Why is the enslavement of white people rarely ever discussed.
White slavery
Because no one really gives a shit, its not that interesting. Loads of people have been enslaved throughout history
Why don't they make movies about it. They make black slave movies every year.
What do you mean?
Like with Iceland, one of the first things you hear is that it's actually ba Celtic/Nordic split because the Nordics took so many Celtic rape slaves.
Like with the Barbary pirates.
Most peoples whose ancestors were enslaved at some point in history don't like to bring it up because they recognize that it's extremely humiliating. Blacks are in the minority of peoples that have no shame and bring it up at any opportunity. We are the normal ones, they are not.
Because there's no white slave descendant demographic whose stories need to be told.
This shit ain't hard.
Because every normal person would deny having slave ancestors due to the shame of it.
Also it didn't have much to do with western europe so it gets ignored in most people's history classes.
Because most blacks are insecure emotionally stunted bitches unlike Europeans.
It's white liberals who won't allow it to be forgotten.
Why shouldn't their story be told? It would make for an interesting and original story.
I don't think black slavery would be such a huge thing without the civil war being fought over it
Because the Barbary Corsairs were based as fuck
It's almost like black slavery is part of the identity of the country where most of the movies are made.
>he thinks the civil war was over slavery
US Marines actually fought a war to end white slavery. I think it deserves at least one movie.
>He took the lad
Guess he wanted boipucci tonight...
Why does no one talk about white slavery under Nazi Germany?
People find a racially homogeneous slavery dynamic uninteresting which is why black on black slavery(the vast majority of slavery) is never discussed. People only want to hear about slavery in the context of white dominance.
Because it never happened
White Americans invented slavery when they kidnapped millions of Africans from their homes and forced them to plow the fields
You can't honestly compare the Barbary wars to the series of policies that lead to the most devastating war on US soil.
There was an icelandic woman who got abducted by the dutch pirate turned turk.
She got into one pasha's harem and after a decade or so became a free woman and found her way home.
Will there be a movie about when North Africans and Middle-Easterners enslaved Africans (all of recorded history including present day)?
They didn't kidnapped them from their homes, they simply bought them. Malaria alone dictates that. But don't let reality get in the way of white dominance fantasies.
There's no market for it. Who the fuck wants to watch a film about their ancestors getting enslaved and cucked? Only niggers and Jews desu. Everyone else prefers to forget the humiliation and shame.
American blacks, the west indians barely acknowledge the existence of slavery period. You can actually teach them about slavery without them being triggered in schools unlike american or european negroes.
Lol don’t be mad at me just cause your ancestors were rapists and murderers
Its never discussed because its against the ebil white man narrative the lunatic progressives are trying to push on western people.
Not all black people are literally "black" there is a gradient in the sahel , not a sharp distinction so often times it looks like blacks enslaving blacks, or light skinned blacks enslaving darkskinned blacks.
Whites still get enslaved, I can literally buy a white "wife".
S-source to buy wife?
Asking for a friend
So what? The africans back in the continent saw the americoon ancestors as worthless beings.
Because black slavery in the Americas has had a bigger impact on recent history in America than some average white dude who got enslaved a thousand odd years or so ago?
>What are mail order brides
If you have to ask, you can't afford it
Our first lady TODAY was a mail order bride, essentially a modern slave.
Because the idea that slavery was somehow tied to race is an American thing.
It's not politically convenient.
You're a retard. People remember slights and humiliations for-fucking-ever.
She was a model in Milan and Paris and moved to New York before ever meeting Trump. Don't be an idiot.
E1B1Bulls are a holy race, if they rape foreign women, it is a blessing because it improves their genepool.
t. filthy wh*tes trying to divide the Colored Race
Mail order brides are slavs, not slaves.
what do you think happened to the millions of girls kidnapped into sex slavery?
Anybody you can buy is a slave.
What should be discussed?
If you mean why did you know nothing ´till you found some random web, then it´s you fault for not paying attetion at class
Only Belarussians, Ukrainians, and Russians are worth it
Western and Southern Slaves lack the long legs of East Slavic beauties.
Because ssshhhhh, nothing bad has happened or could ever happen to white people ever
It's not buying someone you mong. It's a woman marrying into better living standards. Let me guess you're an ugly feminist.
It's either shameful or uninteresting.
Almost everyone has slave blood and slaver blood in his veins. The obsession with black slavery is an american thing that doesn't concern the civilized world.
>slavs, not slaves
They are the same thing
1. It wasn't nearly as large scale as the enslavement of Africans
2. It wasn't motivated(or at least justified) by racial pseudoscience
3.It wasn't carried out by a country that is now a modern first world world leader
4. In most situations you could at least convert to Islam and become not quite a slave
5. There are pretty much no living descendants of white slaves, let alone a significant population
>5. There are pretty much no living descendants of white slaves, let alone a significant population
Actually, the reason why there is no fuss about this, is because the living descendants of white female slaves are Muslim Arabs. Because they were allowed to be absorbed into the main ethnicity instead of forced to form their own parallel society, there is no descendant of them protesting this. But this was true throughout history, white slaves in the Middle East from the Bronze Age to Medieval Ages were typically assimilated into their population.
This is really becoming stale. Have my (You) since it's the last you'll and your shitty meme will get from me.
The US was merely a consumer in the slave trade.
Why do people try to frame it as if the founding fathers themselves went into the dark heart if Africa and captured people?
Because the Jews already have the Nazi atrocities sympathy gravy train locked down and they'll be damned if they're share it with filthy goyim.
>so many movies, songs, and plays about Anne Frank that a pregnancy fetish evolved around her on this website
>not one movie about Tanya Savicheva whose death was even more agonizing and tragic
pretty much this.
Fuck off with your Jews and conspiracies, tbeh.
West doesn't like Russia and Russia doesn't want to emphasise on victimhood too much. That's why you ain't getting more than Come and see.
Nigga even Jews feel that the Holocaust is abused to the extreme.
It's been discussed right not
Why does no one talk about how Brazil took more slaves in the capital city alone than the entire southern United states?
Who the hell is Anne Franks? Some jew bitch who was bullied by ebil nazis? Big fucking deal there were thousands of white women who were burned to death by the "moral" allies in Dresden.
That´s Germany.
No one gives a shit about your crocodile tears over krauts getting a fraction of the punishment they rightfully deserved
Yes user the life of a one jew is more important then thousands. Jews are such disgusting racist.
In the areas of Europe, where Nazis were commiting genocide against people with foreskins, Jewish holocaust was ignored or outright supressed.
doesn't really fit the narrative there goy
fuck those evil nazis for not giving jews free gibs!
so youre sympathizing with the germans? you want them to miraculously go crazy again and kill 6 million more?! wow, you really read the sticky thoroughly.
Nice ad lapidum fag
Spartacus and Gladiator.
Because black slavery is an essential part of american history, thats why. not white slavery that is european history and a lot older.
It doesn't fit the narrative.
Oh! I did! I remember watching one! Hell, I really needed to think for a while to be able to remember a single "black slave movie" I have watched.
Because it would be very racist to tell people the facts on slavery, that Africans sent to the U.S. was a very small minority compared to the whole of slave trade and that more white people were enslaved than Africans, even long after African slave trade had stopped shipping to North America, white people were still being enslaved.
Because white slavery isn't relevant today and you're in no way suffering under its shadow. Shit, who am I kidding? It's the Jews ruthlessly attacking white straight men who are the most oppressed group in all of history and brainwashing people into not giving them the pity and attention they deserve.
t. jealous soiboi
that's a myth, it was norse tradesmen and merchants marrying irish women, but it wasn't wife raids etc
>Because white slavery isn't relevant today
And black slavery is? Oh wait, yeah, blacks are still enslaving each other... in Africa.
It ended a bit over a century ago and most of its legal ramifications were only disposed of in the lifetime of your parents, so slavery is still very much looming over society.
Mainly because the descendants of white slaves aren't an aggrieved underclass but rather tend to be fully integrated and in leading positions in their new homelands. The same basic reason Europeans in general don't go on about the Roman and Greek slave trades, "all's well that ends well".
How can a woman of any race resist not wanting that man cumming inside her?
The black male is the dominant male, he has the genetics(natural fit body and large cock), woman want men with good genetics so that their offsprings can have good genetics too