

Still better than being a fat fuck, desu.

great thread

kek what is this guy 5'2"?

Is that santa?

He's playing Tall Guy Simulator on that rift isn't he?

Never knew Tyrion was into VR.

Look at him, he's out having fun and isn't letting his short-comings rule his life... he's in control.

while you disgruntled and miserable sadcunts are on Veeky Forums constantly ragging on others to try to make your shitty situation seem slightly better.

How tall is he? At that height things get confusing and it's impossible to tell especially with a physique like his.


Looks like santi Cazorla

He looks shorter than that man. Look at those stumpy legs.

This is why short guys shouldn't overtrain legs.

If it's who i think it is then it's between 165-168cm (5'5/5'6) depending on source

This. Height doesn't mean shit when you're a fat neckbeard who never leaves their house.

He looks like a fucking joke though lmao

What is this thread man? He looks average except for his height. Fuck off and never post again.

One look and you can tell that he is overcompensating. Not discounting the effort he put in but it's hard to see him as anything else.

Wat. He looks swole. Not average.

skeleton pls go

Your body image is fucked up if you don't think he is swole. He may be a manlet but that muscularity isn't average at all.

This guy is a footballer from Arsenal. His legs are massive for him to perform in his sport. He may be a manlet but he isn't overcompensating, he is just doing whatever he can to excel at his sport.

Christ you neck beard scum bubbling over from b and pol, you're worse than. The piss Lord himself. Butthurt by someone being able to go out in public. I'm a girl btw :^). Faggots

Why are you so mad, little man?