If Africa was "colonized", then where are all the white people in Africa? There's probably more Africans living in Europe, than the other way around.
Wouldn't "influenced" be a more apt descriptor.
>inb4 meme map
If Africa was "colonized", then where are all the white people in Africa? There's probably more Africans living in Europe, than the other way around.
Wouldn't "influenced" be a more apt descriptor.
>inb4 meme map
In the 60s there was more white people in Africa then they were black people in Europe
Millions of wh*Tes used to live in North Africa, but they were kicked out by genetically superior black bulls. wh*Tes in Zimbabwe are mostly gone as well, and soon wh*Tes in South Africa will be gone as well.
I didn't say black people I said Africans. Why does everyone have to make everything about race.
Are you functionally retarded?
They left as a part of the decolonization efforts.
Africa has a population of 1.21 billion.
The nation with the largest presence of those with African extraction is the US which only has about 12% of the population as African derived, or slightly under 4 million blacks.
For Europe the continent has about 700 million people. African populations top out around 1%, so that's roughly 7 million in Europe.
Combine those up and we get 11 million. Divide into 1.21 billion.
That brings up just a cunthair's less than one percent of Africans have left Africa for the west.
Learn some basic demographic skills before you shit yourself next time.
>The nation with the largest presence of those with African extraction is the US which only has about 12% of the population as African derived, or slightly under 4 million blacks.
think you missed a 0
Blacks and Africans are not exactly the same things.
Why is everybody making this about race.
323000000*.12=...yeah I missed a zero, 38 mil.
Revised that's 3 percent of Africans have left for the West, which still isn't that significant.
>Blacks and Africans are not exactly the same things.
>African extraction
There are Africans that are not black, and there are blacks that are not african, how is this so difficult to understand.
It's not.
OP is talking about Africans elsewhere.
The best quick demographic read of that is percentage of black populations.
But if you're gonna get a semantic bug up your pooper because I probably didn't account for 100kish North Africans and a few dozen Abbos when we're talking about demographic trends in the tens and hundreds of millions, not to mention billions, then I dunno what to tell you.
How come they left no genetic legacy?
Unlike in America and Australia, the indigenous population wasn't exterminated. That made it kind of hard to take over, population-wise, for white people.
He's racist to white people
What about black people from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Latin America? Why did you omit them in your math?
African literally means black to people globally, they refer to the caucasoids as North Africans exclusively, african means black people.
Why do you spell it like that?
Not me.
abostralia couldn't have had a high population. I doubt they were "exterminated." than again, 60 million amerindians are alive today which is higher than the whole pop. od the Americas pre-coloumbus so they weren't "exterminated" either.
No it doesn't. It only does to hics in middle America.
That's true, people usually make the distinction in terminology for non-black Africans.
Africa is a white name stupid nigger.
African = anyone from Africa.
Sub-Saharan African = Black. That is global terminology.
Estimates are that 90% of the Amerindian population died off mostly from disease, which the Europeans encouraged the spread of. They were already mostly gone when most of the colonizers arrived.
Perhaps aboriginals weren't exterminated in the same way, but my point still stands that they didn't have a high population which left a void for Europeans, unlike in Africa.
African means black to everyone else globally Im sorry.
Between Brazil, DR, PR, and Mexico, the Afro Carib populations just under 17 million.
Canada comes just under two mil.
Revised, congrats, it comes out to another single percentage for a grand total of 4% outside of Africa.
Still not significant.
Africa was very sparsely populated until recently.
Also endless wars fueled by the trans-atlantic trade substantially depleted their male population, which should have left them open to replacement.
I realize that African means anyone from Africa, I'm just saying when people talk about it they usually make the distinction. Obviously you are correct, I'm just saying in most conversation most people tend to say "north african" or "white south african" or some other such qualifier to make the distinction where it is warranted.
A horse is a horse of course, but when you're talking about breeds it just makes sense to call something by its name. Otherwise conversation would be confusing.
Also everyone agrees "sub-saharan" is a racist and not politically correct term whose use is discouraged.
>Africa was very sparsely populated until recently.
>open to replacement.
I would say no, relative to the Americas.
Brazil has the most african related diaspora in the western hemisphere, they just have strange ID politics in their census designations. That would put the number at way more than 17 mil.
Most of the slaves sent to the new world were sent to Brazil.
What the fuck are you talking?
Only West Africans and some central were taken in the slave trade, the negros in southern Africa have had freedom since time memorial.
>That would put the number at way more than 17 mil.
Take it up with the Brazilian census dept., not me. In fact, my number is higher than their estimates. Also remember, "Pardo" is not construed as an "african" identity, particularly as local subcultures arise and their color melds with the rest of the population.
Pardo is not an African identity because they are Brazilian, but Africa's legacy is in their genes.
There weren't many settlement-based colonies in Africa, with the only real exceptions being South Africa, Rhodesia, French Algeria, and Spanish Morocco. For the vast majority of Africa, the time spent under European administration was usually around 80 years. Even then, that was extractive colonization (i.e., let's get as much money and resources as possible before we leave), so most whites there were only there for the colonial administration or business interests.
As a result, when decolonization happened, they had very little interest in sticking around. In countries where there had been active military resistance to colonial rule, most of the white residents either fled (Algeria) or were forced out by government policies (Rhodesia/Zimbabwe). Spain simply annexed the majority-white cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and South Africa's seeing a white exodus due to rising ethnic tensions.
~t. mestizo who thinks they're blanco in self-denial
>, which the Europeans encouraged the spread of.
That's false.