How many of you are narcissistic sociopaths (like really, not any self diagnosed/depression cases)

How many of you are narcissistic sociopaths (like really, not any self diagnosed/depression cases)

you're a disease
a blight on our entire species

thanks spooky skellington

the diagnosis of narcissism is very tricky, since there are actually several forms of it, that express itself in different manners.

Unfortunately, the DSM had to pick one and give it hard criteria, so that's the one everyone thinks about (the grandiose, loud attention seeker).

In reality, narcissism is one of the most under-diagnosed pathology in the west.

the last psychiatrist is good read if you want to under the what, why and how. If you stick with it you will probably have a few "oh shit" moments when you reflect on your own behavior.

And what are some of the different forms of it?


Boom. Right here.

I'm not into the histrionic thing though.

When my brother and I were children, our mother (diagnosed histrionic and manic depressive/bipolar) would threaten to leave forever unless we did whatever sort of dumb chore she wanted. As we got older, that evolved into her describing daily (in graphic detail) the guilt that would lay on us forever if she or our Father were to die the day we happened to not do the dishes/homework/cleaning on time.

My brother and I are both tremendous assholes now, and now I (and I'm pretty sure he does this too) experience guilt on the same level as a dog:

If I'm found to be doing something wrong (cheating on my gf/wife, blowing money, whatever) I'll know there are negative consequences and I'll look sad and act accordingly, but I don't really feel anything or lose any sleep.

I pretend so I can function and not have people hate me immediately

Diagnosed anti social personality disorder when I was 7. At 20 I am a full-blown sociopath. I'm a sadist and I geniunely enjoy watching humans suffer through physical but mostly emotional pain. Making people cry feels better than sex to me. I love making girls cry.
I am not some edge "feel the darnkess in my soul" fag. I am good looking and am very good at blending in. In highschool I had many friends and had lots of sex. I am very good at convincing people I am a cool and caring person. Really I just use others to appear more normal to blend in easier.

I only beat up one animal when I was 5 and felt bad about later. I assaulted a 7 year old year girl when I was 13 becuase she said she would tell the teacher I called her a bitch. I spartan kicked her as hard I could in she chest and punched her in the face a dozen times as hard as a could. She was in a coma for a few days. Never got caught. Stuff like this happened a lot but I don't have time to type it all.
Definitely have schizophrenia too but I don't want to get tested in case I want to join the army or buy a gun in the future.

My mom has anxiety/ depression / hoarding / psychotic episodes. She was badly abused as a kid and abused me too until I beat her to a pulp when I was 14. Felt really good. When I watched monsters inc when I was 10 I couldn't stop fantasizing about torturing and murdering boo (the young girl) in the movie for weeks. That is the exact moment I knew I was fucked in the head.

Felt good to get this off my chest

wew lad
tell some stories
in greentext please


And if you don't believe I'm good looking here's a picture of me.

some people are genuine sociopaths that have genuinely had fucked up lives.


you're a faggot. lol

>"not now mum I'm making a photo! jeez!

this desu. I actually think a lot of racism can be attributed to varying numbers of ASPD pieces of shit amongst the different population. This is, of course, not to say that racism is right - in fact, the communities of people that surround ASPD carriers are the worst affected and biggest sufferers.

just silliness. Nothing too serious.

My grade school went from grades 1-8
>kids in grade 3 built a huge snow fort infront of their classroom window
>they spent weeks building this pretty cool fort
>one day decide I want to be bad
>I am outside the classroom window
>they are inside for lunch
>knock on their window during lunch hour
>some of them come to the window
>begin to demolish their fort that they worked on all winter
>some are screaming and banging on the windows
>watch as they cry
>literally some of them are crying real tears of sadness and frustration
>teacher of their class comes to the window to see what is going on
>she looks visibly disgusted at what I am doing
>calls the principle
>they try to suspend me
>weasle my way out of it with charm and good looks
>I didn't really break any rules, snow isn't private property. I have the right to use it how I please... :-)
>they try to make me feel guilty
>Both teacher and principle are appalled at how I see nothing wrong with that I did

Waited after school to find that one kid from that class room who went out of his way to try get me in trouble after school. Put him in the nastiest walls of jericho known to man. Didn't stop even after I heard a loud snap. Stopped once he passed out from the pain. Apparently I broke his hip and lower part of his spine of something. His word against mine and I was one smooth talking son of a gun when I was young. Still am. Stupid fuck deserved it desu.

off-topic I wet the bed until I was 12 because I thought people were going to kill me at night. apparently this is a common trait in serial killers.

Oh I just remembered the time I almost murdered a special ed kid on a grade 6 camping trip. Might green text that too.

that kid is trying to look edge. And wants attention. Why would I upload a picture of my self with a bbq lighter bragging about my illness?

Do you like the things that you like just because it fits the image that you've mentally created for yourself?
How much of what you do is for what others see in you? Do you care about anything at all?

>that kid is trying to look edge. And wants attention. Why would I upload a picture of my self with a bbq lighter bragging about my illness?
proof that all sociopathy is is a differently compartmentalized form of autism

Mom smoked when I was in the womb. I think it caused me to be a sociopath; however, empathy can be learned. Just want to enjoy life without negatively affecting others.

no therapist or doctor is going to diagnose you a ''narcissistic sociopath"

no narcissistic sociopath is going to be stupid enough to reveal their true nature to a shrink or doctor

>Do you like the things that you like just because it fits the image that you've mentally created for yourself?

I just lie about everything when people ask about my personal life to make me appear normal. For example. Black person talks to me. "Ohh yeah I love Michael Jordan, really respect his skills. Oh yeahI love hip-hop Dr. Dre is dope, Black lives matter bro :)" I repeat everything people say to me but just paraphrase it. I appear engaged and relate-able.
I just mimic everything around me in great detail.

Do you care about anything at all?
Nothing to care about. We all die eventually and will be forgotten. Do you know anything about your great-great-great grandfather? He was a human just like you who lived and died but it's as if he never existed.

>that will change when you have kids
Do you really think it's a good idea for someone like me to have children and a wife? It would just repeat the cycle.

My parents tested me for autism when I was young. I don't have autism.

I do the same mimicking thing if I actually feel like talking to someone, but I don't feel the need to hurt people for no reason. Does sociopathy exist only if the desire of violence exists?

That's being genuine vs. social mask.
That's not really sociopathy, lying to people so you get along with them just makes you a fake loser

Petty insults aren't going to make a difference to me, but I appreciate the effort.

So you're... a normal person? No one actually cares about doing things that are "wrong", they care about getting caught

I don't consider my self a violent person anymore. I was very violent when I was young and not self-ware. These days I just enjoy watching people suffer emotionally. Bonus if it's young women.

I'm smarter than you.

Nuh uh I'm smarter; you're the dumb one.

I'm a sociopath but not a narcissistic.

I am just very antisocial, or hiposocial. I feel a slave of time. I just want to not be bothered and stay fit to reach immortality through pills, some day.

This is my ideal home.
Ideally I wouldn't have a computer at home, just a smartphone. I'd go to work and use internet there, and after 6 pm I would be at home, doing nothing, or just reading, listening to music, etc.

Just a peaceful life. One room, no big house, no family, no problems.

It's not depression either.

Don't want a companion, either? I'm assuming you meant no to that when you mentioned no family.

Try some psychedelics, if you really do autism it could have interesting effects. Your "super power" is a tragic disease.

I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're replying to the wrong person.

Oops. That was meant for OP. OP is a fucking fag.

>I just mimic everything in great deal

If you aren't taking us on a ride, that's one of the main parts of psychopathy, and the stories from earlier show a lack of empathy and pretty heavy manipulation if they're real.

You now have your diagnosis from Dr. internet

Nigger get out

antisocial isn't the same as hyposocial

antisocial means you do things that are literally destructive of society.

killed any kittens lately? and i mean that literally.

diagnosed axis ii personality disorder (no such thing clinically as a "sociopath"). im on a fucking list and cant legally own a gun or vote and shit. because i don't fucking yawn sympathetically and i laugh at videos of kids getting hurt.

Stop posting trappy

shadenfreude isn't sociopathic



cringed hard

wow you should really kill yourself baka your life is literally listed as a cancer to society and you cant influence anything what so ever

A dark triads test online determined I'm sadistic and slightly narcissist. And I always thought, I'm one of the nicer dudes around.

pft. narcissits don't commit suicide, moron. what part of "irrational self love" don't you understand?

>online test

Most people in the chanosphere are narcissists, almost nobody is a sociopath. Most "sociopaths" are just assholes.

Dude that back-breaking story sounds fake as fuck. Most of the rest is fine but that bit kinda spoiled the story, you know?

I used to think shit like this was a meme, but Veeky Forums attracts deviant individuals. At least a certain person doesn't know where I live, or my full name.

the online tests are shit, even the standardised ones used to psychometrically evaluate people are shit.

they're so open to manipulation and availability heuristics that the only ways to properly diagnose it are case analysis and fmri, and since fmri has just been btfo, it's basically case analysis.

tlp is such a good read.
Any reccs in a similar vein user?

I don't enjoy other people or animals suffering, I don't like hurting them. I just don't give a fuck about anything that doesn't concern my well being. I can cry about being lonely but I wouldn't care if my mother died. I'd be like, you know, oh well. I'd look and act sad because I know this is what is expected of me but thats it. I'm literally unable to create a bond with other people. What do Bros? Psychologist didn't help me at all. I just want to be a normal, empathetic, sensitive about others person, and I was at some point until I was bullied pretty hard when I was 10. You know, the "no friends and family not caring" situation. I have a lot of friends now and am a very social person, I love talking to and sprnding time with other people, I love the heartwarming feeling when someone unexpectedly does something really nice, I almost cried while watching soldiers homecoming videos but I'm still unable to give a fuck about my friends happiness, I'm still unable to feel bad about losing a close relative. What am I, fuuuck.

real sociopath with history of destroying girls lives.

just looking into my eyes

you guys would piss your pants..

I think I'm just a cunt, not a sociopath because I have diagnosed bipolar II and as far as I know sociopaths don't have much emotion

When I was younger I would threaten my older sister (by 6 years) and a few times some friends with knives. Sister because she pissed me off but friends was just to see how they would react (spoiler: they usually got really distressed and went home straight away afterwards). Another time my mum locked me in my sisters room for a bit because I was being a little shit and if I was in my room it was too easy to get out/play xbox so I just pissed on her bed
Present day me just lies, steals a little bit and cheats a lot, less violent, more sneaky

Holy shit we got some nihilistically wicked and intelligent senses of humour up in this bitch

I feel you brahhh just be immortal and chill forever minding my own business and not caring about anything else. We all know there's nothing past death come on guys.

>If I'm found to be doing something wrong (cheating on my gf/wife, blowing money, whatever) I'll know there are negative consequences and I'll look sad and act accordingly, but I don't really feel anything or lose any sleep.

fuck, i'm the same way. nothing legitimately bothers me, even if i get into a disagreement with my gf and she gets upset/cries about something, i just /act/ like im also upset/sad about it but i couldn't honestly say that i actually felt that way ever

Fuck, hello my brahs. I'm the same. I get really fucking irritated and mad when my gf (or anyone) cries

I've for sure got depression and anxiety.

Take meds for it daily. Used to be an alcoholic.

I mean. The apathy accompanied with depression is pretty sociopathic, but instead of pretending i just kind of walk away or act disinterested.
Though I suppose with gfs, only one suicide so I'm doing good I guess.

this post is only proof of what you're saying

hang in there, man

you people are like those rats from that one overpopulation experiment

I'm a freshman psych major but my diagnosis is that you remember your mom as a young girl, so you enjoy watching young girls cry. You definitely want to hate fuck your mom as well.

Go fuck yourself.

>implying anybody can ever actually be completely self aware


Immortality is gay, desu. We all have to die; death isn't something you can avoid, regardless of your immortality pills. The universe will be destroyed and you with it. All traces of you, and humanity, will be wiped away. You just have to accept it. It'll always be scary knowing there is oblivion waiting for you

You fucking losers who brag about being twisted inside and fucking over people for no reason at all are pathetic. Of course you're posting about this on Veeky Forums anonymously because you are so weak that if any common individual knew the extent to which you were mentally damaged you would be outcast from society as a lesser human. There is nothing good about being fucked in the head, it doesn't make you special. You're right not to reproduce.

tl;dr go fuck yourself scum of the earth