>Byzantium wasn't the Roman Empire, they were just greek LARPers
Byzantium wasn't the Roman Empire, they were just greek LARPers
But they're not and they are.
They're the historical equivalent of the Nova Roma fags, but couldn't even get the religion as right as they do, which is sad, because the Anatolian Greeks were closer to it than we are today.
>The Roman Empire is suddenly not the Roman Empire anymore because Ravenna has fallen and the Augustus of the west has been deposed and the Empire is now ruled by one bloke again instead of two.
How can Greeks LARP as Romans when Romans themselves LARPed as Greeks
Clearly that's what it means.
So, if America:
>split down the Mississippi
>adopted a socialist government in the West coast
>wrote a new constitution in the West
>declared DC to be irrelevant from the West
>adopted Spanish in the West
>changed religions in the West
>was ruled by a triumverate instead of a single head of state in the West
You'd still call the west coast the United States of America?
Legally the ERE was the Roman Empire. The division was made only to govern the empire better, neither side claimed to be a new political entity.
The ERE never made a new constitution or something this radical, they just changed their army composition and reformed a bunch of laws. They also never changed religion, since Constantine ruled over 2 christianized parts.
Basically you're retarded
>The Roman Empire wasn't the Roman State, they were just italian and barbarian LARPers.
>they didn't do anything radical like reform the government or anything
>they just reformed the government!
No, you.
>this blatant strawman
But romans were just greek larpers so where does that put us
>this ahistorical revisionist attitude
romans were a hellenized mixture of latins tribes that LARPed as trojans and shiet
>divide an ungovernable empire
>make sure both parts recognize their secondary role
>lol they arr 2 now so no rominz big empire no more
False analogy.
The correct analogy would be: The US is divided in two administrative areas. It has the same kind of government in both halves, and the two POTUSes are colleagues. From time to time, one of the Presidents rules the entire USA, which is still a unique nation. An aggression on one half, will be considered an aggression on both, and there is complete freedom of movement of people, capital, and goods between both halves. You are a US citizen whether you live in the West or the East, and whether you speak Latin, Gallic, Greek, Coptic or whatever. The elites in both halves have Greek as a second lingua franca anyway.
Now, the West gets overrun, the POTUS is forced to abdicate, and the Chinese Empire takes control of the state. The new elite with different rules from the rest of the population. They do not abide by the constitution, and are not nominated by anyone but ethnic Chinese.
Meanwhile, the eastern part of the nation keeps going, litteraly the same way as a week before the abdication, and even the Chinese state in the west recognises the Eastern part as still being the US.
Over the years following the conquest, the East reforms several times, but not once does a revolution change the form of government, and not once do the people and government ever see themselves as anything but Americans.
Yet you would have us believe they are not american, and the east is not the US.
>but not once does a revolution change the form of government
Holy fucking dogshit I hurt myself laughing.
Did you just utterly forget about the weekly "tax riots" just because some nonrelevant obscure noble won the chariot races that week.
Holy fuck you're retarded. They were riots and civil wars between pretenders to the throne, not revolutions aimed at completely dismantling the former government of the state (russian revolution).
>orthocux byzaboo
>calling anyone retarded
2/10, replied.
Hello there
>hurr durr cuck boo boo
^Ladies and gents, behold the absolute state of Byzaboos in this board.
I've already explained your faulty beliefs and told you why they're wrong. If you're this retarded the only weapon I can come up with to fight your shitposts is brainlet wojakposting
This fucker is still buried in Haghia Sophia
>Early 476
A state has two augusti, one in Constantinople, one in Illyria. This is the Roman Empire.
>Late 476
The same state has now a single Augustus, in Constantinople.
This is NOT the Roman Empire, it is a bunch of LARPing Greeks.
Nice logic.
They did not believe they were Italians. End of story.
And the Romans didn't consider the Italians to be part of them for centuries, your point?
The most important is that the Eastern Romans thought of themselves as Romans, as in citizens of the Roman Empire. That is all that had counted for centuries. Did Trajan the Beatican consider himself Italian? Or Roman?
Mental retardation mixed with a little bit of stormfaggotry at its finest
>>muh roman language
>>muh roman city
>>muh roman ethnicity
>>muh roman culture
>i don't need any of these shitlord, I'm roman
Roman Empire died in 476. The ones claiming it survived are larpers.
>pagan religion
>latin language
>italic ethnicity
>italian peninsula
>eastern orthodox
>greek language
>greek/anatolian ethnicity
>greek/thracian/anatolian land
>direct political continuation
There isn't direct political continuation without owning Rome.
If a Roman from 2nd century BC, met a Roman from 4th century AD, he could still understand the other Roman. The same can not be said for a 6th century Byzantine who he could not understand.
definitely not
trajan was born in Italica, do your math
So a dude born in Carthago Nova should consider himself carthaginian?
I'm not saying his family wasn't Roman, just that if anything, he considered himself Roman rather than "Italian". I doubt many Romans living in Sicily or Mediolanum would have considered themselves "Italian" for the longest periods of antiquity.
I don't think you understand the pint made by that user. Latins were a tribe of Italics. Italics were the first non-Romans to become Roman. There was no distinguishment between the people from the Italian peninsula and Romans. The core of Romans was always Italic, Italian peninsula was the real heartland. Romans = Italics/Italian.
>The most important is that the Eastern Romans thought of themselves as Romans, as in citizens of the Roman Empire. That is all that had counted for centuries.
Words can change in meanings. People outside of courtrooms thought they were citizens of the Orthodox Empire and Roman Empire was just a synonym.
They literally did not believe they were from Rome, a city in Italy.
I perfectly understand his whole point, which is to try to argue the Eastern Romans weren't Romans because they didn't identify as Italian.
As you say yourself, the Italics were the first non Romans to become Roman citizens, not the last. Once they started proping up colonies all over the place and Commodus made everyone a Roman citizen, it become hard to argue that the Eastern part of the Empire was suddenly not Roman enough, just because it didn't hold Italy or because the Roman Elites in Constantinople were less numerous than those still in Italy under Ostrogothic control.
This is ridiculous. It was the medieval Roman Empire with a legal, proven line of succession.
>Words can change in meanings. People outside of courtrooms thought they were citizens of the Orthodox Empire and Roman Empire was just a synonym.
They called themselves Roman, all the way up to 1453, or 1919 in that island's case. That word never changed in meaning from Commodus' reign onward. What DID change was what they called the State, as you said, it was the Orthodox Empire, or the Roman Empire, or just Romania. But de jure it was the same state as the Roman empire in, say year 400.
>t. >H>R>E
They were the line of Constantine and the Roman emperors, so at least they are the inheritors of the Roman Empire (Roman Republic probably not)
>This is ridiculous. It was the medieval Roman Empire with a legal, proven line of succession.
Can you imagine being Byzboo and having less of a line of succession than Germans?
What kind of a shit map is that?
Good analogy.
t. angry frog