensus?
Why can't I take 10 genes and say if you have at least 9/10 of these genes you are "white" or "black" or "splurgle" or whatever I want?
I don't think you understand my argument. Whatever consensus you are talking about doesn't refute it.
t. IQ 89
>what was this consensus
You tell me. Don't you want to prove scientific validity of race?
>why can't i call
Race doesn't exist.
Mongrel means someone who's mixed race. How can you be mixed race if race isn't real, are you retarded?
It's simple. If race exist, you are a mutt.
>if race isn't real
The sad truth is that race doesn't exist. :(
All of my ancestors are Europeans from the same village, sweetie.
Are you otzi's brethen?