Daily reminder that the future success of LINK is independent of any specific cryptocurrency. Fork or no fork, this coin is taking off. 7 days until SIBOS. See you retards from the moon.
Thanks for the cheap 8000 sats LINK Limp Wristed Faggots
yea it was fucking retarded to sell so low kek, there is no news that could change the value of the coin, I woul've bought more but all my funds are in other coins
Just got an extra 1/3rd of my stack. Thanks faggots.
Literally missed the 7.5k dip by a few seconds.
kek people are such sheeps. Crypto trading is literally patient people taking money from the impatient.
>His target buy isn't below 7k
dependent on bitcoin lulz
*breathes in*
Never going under 9000 again
i just logged on to see that i missed it fucking shit fucking fuck
lmao this, its amazing really. there is someone on this board who bought high and sold at 7500
stop trying to daytrade and just fucking hold. any gains you think your making will eventually be wiped out like this
link has pumped, dipped and gone higher like 20 times now. I know you guys are emotional bitches and deserve it but i still feel bad for the sellers desu
so damn tempted to sell at the next ATH, cash out for profit, and rebuy at the next dip ~8k. has anyone else done this i imagine this trend of up and downs will only persist up until Sibos
will it dip back to 8k again or should i fomo buy back i fucked up selling at 8.3
where do you cunts even get the balls to sell your LINK
yeah I tried that shit with ANS, just when you feel certain of the pattern is the time it will moon
when you buy at 10.7k and see it drop down to 7.7k you really get the urge to sell at the next high and wait for a dip...
damn i hate this uncertainty lmfao i know for a fact it will reach $1 but its a roller coaster ride until that point
Projecting much?
..in all honesty, i don't have any confidence in my day-trading ability, so holding seems to be the best/safest option.
Know your limits, i suppose..
just look at this thread, any profit you make will be nothing compared to the moon mission that you will miss because there is no pattern
youre damn right user the profit in the long run will be so much more.. alright im staying in for good until this shit takes off thanks buddy
buy back into it slowly. maybe it does dip back to 8k maybe it doesnt nobody knows.
Fuck these weak handed faggots sellers. They don't deserve these obvious gains.