Were the Franks Celtic or Germanic?

Were the Franks Celtic or Germanic?

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They spoke Germanic so take a fucking guess.

Germanic, but if you want to get into ethnoautism, you could easily argue that they were Celto-Germanic.

Definitely Germanic when they invaded.

What would French people be considered today? Are they more Celtic or more Germanic? Would there be a big Italic/Roman ethnic influence?

They're a mongrel nation that can't be described with a single ethnolinguistic label other than being broadly "French".

Makes sense. I always wondered why there are so many olive skinned, dark haired French people despite being in Northwestern Europe.

g*rmans are mongrel race of French Poles and Danes, Ethnic French on the other hand are 80% R1b

if i was omnipotent i would delete every single shitty small goddamn low quality map on the web


That may be, but France is a mix of R1b subclades while Germany is primarily U106. Also Germans are a mix of Germanics, Celts and Slavs, while the French are a mix of Gauls, Belgae, Bretons, Normans, Franks, Aquitanians, Romans and Greeks. France is the ultimate European mongrel nation.

You wish, g*mutt

France is where R1b-L51 peaks, French are the forefathers of every European R1b, R1b-carriers in Europe are merely French rape babies

Sure thing, mong(r)aul.

>Germany is primarily U106

Germutty is a mix of R1b-P312(South and Central Western Germutty) and U106(North Western Germutty)


France is still more mixed when it comes to R1b subclades. Accept it you Muttoid.

When a haplogroup stay long enough in one place diversity arise. The fact that France is the most diverse when it comes to R1b mean that every R1b in Europe originates from there, this is futher confirmed by the unique presence of R1b-L51, forefather of all European R1b.

>Accept it you Muttoid.
t. thing Aldofiyun al-40% R1b al-30% R1a al-30% I

What about Pannonia?

I guess that's why all the oldest findings of "French" R1b subclades have been in France, then?
>oh wait

French are 10-15% J2
Western Celts were R1b while Eastern(Pannonians/Scordisci) ones were J2, this expalin why Pannonians cluster with French.


WE are the Bell Beakers, WE settled In Central Europe, WE enslaved I2-carriers(your ancestors :), then WE moved to Gaul briging with US, OUR R1b-L51.

>Northwestern Europe.
Occitania is Southwestern Europe. The rest of France is Western Europe. None of France is Northwestern Europe. idk where you got that notion from.

>WE are the Bell Beakers
Yes the French are largely the descendants of Bell Beakers, but so are many other Europeans. You aren't the only ones with a claim to Bell Beaker ancestry.

>WE settled In Central Europe
No, Indo-Europeans ancestral to a large number of Europeans settled in Central Europe, not those exclusively ancestral to the French. So it was not "you" who settled in Central Europe.

>your ancestors :)

>OUR R1b-L51
That's not how things work I'm afraid.

Name one place on earth that isn't a mixture of different groups of people. I'll wait.

lol hell yes

True, but mongreldom exists in varying degrees.

lol wow what a claim

Obviously false.

So European R1b all originated in France/central Europe?

Not France.

European R1b(L51 and its subclades) didn't orginate in France but the people that carried it are mainly the ancestors of the French.

IEs > Bell Beakers > French > Italians/British/Spanish/Portuguese/Western & Central Germans/Belgians/Dutch


Not even going to give you a proper response because your theory defies even the most basic understanding of the Indo-European migrations.

He's not entirely wrong. Italo-Celtic languages and to some extent Germanic do come from the Bell Beakers in Central Europe.
The Bell Beaker vessels themselves were of Portuguese origin and unrelated to IE but were adopted by the recently arrived IE speakers in Southern Germany.

>Italo-Celtic languages and to some extent Germanic do come from the Bell Beakers in Central Europe
Exactly, from Central Europe, not France. He seems to believe that the Indo-Europeans travelled up the Danube, through central Europe and into France, and from there they spread out into other regions of Europe. We know however that Bell Beakers (specifically the central European Indo-European Beakers) spread out from Central Europe before reaching France.

>The Bell Beaker vessels themselves were of Portuguese origin and unrelated to IE but were adopted by the recently arrived IE speakers in Southern Germany.
I know, but again, this doesn't supprt his claim. I think you misread what he wrote.

t. Nigel Frenchson

t. Charles de Bâtard

I'm saying that R1b-L51 and its subclades is of French origin, and that you are our rape babies, but we are not your only fathers, Poles and Danes are too


A germuttic word who fits very well germutts.

Germanized and Romanized Celts

>I'm saying that R1b-L51 and its subclades is of French origin
Yeah, that's what I said. For this to be the case, R1b Indo-Europeans from the East would have had to migrate directly to France and then spread out from there. We know, however, that they spread throughout central Europe before reaching France and believe it or not the oldest finds of "R1b-L51 and its subclades" are not concentrated within France.

>but we are not your only fathers, Poles and Danes are too
I'm not German.

>A germuttic word who fits very well germutts.
Actually the irony I was going for is that both "Charles" and "Bâtard" are of Germanic origin, thus displaying that you aren't just genetically mongrels, but that you are mongrels linguistically as well.

I'd just like to remind everyone to not fall into the trap of associating haplogroups with archaeological cultures. Obviously nobody would have known someone else's haplogroup back then and mixing and mini-migrations would have occurred throughout the period.

You don't have a point

True, but archaeological cultures can help in tracking the movement of haplogroups and vice versa.

You fail to grasp my point because we enslaved you and tied you to the land.

My criterion is genetic, not geographic. When i'm saying that they were French, i'm saying that they were genetically French, not that they were from France.

>You fail to grasp my point because we enslaved you and tied you to the land.
Again, I'm not German. And stop with the enslavement/cuckold fantasies.

>i'm saying that they were genetically French, not that they were from France
Nice attempt at a recovery :^)

they were Finnish

>I'm not German
If you say so, Hans

>Nice attempt at a recovery :^)
Read my previous posts :

>European R1b(L51 and its subclades) didn't orginate in France but the people that carried it are mainly the ancestors of the French

>WE are the Bell Beakers, WE settled In Central Europe, WE enslaved I2-carriers(your ancestors :), then WE moved to Gaul briging with US, OUR R1b-L51

Let's go back even further
>The fact that France is the most diverse when it comes to R1b mean that every R1b in Europe originates from there

Not German btw.

>>The fact that France is the most diverse when it comes to R1b mean that every R1b in Europe originates from there

That is true

U106 & U152 & DF27 & L21 originate/spread from France

They were half Polish half Finnish because they had to mix with Wendish tribes on the route to France

German here. I have no problem with modern Germany being a Slavo-Nordo-Celtic mutt.

We got:
Slavic:strive for unity, brutality and some form of honour
Celtic: cleverness and innovativity
Nordic: endurance and savageness

We're the masterrace. Deal with it.

See the first point made here

Does L-51 peaks in France or not ?


I was actually thinking about this recently. I was trying to imagine how the Nazis or other German racialists would handle the knowledge of modern genetics, and I came to the conclusion that they'd have to present themselves as a kind of I1-R1b-R1a or Germanic-Celtic-Slavic race that took the supposed superior qualities from each "race" like you suggested.


Haplogroups aren't races. Germans are in reality just non-inbred Brits.

They were a mix of Romans and Germanics from Scandinavia, just like modern Germans.

Kinda makes sense as it was Prussians that united Germans. Dynasty was Nordic(Germanic), but majority of Prussians od Slavic origin.

I wasn't saying that, I'm saying that's how 19th Century German racialists might try to rationalise it.

East Germany and Austria are mutt lands. Western Germany is all yours.

You're arrogant pricks who think you need to rule errybody and then you get buttfucked by Slavshit zerglings. "Master race" indeed.

They'd focus on the frequency of N1c in Russians as an excuse for taking Russia since it's the Arisch urheimat, probably while still allied to Finland

The anglo fears the finnish man

>They were half Polish half Finnish
Oh god, imagine the autism of that child.

>R1b-L51(aka Centum IE haplogroup) is irrelevant to theorize IE Expansion

I shall quote Daniel Defoe

Thus from a mixture of all kinds began,
That het’rogeneous thing, a German:
In eager rapes, and furious lust begot,
Betwixt a painted Slavic and a Nordic maggot,
Whose gend’ring off-spring quickly learn’d to bow,
And yoke their heifers to the Celtic plough:
From whence a mongrel half-bred race there came,
With neither name, nor nation, speech nor fame.
In whose hot veins new mixtures quickly ran,
Infus’d betwixt a French and a Dane.
While their rank daughters, to their parents just,
Receiv’d all nations with promiscuous lust.
This nauseous brood directly did contain
The well-extracted blood of Germans

I can imagine them going after the steppe region specifically, probably with the aim of ethnically cleansing all non-R1s and forcing the new settlers to speak reconstructed Proto-Indo-European.

That's a good poem you have there. Thankfully I'm not German so I can laugh at it without feeling offended.

The Franks were simultaneously royal diaspora Troad who escaped the celtization of their people and seafaring Venetic allies in Pannonia because of their status who later moved west into Germania and Austrasia, and royal diaspora Troad who after settling the Sea of Azov and undergoing cimmerianization with their seafaring allies the Veneti moved westwards during the migration period eventually ending up in the Rhine delta.

These two groups formed the Ripuarian and Salian Franks, not necessarily respectively.

They didn't base their policies on research but their research on policy. At the end of the day they wouldn't have went so far with haploshit that a German with I1 would have been worse than an R1a Ukrainian.


Also Hitler was E1b so there's that

Getting desparate lmaoooo

what do you believe my position to be?

>I-ich bin kein Deutscher


You are the servants of darkness, and thus, the enemies of the Mazdean Celtic Race

Not me

Not really interested honestly since it changes every week. A few days ago I even saw you claiming that all your theories were troll attempts and that you're actually haplogroup E.

Wait nevermind, I didn't notice the filename so I assumed you were the Frankuck.

>the enemies of the Mazdean Celtic Race
According to you I'm a Celt, so no.


Franks were Germanic, Bretons Celtic.

Germano-celts or kind of that shit, since they use vigesimal shitty number system.

They're a mongrel nation of three races.

wrong OP

Who here Euro Mongrel

>spoke Germanic

happens all the time

Anglo-Baltic mongrel master race :^)

>The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a collection of Germanic peoples, whose name was first mentioned in 3rd century Roman sources, associated with tribes on the right bank of the Lower and Middle Rhine in the 3rd century AD, just outside the Roman empire.


this basically means nothing

Thank me later.

Turkey aside from the kurds there are only turks there.

They were time travelling Czechs

Balts are Poles

Please do not associate me with P*les. My Baltic ancestors were of pure Baltic blood, and only Polish in tongue.

I stand corrected, but I had Brittany and Normandy in mind when I typed that

Dutch people are more German than germans themselves. really makes you think

Poles are half Balt.

>you're actually haplogroup E
I'm half-Morrocan.

> even saw you claiming that all your theories were troll attempts
I indeed larp as French/Frank/Alan as an hobby, but my studies of the Franks cannot be considered as troll attempts in themselves, they are troll attempts because my theories are controversial.

I did post them because i knew it would bring a lot of butthurt tho

Anyway, as i said previously, the Frank-thing is not funny anymore so i' will now post about my true E1b1b ancestors

I honestly don't know what to believe. In a month's time your story will probably change again. For now I will simply have to assume that all your beliefs aren't real.

>greentexts a hyperlink

Also how do you feel about your face being posted constantly? Do you regret it at all, knowing that your face is now connected to a troll/larp personality?

If there was a Nobel prize for autism it would be all yours

You are welcome.

>Also how do you feel about your face being posted constantly?
I don't care desu, the Trojan-posts beside my face annoy me tho

I must admit that i wasn't that proud of my morrocan origin a few months ago, but since i learned about Afro-Asiatic people, Natufians, and Samaritan Cohanim being E-M78, i feel quite smug

They are French.

They are Latin.