R8 my dinner

Am i gonna make it?

You missed the turn to Gainsville

Ketchup and broccoli? You will never make it unless you eat real food faggot

>chicken is cooking right now
>fumes of BTFO'd chicken right in my cranium
>see this
>appetite gone
Thank you.

Its sriracha faggot


>be me
>dinner is 3 cups quinoa, 6.5 cups broccoli, 8 oz chicken breast
>had a shake with a cup (dry) oats in it just an hour or two prior
>dying trying to finish all of it
> I'm not gonna make it at this rate

I'd rather eat dogfood.

That chest

vegetables with sugar sauce.

why not just put a gun in your mouth and end it.

vegetables are poison.

It would be great if you paired it with something. Broccoli by itself is a pretty shitty dinner.

Don't eat the broccoli. If you're worried about not getting enough calories, eat nuts or something.

Why stay natty at that point..? Pretty obvious he could a do a few safe cycles.

How much protein are you getting a day?

There is never enough protein

At least 200 a day?

About 189 grams, thinking of assisting macros and bumping it up to around 208 though. Currently cutting at 188 lbs

Sriracha is meme tier hot sauce thats over used

Adjusting macros**

Sriracha isnt a sugar sauce retard

A 20 of cocaine

Nice, you put that in her butt bro?

no, just my dick. The coke is for my nose.

hes literally green/yellow

The first picture of him I saw I figured it was the lighting. Now I'm almost certain he is actually a babby ogre without a swamp

>don't eat the broccoli
If mom science is right about anything it's eat your damn vegetables