Hey Veeky Forums, how does someone get REALLY big...

Hey Veeky Forums, how does someone get REALLY big? I'm talking being so god damn big to the point it isn't even about aesthetics anymore and just about being BIG.

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steriods, squats, and oats

Just take a shit-load of steroids and get fat.


isn't this guy just full of synthol?

Yeah, another 3rd world gym goer that pumps synthol fucin ghey

why do they do this shit? it doesn't even look good

I think it's a shop, his hands are enormous.

That doesn't look like synthol at all

well its hard to tell because hes fucking 95% fat.

Wow, 16 (sixteen) scoops? That's like 14 (fourteen) scoops too many.
I'm only taking 2 (two [1 + 1]) scoops right now, so taking 16 (sixteen [8*2 {eight times two}]) is too much. I can't believe you (fag) would recommend that much.

how do you even make up posts like this

He's either got a pituitary tumour (HGH through the roof) or is doing /fraud/

please ignore
last 3 digits is how many seconds I have to do planks

pure, unadulterated autism

His proportions are very weird, but their also what lends themselves to the debunking of synthol. Synthol users have very strange proportions, because only their muscles are injected, the rest of the body still looks like a dyel. The OP picture shows clearly that the mans entire body is built this way


fuck this guys is like a real life bane from the comics, body hair and everything

he's a big guy.

1) lots of calories
2) heavy progressive overload training
3) proper use and timing of steroids GH and insulin


>it isn't even about aesthetics anymore and just about being BIG.

Check about the documentary Under Construction. It's about this exact topic.



>his voice is actually this high pitched

You'll grow out of your masculinity crisis eventually OP

At that size, the trachea has very little space. It's possible that at least one vocal cord is paralyzed as a result.

In fact, very few giant guys actually have a booming voice.

Goal body


You are just not used to seeing people with over 25% bf with boatloads of synthol. The train wrecks you usually see are skinny dyels.