I've lost $20k in shitcoins this weekend
Can anyone top that?
I've lost $20k in shitcoins this weekend
Can anyone top that?
Who's in the pic? Your parents?
7k here
I hope you're memeing or else gtfo, newfag.
Well I've made almost 15k if that makes you feel any better.
the JUST guy has a milf muh dog
Me too op
That's just OP's wife and Bret, the scuba instructor.
no u
Right on
Seeing all these anons lose money makes me feel a lot better. I lost so much last night, more than ever before, and Im usually good at this thing. I just...
LMAO, I haven't lost shit.
Good thing I sold ELIX at a loss day before yesterday and averaged down the loss by buying LINK. I'm buying the dips too. Heheheje
Lost 25k€ in 24hours
How much were you faggots trading with?
whats wrong with that guys hair?
>tfw newfag
>used to shitpost and pretend I lost money in bitcoins
>only have gotten gains
>buy Ark a few week ago
>It had never crashed at that point so I put half of my savings into it
>check back now
I am too scared to check markets and might just go back to hodling, can somebody give me a quick rundown on the current situation
literally every alt is down besides ripple
bitcoin is rallying...just hit 4600
i had 950usd on the 26th and now i have 480...
same here but I went all in on ark
been depressed
got fired today because i stopped going into work
going to just hold, can't sell now
now's a good time to buy ARK lads, the euphoria is over and we gotta dip on our hands
Perfect time to buy Flik and it's price is still maintaining while everything else is dropping.