why does squatting make my hamstrings and glutes sore but not my quads?
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Because you're doing them correctly
Alot of different reasons. If I recall right, low bar has a tendency to hit those harder than high bar. You might have weak glutes and hamstrings, you might have bad form, you might have poor hamstring mobility. How much do you squat and what style do you use?
Soreness comes from eccentric loading you haven't adapted to. Chances are your quads are more developed than your glutes or hamstrings, therefore they're more adapted to eccentric loading, therefore you haven't yet stressed them enough to make them sore.
You might just have weak af hams and glutes. Which is good
Or you might be doing lowbar which hit those more than quads anyway
Tbqh, glute and hamstring development is more important imo than quad development. Building a great ass/legs from behind is good shit
Your form is wrong or you arnt getting a proper rom. Try stretching out before and squatting with a mirror facing you or have someone recording.
The more you bend your torso forward you feel your posterior chain. That's either because of bad ankle mobility or powerlifting style squats. It's not wrong to squat that way thu.
Try Front or Highbar Squats and you will feel your quads more.
Added to this, don't pay any attention to people telling you what 'hits' whatever more or less. How sore you are after a workout bears no relation to what has or hasn't been 'hit' harder or softer than anything else.
>The muscle used out have nothing to do with them getting sore
>why does squatting make my hamstrings and glutes sore but not my quads?
you are doing them wrong, hams are not supposed to be sore, you are probably doing a good morning.
>squatting doesn't affect your hamstrings
>hams are not supposed to be sore after squat
Everyone who says you're doing them wrong is probably wrong. It depends on your proportions. The longer your femurs are in proportion to your torso, the mor you'll have to lean over causing your hamstrings and glutes to take over.
>hams are not supposed to be sore
>If your hamstrings get sore when you squat, you're doing something wrong.
>by Mark Rippetoe
Rippletits would be proud of you.
this, both answers are right here, but most likely he had weak hamstrings/glutes. What's your squat and what's ur hamstring curl op. Lots of people don't even do hamstring curls and have weak hamstrings in general
that isnt what he said at all
triggered because you're a retard that cant read
I have the exact opposite problem from OP.
I back squat - high bar and I only feel it in my quads. Occasionally I'll feel it in my glutes and hamstrings, but barely. I always go ATG. Maybe my form just sucks...
No the problem is high bar fampai