Mods are asleep. Perform the ritual, summon Trappy.
Mods are asleep. Perform the ritual, summon Trappy
Trappy will never notice me
Who's Trappy?
Who is trappy? I've been gone for a couple years
a deranged man who pretends to be a girl in real life and on Veeky Forums
> implying gender dysphoria is bad
>people on this board unironically take lifting advice from a man who dresses as a woman and fills his body with hormones of the opposite gender
you cant make this shit up
who is this
This is 10 miles beyond the vitamin avenger episode
Possibly surpassing fatlifts getting v& for lowwww schedule drugs episode
I am going to tivo the shit out of this
Why are man-women so much better looking than regular women
>tfw have been maki avatarfagging for almost two years
>Tfw can't Maki avatarfag on fit because of trappy
>have to use an unrelated trip now to attention whore and shitpost
That looks like a man.
The reason you fnd them more attractive is because you are an actual homosexual who is attracted to men. That's fine, but don't dress it up as anything else.
Because you're gay m8
>liking women makes you gay
If that's a man then i'm the biggest faggot there is because I will smash that without a second thought.
Science has gone too fucking far.
Post nudes you cocktease
It's an actual woman. Not a trap. Not a man.
Not biting m9. Just make peace with your deviancy and all will be forgiven.
swedish fish
what is that cat looking at? ?
>her feminine penis
that's what.