>meet fat chick
>10/10 personality
>she starts to lose weight and asking you for tips
>start training her
>suddenly normal weight and looking amazing
>live happily ever after
Anyone else have this fantasy?
>meet fat chick
>10/10 personality
>she starts to lose weight and asking you for tips
>start training her
>suddenly normal weight and looking amazing
>live happily ever after
Anyone else have this fantasy?
Real Life:
>meet fat chick
>10/10 personality
>she starts to lose weight and asking you for tips
>start training her
>suddenly normal weight and looking amazing
>leaves you for Chad Skelliman
pic related
Mine is more on the lines of
>meet petite qt3.14
>get her to eat a little more
>she gains weight slowly
>i make fun of her but encourahe it subtley
>i get qt chubby grill who never leaves me
>suddenly normal weight and looking amazing
>she leaves you for someone better looking
>live depressed and wanting to kill yourself
Fixed it
You lost me at fat
These guys get it.
Clearly never dated a chubby girl. They will worship the ground you walk if you are a bit fit and will have long term body image and self esteem issues especially if they were fat in high school
There are a lot of fat chicks like that, but they're ridiculed most of the time by men and women alike. That's why they eventually turn to feminazi/fat pride bullshit. Also, fat girls can become incredibly vain and egotistical once they lose weight.
I met a fat girl with a 10/10 personality and she lost weight. Eventually broke up with her because her personality changed and she was slowly becoming sluttified(revealing clothing, flirting more, more brash with me, thinking she's better than me, etc. )
After we broke up, she put on 20 lbs within three months and then then regained all of her weight within the year.
Last I saw her, she was 290 lbs, engaged to a mechanic and absolutely unhappy. Drinks a lot, too. Regretful of how things turned out with me.
So am I, C. So am I.
no OP, but something of a reverse:
>meet skinny nerd girl
>10/10 personality
>she feels bad about being such an infertile skeltal
>start training and feeding her
>suddenly thicc
>goes from an asocial scrawny recluse into a high test brash housewife
>live happily ever after
>fat girl
>10/10 personality
pick one
what you're really saying is you're so worthless to yourself that you cant get a human girl and so you desperately want anything that will have you. as if she wouldn't leave you if she got hot.
If the girl used to be hot and goes chubs itll fuck her self esteem to the point shed be afraid of leaving you. Thats why making your girl thicc is the only way to go
Wrong I'm a skelly twink that's eh and dated a chubbo for 2 years and she ended up cheating on me. She never lost weight, slowly gained as we dated. We broke up at her heaviest at 5'8 160ish lbs.
Ps: the self esteem issues were unbearable. Every time I complimented her she would say she was fat and would start and argument. They're insufferable cunts
in the real world, she'll probably leave you for Chad after becoming 6/10
>personalities are inherently and directly based on your weight
try again
You shouldve said you like em that way.
Lol she was apparently. I'm sorry that happened to you. I guess its probably like anything else tho some cunts and some good ones. We've obviously had two different experiences but that doesn't mean one of us is invalid.
I vowed to never date a chubbo after that. Too bad it's been 4 years and I haven't had a gf since
I'm glad you found a good one user. It's rare these days. If she really is like you say, don't lose her
I have never met a fat girl with even a 7/10 personality
Someone who is truly a 10/10 human being on the inside will not be fat. Fatness is usually a reflection of their poor impulse control and inability to delay gratification. Neither of these are signs of someone with a 10/10 personality. It is a fantasy
What if her impulse becomes your cock?
charming, funny, smart, easy and constant dialogue. I've met my wife in a fat person before
eating addiction isn't a personality flaw, it's something shitty like depression that you have to find a way to deal with
No, the real life version is:
>meet fat chick
>10/10 personality
>she starts to lose weight and asking you for tips
>start training her
>starts slacking off on her diet
>stops lifting
>breaks up with you because you're "obsessed with fitness"
Just came home from a night out. Rejected three times. Will lifting ever help? Fuck
>>meet fat chick
/10 personality
being fat is a personality flaw
Think of it this way bruh. At least you had the courage to talk to them. I just talked to a qt red head and pussied out.
>fat chick
>10/10 personality
Doesn't exist.
lol, all of the cameramen forget to do their jobs after that move
They exist, the White Whale, I've seen it with my own eyes
>thinking she's better than me
That's because she is better than you
Being fat is a personality flaw which means, by definition, they cannot be 10/10
Shit bro you're spectrum rating is off the charts
chronic overreating, especially when they're unconcerned/in denial about it, IS a major flaw dude
Don't bother you're talking to a butthurt fatty.
As an ex-fatty I agree that being fat is a personality flaw it indicates lack of discipline, control and love for instant gratification.
>trying to avoid all the loose skin and stretch marks
don't kid yourself, she'll still be fucking disgusting unless she gained then lost the weight over a very long time.
Nope nvr mind maybe you're just illiterate. Read rest of ops post before you post
Lol no. I ignore fat chicks like the plague. Although I would be more than willing to help anybody lose weight if they asked sincerely and said they were committed.
my new gf is this is, to me, the first two lines and has poked around on the third and so I'm doing what I can with the fourth. Feelsgoodman.
>night out
>three attempts to socialize
you're already lapping most of us here
It helped you giving less of a fuck about being rejected (proof; you did not go home to mrs Right after the first rejection and neither the second even) and not giving so much fuck about being rejected is a very useful tool on the journey to being accepted by any woman you desire
Invest in women who - How can I put this delicately? - They fat! I give them the attention they don't get now, and when they get hot, who do they come to? The guy who gave them attention back when they weren't. -BS
You're wayyyy ahead of the game man. Keep approaching. Eventually it won't even phase you and you'll come off as the most confident guy in the spot
id leave me for him too ...
This is exactly what happened to my best friend lmao. Except he payed thousands of dollars for a lap band surgery.
>meet gym
>she's 10/10 personality
>slowly work my way trough her
>leave gym for a CHAD
This is literally what happening to me. I've met fat chick with 10/10 personality and told her to lose weight so we could be more happy together and do things that only thin people can. I give her diet plan. She already lost 16 kg (35 pounds) in 9 months, and doing her progress slowly but without problems.
Don't know if she gonna leave me, but I will be happy even though. Hey, I've made her a better person and showed her good way.
This is my dream
If marriage doesnt fuck up your or her routine kids will. Be prepared to take six months off of -consistent- gains. You better have your diet down and you better make those rest times almost nothing, your son or daughter shouldn't suffer because you couldn't dial it in at the time you needed to most.
That's not a 10/10 personality then.
>Just came home from a night out. Rejected three times. Will lifting ever help?
I get laid often and I manage roughly 27 rejections per lay when I'm not out chubby chasing (according to my spreadsheet data). This is one new lay every three weeks on average.
It's a numbers game son.
>fat chick
>10/10 personality
Are you me?
Your personality is obviously 0/10
Found the fatties
bones are terrible for dogs, though
>comes home from night out
>it's not from late night lifting
>having balls to get rejected three times in one night
Nigga you're winning this shit, just keep going.
Fat people can be good people and nice people, but being undisciplined/having substance abuse issues to that degree will never constitute a '10/10 personality'.
This hits home real hard senpai.
One day when I'm Veeky Forums I'm going to make this happen.
Fuck it, just go out enjoy the night out pussy just comes.
The problem is you looking for pussy.
>no more pics of this girl will EVER surface
why even lift?
Sounds word for word...
No. Mine went like this.
>Meet QT with great personality
>Be with her for 10 years
>She ends up weighing 210lbs at 5'4
>I try and help her but she just can't stick to dieting and never exercises
>Blames failure on me and says I never help her
>Tell her I can't help her if she won't help herself
>Go on business trip to India
>Meet an absolutely QT as fuck desi girl
>Dump girlfriend and marry her
>You can literally give orders to an Indian wife and they will follow them because that's how they are
>Sex life is off the charts fantastic
Life is strange.
>racemixing with indians
good god, what if you have a son?
You only have this fantasy because you think you provide no value to a girl except for your ability to help them lose weight, thus the only way you'll get your dream girl is if you help her in this specific niche
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, it's fine to think about occasionally but don't pigeon hole yourself onto that box, you're more than that and have a lot to offer
>you're more than that and have a lot to offer
But what do girls want?
What is of value to them
Mine went like
> met chubby girl in junior year
> both of us chubby
> starts to lose weight
> by senior year she's already at normal weight , has fat ass, perfect tits, and beautiful face
> still chubby at the time
> tells me to lose weight , but I don't cuz I'd rather stay big for football
> leaves me senior year for a guy she always told me was just her friend
> 3 years later see her at winco
> I trained after breakup so pretty Veeky Forums
> comes up to me and says she'd like to meet up and talk another time and exchange numbers
> find out she's still with the same guy
> fuck her a week later
I fucked a lot of cute little hookers in 3rd world countries that I'd marry over the bitches in the west. Some of these girls are straight up made of magic
No my gf was fat growing up because of her parents, she lost so much weight after moving out and is still losing it. Not a personality trait, it's an imprinted behavior you're supposed to grow out of.
>she then leaves you for a man with better facial aesthetics and a bigger penis
Feels bad man
>meet chubby chick
>6/10 personality
>we become fuck buddies
>fast forward three months
>she finds a bf
>stops having sex with me
>says we could still be friends and hang out
>say I could still fuck her like I used to
>says no because bf
>not interested then
>calls me a pig
>break off all the contact
No woman before called me a pig. I've heard "asshole" few times, but being called a pig really fucking pissed me off.
some women honestly think you can be friends and not have sex. it's bizarre
Safety and stability. This means money and the ability to provide enjoyment via entertainment and sex.
I think i tick these boxes but find no success what so ever, need to reevaluate this i think
How much money?
You just need to have a decent job. If you have enough that you're not struggling to survive and you can make her laugh and you're not hideous, you'll be fine.
I got a good job and im successful in it, im in school so ill be doing even better in the future but damn its been anything but a smooth ride so far
I cant find love, affection sex or hell even attention
Girls usually arent single and if they are its for a good reason
Well its nice to know i should theoretically do fine i guess
>Girls usually arent single and if they are its for a good reason
This is a legit struggle. But I'm going to give you advice: be confident. I don't mean like be a total douchebro (what some here might call chad), I mean find what you're good at and passionate about and just put that all out there. People, men and women alike, really respond to passion.
Feminism was a mistake
>10/10 personality
>fat chick
That's an oxymoron
Guess ill have to wait but ive been waiting for a year with no signs of improvement
things are actually worse now, i rarely ever find girls and time is against me
You've gotten further than most people, well on your way. Just analyze where you fucked up and do it better next time.
What are we talking about here: you trying to get numbers and mack or you mean actually pull home for sex?
0 out of 3 means nothing either way
1 out of 10 is good, not even trolling (at least for pulling home). You gotta be 8/10+ to do better, and good socially to do better.
problem with your theory is:
when fat girls go fit, they'll often be amazed on the sudden increase of male attention and feast on it, at different levels: flirting with all men, hooking up or going all the way
What you call 10/10 personality ? What is 'charming' for you ?
(Here girl trying to achieve 10/10 personality)
Feminine, not argumentative, cute, sweet, does nice things for the man
>Not argumentative
So debate is not ok even if ready to admit mistakes ?
That might be true, but at the end you're dating a fat chick
Correct him if hes wrong but generally do what he tells you to do, basically just dont bitch about small stuff, feel free to suggest things
You should pick a man you respect and love and who's a good leader obviously
>clearly never dated a chubby girl
yeah, my loss huh
Virgin aura too strong m8 I'm cringing from across the world
would you rather date a smoker or a fat girl?
Just so you know, even fat chicks have high standards. Sometimes higher than skinny bitches.
kill yourself
Im no virgin and i can tell you this is what id consider 10/10 personality
Kind, loving, easy going, wants kids, good taste, not religious
>everyone I disagree with is a virgin
>wanting a traditional woman is a sign of virginity
Ok have fun with your whorish manjawed "women"
a girl asks for personality tips, and you tell her to make her man the center and sole purpose of her life
>traditional woman
yeah that lingo is def a sign of virginity
>according to my spreadsheet data
Even for dating you guys are autists.
>meet fat chick
>nice girl
>hit it off
>start dating
>p gud
>meanwhile her lowlife habits getting to me
>eating out every few days
>gaining weight without noticing
>we go to a track to jog, she doesn't take it seriously
>trying to hold hands the whole time
>"oh ur so skinny, my skinny bf :)"
>start seeing the flaws
>she's uninteresting
>her gradual increase in interest for reading, vidya, art, and exercise is because I pushed for it
>look at what a slob I have become
>break up
>suddenly she LOVES working out, reading, vidya, etc
>messages me last night
>"I have hope that one day we can be together again"
>fuel for the fire of my recovery
I don't get it bros. Why do women do this shit? They only start to get with the shit you like AFTER a breakup. This has happened to me three times. Now our weights are reversed from when we met. It's infuriating, then she comes with that "one day" bullshit. It's my fault for dating her, but dammit if it doesn't make me mad.
And they both would've slept with the same amount of guys