This morning I ate an entire Little Ceaser's Hot N Ready pizza. How fucked am I?

This morning I ate an entire Little Ceaser's Hot N Ready pizza. How fucked am I?

Probably won't even make a difference if you eat healthy the rest of the week.
How "fucked" were you when you ate a pizza before you started obsessing over nutrition?

ur sodium levels r off the cahrt, u wil ldie of hypertension later in the day. Sorry, RIP.

You're probably going to die of you eat anymore in the next ~6 months.

It takes about 29 weeks for one of those pizzas to fully digest and make its way through your system. Assuming you have a healthy digestive system. If not, it basically becomes a stone-like plaque.

I use to eat everything but still was relatively fit until I finally buckled down and started eating right because I wasn't seeing any results. The end of last year I was dirty bulking, but now I've been on a cut. (Lost 20 pounds so far).
pls God no..

Also anyone else here like 80's fit babes?



Mein cock.

christ yes post more



Pls respond

Why do bra companies make fake nips on their bras to confuse men

She's not wearing a bra user those strap are apart of the bottom of her outfit





>i really wanna fuck her tho

80s fitness girls are the pinnacle of women
But are they
>Hot and ready

>Tfw these girls are old and gross now



>people don't age in 30 years


Literally the most useless decade

Kill yourself underage fagget



as a redwings fan, i appreciate your sacrifice

A cheat day, no big deal.
Hit legs tonight and hit them hard.
Finish with deadlifts.