Seen 9:27 pm

>seen 9:27 pm

I know the feel my nigga

hmmm, you're in my time zone?Mt where you at?

where did this picture come from?

>copy pasting and sending the same message again

Why would you do that?

most of the time they actually reply and apologize

I don't want pity user.

What do you want, then?

>seen 12:50pm
>it's 4:00pm

fuck op i know that feel...

why doesn't my mom want to reply?


if it's not boipucci you can kindly fuck off.

>Seen Jun 5

it is boipucci. don't be a faggot.

>seen 3/26/12

>seen 10000 BC

have you?
great movie!

seen March 5th

Oh my god I am so sick of fucking feel threads

Nobody cares you fucking betas

>seen 2 minutes ago

>lol that's funny

Fucking normalfag get off of my board.

>after first message you message her 2 more time in the span of about a week
>no reply

fucking cry more. you people are so fucking soft

>tfw no gf

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...



>stale ass pasta

put some sauce on that shit to make it palatable at least

Fuck you.

waste of trips on beta bitch


I would like to acknowledge just how classic this post here is. This takes me back.

>he has done this on multiple occasions

Based dubs and trips. Normies BTFO.

>seen oct 2012

Any day now

>didn't reply to my message
>Still keeps commenting on my posts

tfw it was always that carried the conversation because she never really cared.

>she invites me to go to an event with her
>the night comes, no message or anything
>she goes anyways, ignores my message

Feels bad, fuck her.

get mine is Jun 6.

might swing her a message and get it going and ask her out desu. shouldn't have wasted so much time ffs

Why are dating threads allowed on a fitness board? Serious question. Go to /b/ if you want to talk about this crap.


Do you seriously think this is a dating thread?

we have dubs though

why do women do that? it's like they get a rush rejecting us or something

>12th july
>messages me at night to ask if I'm home
>I still haven't answered her

top kek

>12th July


I am so fucking sick of putting in effort with her. I don't even wanna smash or gf her just wanna talk about shit. She used to be great conversation but now i'm lucky if i get a one word answer. She put a status up saying she wants to do a wingwalk and i said she wouldn't have the guts "seen at 11:39AM". The last time i tried to talk to her before that was months ago when my grandad was on his deathbed and i was scared about going to see him and that got completely ignored too. it's not like i'm shit conversation, it's not like i give her nothing to work with, despite those exaples i'm not always negative, not constantly whining. It's like she just has contempt for me. WHY? It doesn't matter cause i'm going NC but it's frustrating having someone turn on you like that for no perceivable reason.

Thanks for a place to vent Veeky Forums

>trying to be friends with women, and expecting them to make good friends

Fuck brah, hope you're feeling a little better.

Anything you want to chat about? I'm not a grill but I'll listen.

>Seen 2015

That joke was already done.


I agree so damn much, I just hope for their sake they're being ironic

>Want to ask girl something
>"Sorry user, I can't talk right now since I'm going to bed"
>See her keep posting stuff on fb for hours
Do they not realise that you can actually see it or is it just "Here's a bs excuse so I don't feel bad, hope you get the hint"?

I know bro but lets be realistic, there are some that are ok.

Thanks mang but i'm not super cut up about it, just a little pissed not gunna lie

wtf dude, the one of the best feelings in the world is cutting contact with a girl, it will make her like you more, (if she does in the first place) and if she doesn't try get you back she wasn't the right one in the first place

> lets be realistic, there are some that are ok.
lets be realistic male friends are much better universally, female "friends" are just flirt buddies

You tell a bro something secretive, and most of time it will stay secretive.
You tell ho' something secretive, and next day whole town will know.

Keep it simple brah.

Women do things like that because they don't care about how it will hurt you, or how it will make you feel. What we need to do is not care too much about THEM in the first place, so its not much of a loss

Oops, it looks like 's phone has been off/disconnnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

>7/5/2016 @ 5:30 PM

Good, get mad. Use the bonus test to rip some heavy af squats on Monday.

Cease all contact with a woman if she leaves you on read/starts playing these 1 word answer games. Go for broke and tell them you want to fuck if the conversation is that boring, you won't be missing anything if she says no

Not OP, but she responded in the morning :D

Eh, Pucci was alright, but I don't really like how Araki just retconed the nigga into existence as DIO's bestie. In my opinion, Valentine's a much superior villain.

>start dating a qt girl a few weeks ago
>it was her birthday yesterday
>"oh user, I'm just going home to my family for my bday"
>next day see some tagged photos of her with friends at a bar last night.

for fucks sake, we just started dating; I didn't even want to be at her bday, but at least be honest about that shit.

>when she only responds with :)


How do I know if she got the text or not?

I think her phone may be off. We both have iphones, but when I send her a text it doesn't say "Delivered".

What does that mean? My friend broke his phone once, and whenever I texted him I got the same thing. Is this what it is, anons????

The internet