Why do people get so mad if you praise Turkey on Veeky Forums? It's a great country with a fascinating history and rich culture. Before I used to think it was just greeks but now I'm suspecting it's other anons too...
Why do people get so mad if you praise Turkey on Veeky Forums...
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it triggers the /pol/ refugees who are mostly serbniggers role playing as whites
They wiped out a far more fascinating and far richer culture that the Greek Romans had, and destroyed a 1,400 year old empire that both created and defined Western civilization. *That's* why people dislike Turkey.
Because of islamophobia
Used to be great, now its a clusterfuck of arab mixes, real turks, kurds and diaspora jews.
They are gonna implode in 10 years max. too much internal shit, too many refugees, too much of a retarded leader.
great history, amazing people but extremly in the shit atm. and a lot of the population is completly fucking retarded.
t. germanified turk
Lol ERE had already been crushed by "western civilization"
>amazing people
>a lot of the population is completely fucking retarded
So... which is it?
Because the turks were the boogeyman of Europe for a really long time. You might aswell ask why the romans hated (and feared) the celts.
Yeah it totally has nothing to do with the several genocides they commited.
Both. Even the retarded Erdogan voters and inbred arab mixes are very hospitable and community driven people, just retarded, easily controlled ones.
Name on still existing nation which didn't commit genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Also saying sorry after killing half of a population doesn't make it alright.
Holy fuck you are ignorant
Bomb yourself retard
Because it was absolute shit.
Let's see a region they ruled, Balkans. During their rule, it lost 2/3rds of it's population.
And this wasn't even intentional persecution like some nationalist myths want to paint it. It was down to absolute incompetence and collapse in central authority over time.
So realistically, you might argue Ottoman Empire was great in 15th and 16th century. After that, it was a slow death, with partial recovery at some points.
Not to mention OE, despite it's size and wealth, was a dwarf in terms of everything that's not military related.
What accomplishments do they have?
Even their architectural accomplishments are terribly exaggerated.
So while I'm all for unbiased look at it, praising it is so fucking retarded.
Good thread
Anti-black sentiment, it stems from european colonialism
Nigga please the ottomans founded towns on the balkan you can't have that without population growth.
The ottomans might be bit underwhelming with science but that could be its only real criticism.
Also ottoman architecture looks comfy as fuck with a lot of wood use and blending into the natural environment it was built in.
Besides every empire has its high and low points are you going to dismiss rome too because their last few centuries were a shitshow with famines, pestilence and military defeats by germanic tribals?
Or maybe the british empire was worthless to after all during their own golden age millions of there irish citizens were dying from famine and actually got help from the ottoman empire while the british monarch didn't want it.
>peaked in 1683
>slow death after 15th century
>Nigga please the ottomans founded towns on the balkan you can't have that without population growth.
That's not the whole story, they founded muslim-exclusive towns and villages in the Balkans.The christian communities lived in the same places they always had lived. But what the Ottomans did was bring muslims from anatolia or islamize/bring converts close to christian areas so that were they to rise up they could utilise the muslim manpower from those towns. This is where the Albanian Shqiptar legend comes from, namely that they were brought from Anatolia.
Oh and another thing , when the Ottomans captured sacked christian cities like Constantinople, Thessaloniki, or Vidin in Bulgaria, they completely enslaved or kicked out the local populace and replaced them with muslims. Thessaloniki is a notable example of that, because of though greek christians were the most affluent inhabitants of the city due to them handling the trade, the city itself was majority muslim/jewish until 1912 when it was captured by Greece once more. This is the reason why there was sort of a population collapse in the Balkans, the christians under teh Ottomans did not have the cities for themselves, only the countryside in small eyelets.
Obnoxious Turkish nationalists like to spout revisionist history, shit on everyone else, and basically be assholes i general. This is the case on all historical discussion forums of all kinds. Thus there is a backlash where an inherent anti-Turk bias forms where people simply don't want to hear anything about Turkey because it evokes memories of shitposting. This fuels the Turks' butthurt as they feel they are being hated for no reason.
Then there is the associated butthurt of nearby countries who were BTFO by the Turks historically and feel the need to shit on them at every opportunity. Then there's the hatred of Muslims in general and the fact that Turks are a large portion of Muslim immigrants to the west (esp. Germany and Netherlands) doesn't help with that.
Eyalets * sorry auto correct fucked t up
You do know that constantinople was already heavily depopulated by the crusades right?
Fatih sultan mehmed even paid for the damages to the city himself and allowed christians to return.
Also do you have a source for the ottomans keeping christians out of the balkan cities because this is the first time I heard of it.
They did send muslims from anatolia to form villages in the balkans so you are right there.
We can learn from Turkey.
By making it illegal to talk about atrocities you committed, people no longer remember they happened or are afraid to bring them up so not to invoke your wrath.
Its more that nobody cares about it.
Yes it was depopulated but the demographics were permanently altered after the sack, some from the greek christian community remained and those were the people that could buy out their freedom, the rest were kicked out or enslaved, in the course of many decades and centuries after.
Sorry if I was misunderstood I did not say they were not allowed into cities, I meant to say that the previously large christian cities were mostly emptied and then turned into Ottoman administration centers or centers of commerce.
I don't know examples from the rest of Balkans but I know about Greece my country, in that urban development was extremely low. Today's large cities in Greece like Athens, Patras and Volos were little more than villages inhabited by shepherds. At the same time Ioannina, Tripoli and Larissa became majority muslim/jewish.
Because you keep forcing this shitty pasta.
Any South American nation.
Depends on how you view them.
Even then some native nations were pretty bloodthirsty and genocidal.
I think the reason that muslim populatons increased so much in the balkans was more due to conversion to islam instead of deportations and replacement.
The only true solution is just to admit it happened and not care.
There was no native genocide. Ethnic cleansing /= genocide.
There is no practical reason to care about redskins being dead either.
Then Turks didn't genocide either.
There is no "real" Turks in Turkey. They are all mix-breed, hybrid, arabized Semitified mongrols.
Wenn gehts du zu hause Mehmet?
Sandniggers, fascinating history and rich culture.
Hahah good one m8
Generally empires are clusterfucks because they are a mix of so many cultures. Are you retarded or is German education really that low par?
There actually are even if you don't count anatolian turks so there still are tatars and central asian immigrants.
So get fucked faggot.
The ancestors of the iraqis were building cities and infrastructure when yours were living in shit huts.
Soooo....because of butthurt? This explains everything...
>"No real Turks", "Arabized"
Boii, IQ under 90.
Well, Turkey as a state has a history from 7000 bc. Turkic people as a nation have history from 3700 bc. Turkic people and Turkey have a mixture culture, what makes it great.
Wenn du richtig Deutsch lernst. Ich hab gar keinen türkischen Pass. Ich bin komplett deutsch laut Pass :^)
>Greek Romans
No such thing, mongrel.
You're all Hellenized Syrians+Armenians
You will never be Roman.
I love it when Greeks think they're Romans.
No, subhuman, you're hellenized Armenians+Lebanese+South Slavs+Pontians+Natufians with some IE admixture (5%)
Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony. Turks are non-White, non-European Muslims who still hold what used to be White, Eruopean, Christian land. In Veeky Forums, that basically means you are evil incarnate.
I agree with user. Personally, I dislike Turks for disgusting amount of shitposting and revisionism they've done.
>Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony
Not in threads about actual history.
>Well, Turkey as a state has a history from 7000 bc. Turkic people as a nation have history from 3700 bc.
Turkish education at it's finest
>It's a great country
A bunch of hairy manlets LARPing as Romans
with a fascinating history
Of nothing but murder, war, and genocide.
and rich culture.
Döner is not a culture
You realise that some of the oldest cities are today in Turkey, right?
Do you even know about Çatalhöyük? It was founded in 7500 BC.
And the Turks of Turkey are partially the descendants of those native Anatolian people, who were conquered by European savages. The proto Turkic people who took over Anatolia, and made it Turkic, creating the Turks and Turkey of today, existed in 1500-1700 bc, becoming a part of the Hun federation
"LARPing as Romans"
-Boi, in Turkey we talk about us as the destroyer of Rome, not as Romans. Fatih Sultan Mehmet just had a fascination with ancient history, and he wanted to creat a "third", islamo-Turkic Roman empire. No other Sultans before or after him had such ideas.
This is finest performance of turkish propaganda
the cowardly wh*Te scoundrel fears the BLACK man and the spirit of KARA BOGA
This meme is getting stale.
>partially the descendants of those native Anatolian people
yeah? what %?
Sounds about right.
I think it's interesting because even though they originated as a steppe empire in central Asia their probably most famous modern nation is in Anatolia. Most other turks exist east of the Caspian near China. Kind of incredible that their descendants were able to travel so far and stay in power so long over centuries to survive to the modern era. Not many actual Mongols left in their old empires by comparison.
I always thought people hated them because they represented a powerful yet unexpected force originating from a far land that always come in and fuck shit up for many great world powers (Persians, Byzantines, Russians, etc.). Like mongols, they inspire fear and hatred, but don't seem to go away, like cockroaches.
Also I'm shocked there haven't been any "cockroaches" memes yet.