Veeky Forums's work

Just got my first job! [ ] much closer to leaving the NEET zone.

What jobs does Veeky Forums work? Are there some physical aspects to your jobs?

I work at a comfy supermarket a block away from me and there's some running around so it's not entirely a lazy job


Aeronautical engineer.

Its meh.

Same. Houston?

Official space cowboy

Electrician, still a second year ap though.

Stairs and ladders all day ery day

I'm a cocaine cowboy myself.

Just another cashier at a grocery store while in college. It's a glamorous position.

After my first job in the first 2 weeks i hated coworkers and i hated being a small fry in capatalism

I work at a Wal Mart
it's fucking suffering, and it's a major gainz goblin
I lift lawn mower and barbeques all day and run around getting screamed at by people because there's nobody covering the closest departments and I don't know shit about makeup and car stereos, so I eat 3k calories a day and still can't gain weight

I wish I wasn't a retard so I'd be done with university and working as an engineer by now


I wish I worked in US, at least I would be payed more then 1100 euros before taxes. Lmao.

hedge fund, sucks ass

want to go back to being a bang bang shoot em up day trader

I see unemployment as a career choice. I've been on it for four years now and the longer I am the harder it is to get hired, so my opportunities look bright.

I may well be a lifer.

I make hot dogs :/

If you have a job, aren't you automatically 100% out of the NEET zone?

Metallurgist/Quality Engineer. Sitting at a desk for most of the day blows, but hey, at least the pay is good enough that on my expense level to savings rate I can effectively retire in another 10 years.


I'm a structural engineer. Just accepted a new position today. Sometimes I get to climb things.

Rapist, non-child variety.

Good job, OP. We're all gonna make it.

t. Fellow retail faggot. Just grin and smile through the unbearable assholes and you'll be fine.

I sit on a forklift all day.

Part time IT. Make 12 an hour but am considering taking a full time 24 an hour job

What's the IT life like? What kind of person is it for?

Manager at a pool. Shit's easy af but if I forget to cook I end up eating shit concessions food all day. But every now and then I get to help someone who's hurt and the crushing sadness of everyday life is lifted for a few minutes.

It's pretty nice. At this job I do homework or watch Netflix 90% of the time but at the full time job it'll be a bit more involved I hear.

Design and Airbag engineer for a large automotive company.

Computer programmer/network engineer. Nothing really fit about my job. I make it as phsycial as possible though by being the one to run between buildings to swap NAS tapes on a daily basis and check servers.

but are they good hot dogs?

Member of the US Coast Guard. I pull fat shits out of the water and heave mooring lines all day. Popeye-tier forearms within a year. Also a minimum of 5 hours a week (during the workday) mandated for exercise.
Drink heavily on non duty days and still make those futha-muckin gainzzz

psychotherapist in a jail.

Computer engineer, 0% fit...but make $80k a year so I'm not complaining....

Microbiologist. Literally the only fit person in the lab.

Am financial rep for an insurance company. Activity includes not a lot

I'm a programmer at an insurance company. Literally everyone on my team is fat except me and one skinnyfat guy. I hide my power level from them now because one of the fat guys does retarded shit at the gym and talked down to me when I gave advice. They will never make it

Bartender- get to talk to a lot of girls and have a lot of potential for ons and dates but I take shots of liquor every night and don't have many chances to eat during my shift so not Veeky Forums

chemistry student
>inb4 cook sterons lol
>inb4 cook meth lol

Do you cook protons when no one is looking lol

Nurse aid but passing pills in a month. May transfer to psych ward eventually.

Job includes deadlifting 150 lbs residents off the floor

Im the sous chef at a high end pub in my city

>get paid 18$/hour
>eat all the food i want for free
>4 minute walk for my apartment

I used to work in a copper mine and fucking hated it, the money was amazing but i had no time to lift and i worked so much that no amount of food could have prevented losing gains. I saved up a bit and moved to a new city. Now im bigger than ever and way happier even though im making a lot less money..

Med school student

no, i can have a job and spend all free time on Veeky Forums and /b/
that still makes me a beta faggot and within the NEET zone

Bartender/manager of bar my pops owns. Not my scene at all but I manage.

cashier at corner store

i get paid to stand for 4 hrs and shoot the shit w/ customers. pretty shitty, but i can't complain as a broke college student

A branch of the french military.
I make 1000euros a month and don't have to pay taxes, charges or rent. Ez life so far.

thats not a job dumbass

PhD student and sessional instructor for an introductory QM course.


>Are there some physical aspects to your jobs?
I walk across the street once a day to some shitty coffee shop and get a coffee to have a couple minutes of escape from this corporate hellhole

you dont get free coffee there?

im a loser, I work in a seafood restaurant. line cook. wanna die ok cool

Medical student and work part time as researcher for patient safety in EMS.
Gonna be a urologist in 2 years.

I'm a green keeper (golf course). I spend a lot of time just driving mowers but there are physical aspects too, e.g. changing hole placements and bunker work.

compiler engineer. I work at a large tech company which offers a gym so I don't get fat.