What happen to sparrow?
What happen to sparrow?
tfw i'll never have a gf that either IS sparrow or looks exactly like her
why even live
sparrow does have an attractive stomach.
She posted a video on Instagram 2 days ago
>wanting a gf with no tits, no ass, manly as fuck legs, and muscular delts and back
So you want your girl to look like a long haired man when you fuck doggystyle?
>tfw you will never find a liftan grill who does hip thrusts and cardio only
Taste is subjective m8, she's pretty cute and I like her memes
what is her instagram?
>tfw no sparrow gf
We all know that feel brah
yo what the fuck is up with her arm mobility, girl could beat u off with both hands if ur dick was at her back
>girl could beat u off with both hands if ur dick was at her back
>that video
Why is she so cute bros
I don't even think she's attractive, she just has such a pleasant personality. Really missing her over in /plg/ Tbh
she's a nice girl
Where can i find her nudes? i lost my imgur album link ;-: i want to have a memorial fap to sparrow
She still lurks.
Her nudes were unimpressive unfortunately.
The Apex predator
sarah if you're itt pls come back, I want to talk about evola, mishima and rewilding with u
>Her nudes were unimpressive unfortunately
please post
I just watched a vid of sparrow diddylifting and her tits were bouncing all over the place. Looked pretty good to me brah, think you might just be gay.
She got even fatter then got sectioned after a fallout with her BF
I want to be her bf
desu just imagine
>thick/solid/tight ass thighs gripping u when u in miss.
>they get tighter and tighter the closer she gets >you tighten your core more and more to resist
>you tryna murder her pussy and she tryna murder you
Jacked legs on a bitch is some shit, if u hate u prob never fucked one or she got u to tap out on a leg hold and u felt cucked n'fucked.
>>thick/solid/tight ass thighs gripping u when u in miss.
>>they get tighter and tighter the closer she gets >you tighten your core more and more to resist
>>you tryna murder her pussy and she tryna murder you
I'm suppose to be lifting right now, not leaking precum
Quads never lie
>every time you exhale her grip gets tighter so you have to keep that there core tight
>race against the clock until u get anaconda'd
>you get vascular as fuck cause of this so you get to mire urself
>catch her mirin
We'll find out in a bit.
>Tfw she knows I took a screenshot.
Give us the nudes
quads confirm. sparrow bulked to oblivion
>Not using AZ screen recorder
She has tits and an ass. She also has thunder thighs, and her arms and shoulders aren't so big that their masculine. Plus the piss thing is pretty sexy
>Plus the piss thing is pretty sexy
You mind elaborating on that?
She pissed herself deadlifting at a meet. Walked off the platform with pride
I want sparrow to piss in my mouth
>She will never sit on your face until you suffocate
Is a more perfect, peaceful death even possible brehs?
>Plus the piss thing is pretty sexy
i feel bad for her ;-;
sparrow is a national treasure. too bad she probably doesn't even go on Veeky Forums anymore.
>bbygrill pls come back, /plg/ is full of fat fucking faggots without you.